3 ways to entertain yourself when you are alone

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3 ways to entertain yourself when you are alone
3 ways to entertain yourself when you are alone

If you are looking for activities related to a euphemistic meaning of "playing alone", you will have to do it somewhere else (let's be honest: it's not that hard to imagine, anyway). On the other hand, if you're bored and can't find anyone to hang out with you, read these steps to learn how to spend time having fun on your own.


Method 1 of 3: At Home

Play With Yourself Step 1
Play With Yourself Step 1

Step 1. Draw

Everyone has imagination, but not all of us are able to access it. One of the easiest ways to have fun on your own using your imagination is to sit at a table with pens, paints, markers and start drawing. Make sure you have enough paper and don't hold back - keep sketching and drawing until you get something you like. Edit it, add details (and colors, if you made something colorful) and keep doing this until you're satisfied.

You don't have to show your scribbles to anyone if you don't want to. And if you don't want to keep them, throw them away

Play With Yourself Step 2
Play With Yourself Step 2

Step 2. Play with toy soldiers

Or with dolls or mini-football characters: any miniature is part of the playful tradition of children all over the world and with good reason, it's a great way to pass the time when there is nothing to do. If you don't have any, you can buy them, build them, or use decorative miniatures. Give each a name and title and build a story. Make a different voice for each and outline their personality traits.

You can use a crumpled blanket or stacked books to create the "scenery" in which your characters move. For example, try to think of a lone marine descending a wall made of books into a canyon in which he will be ambushed; perhaps a witch can appear riding a broom ready to save someone who is about to jump off a bridge. The possibilities are endless

Play With Yourself Step 3
Play With Yourself Step 3

Step 3. Dance

Are you alone, why not? Choose the music, turn up the volume and start fidgeting. You will be surprised at how fun it is. Do something different by putting on music you would never dance (a piece of classical, for example) and try a few moves. Let your body express the sounds and emotions of the song - you will also improve mood, as well as exercise.

  • Before you go crazy, of course, check that the door is firmly closed - unless you want to put on a show for those who live with you. By the time the others try to open the door, you will be able to compose yourself and be as usual again.

    Forcing yourself to get serious after dancing usually makes you laugh even more, but wasn't the point of having fun?

  • Get as much space as you can before dancing. Once you start, it's easy to lose control of your body.
Play With Yourself Step 4
Play With Yourself Step 4

Step 4. Do some solitaire

Or even party games in one-person versions. Probably the most famous solitaire is Klondike, a very simple card matching game. Others are the Pyramid and Spider. Apart from those of cards, you can also play alone with marbles, checkers and chess; obviously the challenge is limited, but the chances of learning and improving your strategy are high. You can also play skittles, darts or improve your pool technique, as long as you have the necessary equipment.

  • Playing pins on your own is easy, just make an X of pins inside a circle and pull from a distance trying to knock them down. It is a game suitable for closed places, if you have some space on the floor that must be clear of objects and carpets.
  • The solitaires that can be found on Wikipedia are almost unlimited. Note that not all variants are explained.
  • Card games like Magic or The Gathering and others like it can be done on your own just like chess or checkers. Obviously, playing against others is more useful for testing your strategies.
  • Another way to quickly pass the time - and keep track of how long it goes - is to put on some music while you play. If you have an idea of how long the album or playlist you listen to is good or bad, you will also make one of how much time passes.
Play With Yourself Step 5
Play With Yourself Step 5

Step 5. Play video games

Today more than ever there are video games in every home. Even if you don't have a console (like the Wii or PS3) to play, there are thousands of games available for PC and phone, many of which are suitable for a single player. Some give you the ability to challenge opponents online, others perform better if you play in the company of friends (especially those of cars, motorcycles and fights). Avoid the latter if you really want to play solo and go for action-adventure or role-playing ones.

  • Online you will find many games that you can play for free. Try Yahoo! Games for a wide selection of classic and recent titles, or onemorelevel.com for a smaller but curated list that is easy to navigate and includes lesser-known but still fun titles.

    Some online games allow you, for a fee, to unlock extra levels or features. If you're not 100% sure though, don't pay anything. Remember, it's only ever a free internet game

  • Don't throw out old consoles. Many fun games have been made for consoles like NES, Sega Genesis and the original PlayStation. These games - and the associated system that allows them to be used - can often be purchased for less than their original cost in flea markets.
Play With Yourself Step 6
Play With Yourself Step 6

Step 6. Have a hobby

If you have free time and no one to spend it with, why not build or do something fun? Try to assemble an airplane or a car, or build a model of a rocket and launch it behind a school over the weekend. Some hobby stores sell kits for making robots, developing colored crystals in water, and doing a variety of other fun things. Most of these kits cost less than € 25 and are a nice way to spend an afternoon.

