Breaking free from the gears of everyday life requires willpower, planning and determination. However, you can save yourself. The first step towards a meaningful transformation that can help you is learning to identify negative situations and behaviors that mortify you. You can learn to save yourself and improve your situation.
Method 1 of 3: Save yourself from a Bad Situation

Step 1. Identify the circumstances that need to change
A bad situation can be hard to digest, even if you're not quite sure what's wrong. If something doesn't feel right, start questioning yourself and analyzing your situation down to the smallest detail. What is wrong with your life? What should be changed? Ask yourself the following questions to try to recognize the signs of a bad situation that you need to save yourself from.
- Are you worried about your safety? Are you always stressed about fundamental aspects, because maybe you don't know how you will put a hot dish at the table or if you will be able to survive all day? If you find yourself in a situation of violence or danger, it may be necessary to take drastic measures to change your life.
- Are you in a fulfilling relationship? Are you with someone who supports you and makes you feel good about yourself? Try to figure out if your love life could be the cause of your problems. There is better around.
- Are you happy with your work? Do you like the boss and colleagues? Do you spend more time having fun or stressing out at work? Find out if work could be the problem in your life.

Step 2. Eliminate negative people
By surrounding yourself with negative, violent, or self-destructive people, you open the door to problems. It can be difficult to get away from friends and loved ones who can't take care of themselves, but if this situation throws you into a crisis, you need to learn when it's time to eliminate those who harm you. Identify relationships that are toxic or that you feel overwhelmingly responsible for and put an end to them. Save yourself from bad influences.
- Try to focus not on ending bad relationships, but on how to build new ones. Spend your time with people you like, they support and cheer you up, basically with those who are dedicated to constructive and positive things.
- If unlike your friends you have made tremendous progress in eliminating an addiction or substance from your life, it can be difficult to maintain relationships with them. Seek new friendships with which to engage in more uplifting and positive activities.

Step 3. Consider a change of scenery
In some cases, you can save yourself from where you live. Whether it's a city that doesn't offer the professional alternatives you want, a violent neighborhood that scares you or a house you need to escape from, take a leap of faith and walk away. Move in.
- Go anywhere you know you meet people who can help you through the transition period. Look for distant relatives or old school friends, who may be hosting you for a couple of days, while you look for a new job and a place of your own.
- Start saving immediately to start putting your plan into action. If you can't afford to move right away, you can always get started. Even the mere act of saving money and understanding the next step can help alleviate the disadvantage of being stuck in a certain place.

Step 4. Consider changing your attitude
Any teenager, whether living in Paris or London, wants nothing more than to escape to the glitter and luxury of other places. Everyone who has a job, whether it's great or career-less, has an endless afternoon, a hellish week, an epic head wash from their boss. Learning to distinguish between a circumstance that must change and the need to change attitudes is a big step in personal growth, as you become more mature and learn to save yourself. Imagine the cause of your problems disappearing from your life forever. How would your existence be different? Would it be? If so, adopt the change. If not, troubleshoot.
If you don't tolerate a certain place, make sure that that place is actually the cause of your problems. Is your city really as bad as you describe it? Would it all be solved if I went away somewhere? Or is the problem actually elsewhere? Don't outrun your problems, lest they chase you wherever you go

Step 5. Get help
Nobody should get out of a difficult situation by relying only on their own strength. Whether it's something terrible, like getting out of a toxic relationship, or something complicated, like applying for graduate school, learning how to change current conditions, and moving to a better place requires help from others. Surround yourself with positive people and ask for their help when you need it.
- If you live in a context of violence, ask for help immediately. Go to a refugee center. You don't deserve to live in fear.
- Talk to family, friends, teachers, and people you respect, saying you need help changing your situation. Ask for advice. Sometimes it can be difficult to pinpoint the causes of your problems when you are personally involved. Listen, don't get defensive, and trust the wisdom of others.
Method 2 of 3: Save yourself

Step 1. Identify your self-destructive tendencies
If you are your own worst enemy, it's time to start being realistic. How do you always do things your way? Before devising a plan to save yourself, it is important to have a clear idea of what you need to change.
- Do you have apathy problems? Are you full of good intentions on Saturday afternoon, but does it turn into a spiral of YouTube, X-Box and naps? Maybe you need to feel motivated.
- Do you have addiction problems? If a substance or activity keeps you in check, you don't have to live with it or fight it alone. Start coping with your addiction and taking control of your life.
- Do you suffer from low self-esteem? You should be able to rely on yourself, without fearing, criticizing and humiliating yourself. If you have a hard time being positive in life, maybe it's a matter of self-esteem.
- Do you take too many risks without getting results? If you are a gambler - someone who likes to feel the thrill of danger or failure - you are likely to experience severe disappointment more often than not. While there is nothing wrong with feeling a little excitement in life, however, if the risks you take are dangerous and compromise your safety, you may need to take some measures to save yourself from yourself.

