5 Ways to Prevent Pregnancy

5 Ways to Prevent Pregnancy
5 Ways to Prevent Pregnancy

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Preventing pregnancy can seem complicated, especially since there are so many methods of contraception to choose from. The choice of contraceptive method depends on a personal decision that must be thoroughly evaluated. Information is the first step in finding the method that best suits your needs, your beliefs and your lifestyle.


Method 1 of 5: First Method: Barrier Methods

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Prevent Pregnancy Step 1

Step 1. Condoms

Latex condoms are worn on the penis during intercourse. They prevent pregnancy by preventing the semen from coming into contact with the fertile eggs. In some places, such as the clinics, they are distributed for free, but you can buy them for less than € 1 each in pharmacies (without a prescription) and in the supermarket.

  • Condoms offer an additional benefit: they both protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
  • Condoms are made of thin latex, so it can happen that they tear during intercourse. When this happens, the risk of pregnancy increases dramatically.
  • Some people are allergic to latex condoms and choose to use plastic ones.
Prevent Pregnancy Step 2
Prevent Pregnancy Step 2

Step 2. Female condom

It is also made from latex. It has the shape of a ring with a pouch that slips inside the vagina; the ring, on the other hand, remains on the outside to keep the condom in place. The semen collected during intercourse does not come into contact with the woman's body. The female condom costs around € 2 each and is available at the pharmacy.

  • The female condom also reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases by protecting the vagina from direct contact.
  • Female condoms are somewhat less effective than regular condoms, and some people claim they are even less comfortable.
Prevent Pregnancy Step 3
Prevent Pregnancy Step 3

Step 3. Diaphragm

It is a shallow cup made of silicone. It is inserted inside the vagina, on the cervix, in order to prevent the semen from reaching the eggs. It is generally used together with a spermicidal gel to prevent the movement of sperm and increase the effectiveness of this contraceptive.

  • Each female body is slightly different from the others, so the diaphragm must be the right size to fit completely. Speak to your gynecologist for chart insertion.
  • The diaphragm is a fairly effective method, but it does not protect against STDs.

Method 2 of 5: Second Method: Hormonal Contraceptives

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Prevent Pregnancy Step 4

Step 1. Birth control pill

It is often simply called the "pill" and contains synthetic hormones, estrogens and progestogens, which prevent the eggs from leaving the ovaries so that conception does not happen. When taken correctly, it is an extremely effective contraceptive. The pill can only be purchased with a prescription from the gynecologist.

  • The pill, to be truly effective, must be taken at the same time every day. Skipping the intake for a few days reduces its effectiveness.
  • In some women it causes side effects. Each type of pill contains different levels of estrogen and progestin, so your gynecologist may prescribe a different pill in case of side effects.

Step 2. Other hormonal contraceptives

The same hormones contained in the pill can be taken in different ways. If you don't want to take the pill every day, consider the following alternatives:

  • Depo-Provera, a contraceptive that can be given by injection in the arm once every three months. The injection is very effective, but side effects may occur.

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  • The contraceptive patch. It is usually placed on the arm, back or thigh. It releases hormones through the skin and needs to be replaced after a few weeks.

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  • The contraceptive ring. It is inserted into the vagina once a month and is a slow-releasing hormone device to prevent pregnancy.

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  • The hormonal contraceptive implant. It is a flexible, slow-release hormonal stick that is inserted into the arm and prevents pregnancy for three years. Insertion and removal should be done by the gynecologist.

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Prevent Pregnancy Step 6

Step 3. The IUD or IUD (acronym from English Intra Uterine Device)

The IUD is a small metal device that is inserted into the uterus by the gynecologist. There is a type of hormone-releasing coil, while another model is made of copper and prevents pregnancy thanks to the effect of copper ions that block the movements of sperm, avoiding conception.

  • The spirals are very effective and last up to 12 months, however they have a fairly high cost that is around several hundred euros.
  • If you are worried about interrupting or altering your menstrual cycle, you can choose the copper IUD that performs a contraceptive function without interfering with the hormones, also avoiding annoying side effects.

Method 3 of 5: Third Method: Behavioral Methods

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Step 1. Withdrawal

Refraining from vaginal intercourse serves to prevent the semen from coming into contact with the egg, fertilizing it. This method prevents pregnancy 100% when applied constantly.

  • For some people, abstinence consists of completely withdrawing from sexual contact, but to prevent pregnancy it is only necessary to avoid vaginal intercourse.
  • Withdrawal requires a great deal of willpower, and some people may find it difficult to use this method for long periods of time.
  • It is important to use another method of contraception if you decide to end abstinence.

Step 2. Recognition of fertility

Those who use this natural contraceptive method must practice abstinence during the woman's fertile period. When there is a possibility of getting pregnant, vaginal intercourse should be avoided. This method is effective only if you correctly identify the fertile periods, abstaining from intercourse during those days.

  • Fertility recognition often relies on three methods of calculating the fertile period: the calendar method, the cervical mucus method, and the basal temperature method. Used together, these three methods are very effective in determining exactly a woman's fertile period.
  • The calendar method requires you to monitor the different phases of the menstrual cycle, noting the changes on a calendar to track their progress in order to predict when ovulation will occur.

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  • The cervical mucus method requires the control of cervical fluid which changes color and consistency during the woman's fertile period.

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  • The basal temperature method provides for the daily control of the basal temperature: when it rises by a few tenths it indicates that ovulation has occurred.

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  • The disadvantage of fertility recognition is that it requires a lot of time and attention. If you forget to check your mucus or temperature for a few days, you risk getting your calculations wrong and you will no longer be able to determine with certainty the days to practice abstinence.
  • The advantage of fertility recognition is that it is a completely natural method, which does not require any expenditure of money, nor the intake of hormones, nor the use of inconvenient tools.

Method 4 of 5: Fourth Method: Surgical Methods

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Prevent Pregnancy Step 9

Step 1. Female sterilization

With a surgery called tubal sterilization, the fallopian tubes are closed to completely eliminate the possibility of conceiving. This contraceptive method is extremely effective, but it should not be taken lightly, as it is very difficult, if not impossible, to reverse the process.

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Prevent Pregnancy Step 10

Step 2. Vasectomy

Men may decide to undergo a procedure that blocks the vas deferens, through which the spermatozoa flow, in order to prevent them from joining the sperm. After this procedure, when the man ejaculates the semen no longer contains sperm, making conception impossible. In some cases it is possible to reverse the vasectomy, but it is not recommended to undergo this treatment unless you intend to become sterile permanently.

Method 5 of 5: Fifth Method: Prevention of Pregnancy After Sex

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Prevent Pregnancy Step 11

Step 1. Use emergency contraception

That is the so-called Plan B. These are two pills containing levonorgestrel that must be taken as soon as possible after sexual intercourse. The earlier they are ingested, the higher the chances of avoiding pregnancy.

  • Emergency contraception can be requested in a hospital, clinic or pharmacy without a prescription.
  • This method should not be used as a substitute for other common contraceptives; this is the last resort to be taken in an emergency after unprotected sexual intercourse.