When you discover that you are pregnant, sharing the sweet news with others is an important part of all the excitement that will build up. Whether you choose to announce it in a super colossal and creative way or keep it secret and gradually reveal it to the people closest to you with "special chats", you will remember these moments as a significant part of your pregnancy. Here are several approaches you could use to share your joyful news with family and friends.
Method 1 of 3: Part 1: Tell the Partner

Step 1. Talk to him in an intimate conversation
You've probably been trying for a long time, and you know your novelty will bring tears of joy. Or maybe your pregnancy is completely unexpected, and it will be as shocking to him as it was to you when the "test" was successful. One way or another, you may realize that the best way to let him know is with an honest and intimate conversation.
- In most cases, your partner should be the first person to let them know. It may be tempting to call your mother or your best friend, but if you are in a relationship with someone else, who will be your baby's father, that person deserves to know right away.
- Try to be honest about how you feel when you talk to your partner about it. If you are feeling particularly anxious about what lies ahead, share that kind of feeling as well as joy. You will need emotional support during your pregnancy, and possibly your partner will be able to provide it, even in those times when you are feeling dejected.

Step 2. Reveal the news with a sweet or nice surprise
In case you want to reveal the news a little more creatively, just to enjoy the satisfaction of seeing his expression, here are some nice gestures to consider if you want to tell him with a laugh:
- Prepare a romantic dinner just for the two of you. Serve child-friendly courses, such as small pasta with cheese, fillet with baby carrots and fruit juice served in children's cups. For dessert, you can serve the cookies that the kids munch on when they put their teeth on. It won't take long for them to understand the message you are trying to communicate.
- Plan a quiet evening with movies and popcorn, but choose pregnancy-related titles, such as Nine Months, Junior, Baby Birba, and so on. Write the good news on a note that you are going to put in the DVD or Blu-ray case. Do not put it in the case of the first movie you will watch, but in the second. At the end of the film, get up to go to the bathroom and tell him to put the second film on. Wait for him to read the card, then enjoy his expression as he realizes.
- Say it with a gift. Buy a T-shirt that says "DAD" or "The best MOM in the world". Wait with a smile for your message to come true.
- Order a cake at the bakery. Request that it says "Congratulations on Pregnancy!". Ask your partner to pick it up for you, because you are too busy and won't make it in time. Then, when he asks you who you ordered the cake for, you will reply: "For us! We are about to become parents!".

Step 3. Be prepared for a whole series of reactions
In the event of an unexpected - or perhaps unwanted - pregnancy, stay calm and allow your partner to "digest" the news. A person's first reaction is not always indicative of the true feelings they have.
Method 2 of 3: Part 2: Tell People You Care

Step 1. Let him know when you feel ready
Some women prefer to wait a few months before sharing the news to rule out the possibility of an early miscarriage. If you have the same concern, spread the word after the first three months, when the chances of miscarriage are greatly reduced. In case you don't want to wait, choose the right time to say it together with your partner.

Step 2. Tell your loved ones before making it official for everyone
Communicate this to your family, his family and your closest friends first first to post the information on Facebook, Twitter or personal blog that anyone can read is a thoughtful and respectful thought.
- Consider sharing the good news in person, or by calling them individually. If you do this through an email or any "indirect" means you will miss their exclamations of surprise and delight.
- Alternatively, you may want to formalize the moment by sending them a "special" postcard. It is becoming "trendy" lately to share the pregnancy with postcards specially written for this type of "Communications". You can find them in almost any stationery shop.
- If you want to record people's reactions, wait until you have the next family reunion. Get everyone to gather together for a group photo, and instead of asking for the classic "Cheese" to smile, give him the news a moment before taking the photo.
Method 3 of 3: Part 3: Tell Everyone Else

Step 1. Announce it using social media
If you have a Facebook or Twitter account, you could share the news by creating an official statement or posting a picture of yourself that shows your pregnancy progress. Some couples choose to share an image from the first ultrasound. There are many creative ways to communicate the happy event - just be yourself.
Don't forget that once the information is in the public domain you no longer have control over "who" will find out. Don't post anything until you're absolutely certain you're ready to let a all.

Step 2. Consider your workplace
Your friends at the office are sure to be excited to hear about your pregnancy, but there are a couple of things to keep in mind when it comes to communicating this to employers and colleagues.
- Tell your boss first. It is common to wait until the first trimester, if not until pregnancy begins to be evident, before officially reporting it to your employer. If you have colleagues you'd like to let them know about earlier, it's best to organize some sort of meeting that your boss will also take part in.
- Learn about company regulations regarding maternity leave so that you are prepared to discuss it with your employer. Be prepared to answer questions about how your pregnancy will affect your job and how many vacation days you plan to take.
- By announcing the news soon, you can start preparations immediately, choosing the name and organizing everything you need for the baby, from the bedroom to the clothes. There are so many things to do in the nine months leading up to birth.
- Free your imagination and think of an original way to announce the good news. Create something special that sets you apart. It's about your baby and you can have as much fun as you want!
- Be prepared for those people who have a bad reaction. The announcement of a pregnancy have the power to arouse the most disparate reactions in people. Try not to take it personally if someone misses a not-so-pleasant comment.
- Be sure to consider when to announce it: even if it is good news, you could sprinkle salt on a wound. For example, if your sister had had a miscarriage a few weeks earlier, you could show some gentleness by not hurting her feelings. Try to imagine how you would feel in his seat.
- After the first baby, it is difficult to surprise friends and family because the signs of pregnancy appear very early. For this reason, you will be forced to announce it earlier than expected.
- If you know your partner, you know what kind of approach to use to announce the news: some would like the methods just described, while others would prefer something more serious. Make sure it's an unforgettable evening, but in a good way. Don't make you remember her for an argument.
- If you want to wait some time before announcing your pregnancy, remember that nausea, vomiting, bulging belly and visits to the gynecologist could betray you. If it becomes too difficult to hide it, it would be better to break the news immediately, otherwise you risk losing the surprise effect.