Step 2. Identify your emotional levers
What channels you into a self-destructive path? Whether it's a person, a circumstance, or an idea, it's important to learn to recognize what triggers the behavior or the self-destructive spiral so that you can start eliminating this before it takes root. Pay attention to when you suddenly feel an urge and question yourself in those moments. Write if necessary.

Step 3. Remove and replace destructive stimuli
When you have identified what triggers negative emotional reactions in your life, replace it with positive behaviors. Try to channel your mental paths towards positivity and kindness, as opposed to self-destruction and depression. It's easier than you think.
- If you want to have a drink by dwelling on the emotionally abusive relationship you had with your father, learn not to give in. When you start thinking about your dad, you go to the gym. Hit a heavy sack for a couple of hours. Remove the plug.
- If you have apathy and self-esteem issues, start celebrating each little success and take steps to improve your self-esteem. Start taking more risks. Treat yourself as you would like to be treated.

Step 4. Learn to be independent
Take responsibility for yourself and start taking care of yourself. There is nothing wrong with relying on the help of others every now and then, but you also have to get away with relying on your own strength. Try to do it yourself.
- If you still live at home with your parents when, given your age, it would be more appropriate to live alone, perhaps it is time to leave. While it's a great way to save money after college, it doesn't have to be an excuse not to work. Take a step forward and grow.
- Don't ask for help when you can get by on your own. If the computer is having a tantrum, decide whether to tearfully call your friend and show yourself apart or try to figure out the problem on your own. Respect yourself.

Step 5. Check your most critical part
Whatever you want to call it - inner cop or guilty conscience - you have to learn to control the little voice inside you that teases you. Conscience is an essential part of a person's morality, but it can also lead to feelings of guilt, remorse and self-denial. It may be unwise to ignore your conscience altogether, but you have to learn to control it. Learn to use it when necessary and to know when to overshadow it.
Start avoiding what will make you feel guilty in advance. If you listen to your conscience before making a mistake, you will have no sense of guilt. If by sending a message or taking a certain substance, you are certain that your guilt will be unleashed, do not do it

Step 6. Surround yourself with supportive people
You cannot and must not do everything alone. Learn to surround yourself with people who support you, lean on, strengthen the best part of you, and keep you away from the worst.
Avoid toxic relationships and ones where you feel all the responsibility on your shoulders. You need to cut ties with people who leverage your weaknesses. While it is difficult, cultivating healthy relationships can help keep you away from temptation
Method 3 of 3: Save Your Soul

Step 1. Consider the big questions
If you feel you have a desire for knowledge that cannot be easily satisfied, perhaps you should ask yourself deeper questions for relief. Whether you consider yourself a spiritual person or not, the big questions can give you a new sense of purpose and fulfillment, helping to rearrange priorities and perspectives. Why we are here? What does it mean to lead a good life? Understand the difficulty and mystery of these questions.

Step 2. Offer your faith to the power of a guiding hand
Whether you want to call it "God" or not, by learning to give up your ego and accepting the idea of a higher power, you could have a powerful experience, enough to save you.
If you're not interested in religion, it doesn't mean you can't find a way to live loyally and with a deep sense of purpose. Physicists, artists and professionals from different sectors do not joke about the intense spirituality that envelops knowledge. Throw yourself into something entirely and find redemption in work

Step 3. Talk and learn from other believers
An essential part of any religious practice is to pray with believers who share the same perspectives. To delve into the purpose, practice, or religion you are considering joining, the best way is not to read a book or watch a video, but to have real interactions with other believers. Try to profess your faith because believers practice it, putting questions and concerns on the table. Discuss questions about your beliefs and daily practice that you might take comfort in.
Spiritual practice should be a daily activity. Even if you only go to church once a week or choose not to attend church at all, try to fuel your devotion in daily life. By meditating a few minutes a day, you can maintain a strong connection with the deep questions that pique your interest

Step 4. Consider actually professing a religion
If you intend to rediscover a sense of purpose and an interest in the sacred, perhaps it is appropriate to profess a religion. Start studying the different ways of worship and approaching different theologies and schools of thought to find the one that best suits your beliefs. Take the next step. Learn how to profess the following religions:
- How to Become a Buddhist
- How to be a Christian
- How to be Jewish
- How to be a Muslim