  • Other kits include sand works, jewelry and the creation of dream catchers. Take a tour of the shop and see what inspires you!
  • You can also make your own "kit" by purchasing the essential parts and keeping them together. Try to make your own favorite soap or bath salts, candles, patterned T-shirts (with decals or by painting the fabric), or even wine (if you are the right age).

Method 2 of 3: Outdoors

Play With Yourself Step 7
Play With Yourself Step 7

Step 1. Play sports on your own

With a ball it's easy: find a wall against which to bounce it from different angles, trying to hit it every time. You can perfect your shots on the court if no one else uses the basket. Enhance your free kicks or running with the ball and chain or swing back and forth from point to point.

  • You can also try less traditional sports. Try to keep the footbag in the air as much as you can, pull the Frisbee farther or, if there is a designated area, play with horseshoes.
  • If there is a place to practice, archery is a great sport that you can practice alone. The equipment is usually a little expensive, but you shouldn't pay more than € 100 for it, which is cheaper than some other sports for example.
Play With Yourself Step 8
Play With Yourself Step 8

Step 2. Explore

By car, bike or on foot, exploring can be fun to find out who lives around you. Choose a direction and go. For a more naturalistic experience go to a wooded area and throw a Frisbee or baseball as far as you can. Follow it and find it again, repeating it until you have crossed the whole forest.

  • Read the signs carefully. Some parks don't want you to walk off the beaten path. Always obey the rules.
  • If you are planning to explore outside the city, you must have a topographic map and a compass - and know how to use it. This way you will practice your sense of direction - it's easy and can save your life.
Play With Yourself Step 9
Play With Yourself Step 9

Step 3. Go downhill

Here's another popular pastime that kids love everywhere. By letting gravity do the work for you, you can enjoy the speed without putting too much effort into it. If you live near a ski resort, buy a sled and go with that. If there is a park, find a hill and after lying on your side, roll down on the grass (make sure there is no dog litter, first).

You can make your bike or scooter go to the maximum, but make sure that no one is near or at the base of the hill, as it will take longer to stop with a vehicle than, for example, just with your body

Play With Yourself Step 10
Play With Yourself Step 10

Step 4. Visit of the places

Use a bike, car or public transport to visit local sights and beauties. Grab a camera (or use your cell phone) and take pictures of the landscape or the details that strike you. Sometimes even walking along the city streets can lead you to discover corners, gardens or houses that deserve a photograph. Try to write down where you've been each season and come back every 2-3 months to see how it has changed.

To turn your tour into a game, write down any particular features you find (such as a flower or four-leaf clover) in one spot and try to link it to a photograph you took. If you have an eye for detail it could take months trying to get everything right

Play With Yourself Step 11
Play With Yourself Step 11

Step 5. Observe the people

One of the best ways to spend time outdoors is to sit on a bench near a passageway and people-watch. See how they are dressed, their faces and body language, but also the accessories they have and where they go. Try to add details to their lives, such as whether or not they wear funny socks to work or if they love jazz. Turn them into characters in your mind. It's more fun than you think.

  • You can turn this activity into a game too by following the same instructions as visiting the city.
  • Don't stare at people. The aim is to go unnoticed so that you can continue to have fun while watching people. If you meet someone's gaze, smile politely and look away. Consider bringing yourself a drink so that you have a point to focus on quickly.

Method 3 of 3: Stuck in Shopping

Play With Yourself Step 12
Play With Yourself Step 12

Step 1. Explore

If you happen to get stuck on an afternoon of shopping with someone, apologize by saying you want to have a look around and agree on a place and time to meet again. Go away and look for other things to do. Even when nothing seems interesting you can always find something to look at. Try reading nutrition labels or look for particular brands at the grocery store, for example.

  • Don't forget: you can also walk out of the building and see what the back looks like.
  • Make sure the person you are with understands that you will be in a certain place at the appointed time. Ask her to repeat it to you just to be sure.
  • If you are small enough you can also use those play areas set up specifically in large centers, where children have fun with toy cars and other toys. Of course, if you're a teen or older you won't have much fun.
Play With Yourself Step 13
Play With Yourself Step 13

Step 2. Use a handheld console

Or a game on your mobile, the possibilities are endless. Prepare by taking something with you in case you get bored. If you can't find a good place to lean back and play, check for benches outside the building you are in or chairs near the restrooms or changing rooms.

Just like home consoles, don't forget that there are various old systems for handheld games as well, which can be purchased for a few dollars - you don't have to have the latest model to have fun


  • Your imagination is your best friend when you are trying to find a way to entertain yourself. Read a book and / or watch a movie to help her.
  • Plus, in addition to playing, you can work on developing an innate talent or hobby, such as playing an instrument, singing or whistling. It is not really "playing" but it can still give some satisfaction.
