Education & Communication 2024, October

How to Write an Email to a Friend (with Pictures)

How to Write an Email to a Friend (with Pictures)

Email is a quick and easy way to communicate with your friends. You can email a friend any way you like, but a few simple guidelines can help. If you write to someone you haven't seen in a while, it's a good idea to start with an apology for not showing up earlier and update them on the latest news.

How to improve your skill in mathematical calculations

How to improve your skill in mathematical calculations

Achieving good basic numeracy makes all areas of mathematics easier and faster. Calculating the sums in mind can save valuable exam time, but it's not always easy to do these sums in mind. Steps Step 1. Start calmly, take your time Don't jump straight into wanting to calculate how much 235433 × 95835.

How to Memorize Pi: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Memorize Pi: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Pi is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle (the diameter is twice the radius). The processing of this number is often used as a criterion for evaluating the power of "supercomputers"; mathematicians currently know about 10 billion digits of pi.

How to Make Flash Cards: 7 Steps

How to Make Flash Cards: 7 Steps

It's easy to make flashcards, but you need to know the process. This article will show you how! Steps Step 1. Make sure you have free space to work in Look for a well-lit work area, away from distractions and with everything you need ready.

How to Calculate Angles: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Calculate Angles: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

In geometry, an angle is defined as the portion of plane or space between two rays originating from the same point or vertex. The unit of measurement most used to indicate the width of an angle are degrees and the angle with maximum width, the round angle, is equal to 360 °.

How to Speak English with a British Accent: 8 Steps

How to Speak English with a British Accent: 8 Steps

The typical accents of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales are different, but with a little practice you can learn to speak like a native. However, other factors are added to the way of expressing oneself, such as body language. This is how the variants of English appear based on "

How to Multiply Integers: 11 Steps

How to Multiply Integers: 11 Steps

Multiplication is one of the four basic operations of elementary arithmetic and can be considered a repeated addition. It is a mathematical operation in which one number is increased by another number. If you want to learn how to multiply by addition or using the long multiplication method, please follow the steps below.

5 Ways to Make Divisions

5 Ways to Make Divisions

There are tons of ways to split. You can divide decimals, fractions or even exponents and you can do the division by row or column. If you want to know how to split using different methods, just follow these steps. Steps Method 1 of 5:

How to get into Stanford (with pictures)

How to get into Stanford (with pictures)

Choosing a university can be very stressful, especially if you are aiming for one of the best institutions in the United States. Stanford is a "holistic" college where excellent assessments, a minimum standardized test score or a minimum grade point average are not required to enter.

How to Construct the Bisector of an Angle: 8 Steps

How to Construct the Bisector of an Angle: 8 Steps

In geometry it is possible to draw the bisector of an angle, a segment, a triangle or a polygon in general. The bisector of an angle is the straight line which, starting from the vertex, divides it into two congruent parts. There are two ways to draw the bisector of an angle.

3 Ways to Use Plurals and Possessives in English

3 Ways to Use Plurals and Possessives in English

The plural and possessive forms in English often confuse novice writers. Many mistakenly use apostrophes to indicate both plural and possessive forms, while others, for whom English is not the first language, omit the apostrophe entirely because it is not used in their language.

How to Construct a 30 ° Angle Using Compass and Ruler

How to Construct a 30 ° Angle Using Compass and Ruler

This article explains how to draw an angle of 30 or using a ruler and compass in two different ways. Steps Method 1 of 2: Using the Radius Step 1. Draw an AB segment Assume point A is the vertex of the angle you want to plot.

How to Use the Punnet Square to Make a Monohybrid Cross

How to Use the Punnet Square to Make a Monohybrid Cross

The Punnet square was invented by the English geneticist Reginald Punnett in the early 20th century. It represents a simple method for calculating the theoretical genotypic ratios, with which the expressions of a gene are manifested in the offspring generated by the crossing of two "

How to Get a Scholarship for an American College

How to Get a Scholarship for an American College

Getting an American college scholarship is easier than most students and their parents think. Good planning and a little research can help you pay for the education you deserve without having to pay anything back. Steps Step 1. Research The sooner you start looking, the more chances you will have.

How to Make a Presentation: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make a Presentation: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

If you attend a formal event you will often need to give a presentation or give a speech. In most cases the presentations are so boring and monotonous that the audience falls asleep. When it is your turn to speak, however, you can give a great presentation and leave everyone speechless, but not by yawning!

How to Get a Second Degree: 5 Steps

How to Get a Second Degree: 5 Steps

Step 1. Choose a field of study Getting a degree takes time and money, so you need to have a clear plan and purpose in mind before doing so. Determine the sector in which you want to study; or, if you have a career change in mind, choose from study programs that will provide you with access to that job.

How to Teach the Art of Storytelling

How to Teach the Art of Storytelling

The art of storytelling, or storytelling, is nothing more than the ability to share stories and events through words, sounds and images. A good storyteller succeeds in capturing the listeners' attention and fulfilling the purpose of the story, which can be to entertain, provide information, convey an important life lesson, or persuade listeners to take some kind of action.

How to Feel Safe Before an Exam: 12 Steps

How to Feel Safe Before an Exam: 12 Steps

Many kids get scared before an exam, usually because they aren't prepared. And even if they are prepared, they still get scared. This happens because they have no confidence in themselves. This article will tell you how to have confidence in yourself before an exam and how to do it to the best of your ability.

How to Succeed in a School Subject

How to Succeed in a School Subject

Even the best students may struggle with some subjects. If that's the case, don't fret! There are many things you can do to improve your results and avoid bad grades. Be prepared to work hard and don't be ashamed to ask for help. Steps Step 1.

How to Use a Slide Rule (with Pictures)

How to Use a Slide Rule (with Pictures)

For those who don't know how to use it, the slide rule looks like a ruler designed by Picasso. There are at least three different scales, and most of them do not indicate values in an absolute sense. But after you learn about this tool, you will understand why it proved so useful over the centuries, before the advent of pocket calculators.

How to Talk About Yourself: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Talk About Yourself: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Whether you want to learn how to appropriately open up to people, or prepare to answer job interview questions, it's important to keep in mind how to talk about yourself. When you talk to other people, be open and talk about what you love. Share some personal information to build trust and friendship.

How to Build a Teaching Unit: 8 Steps

How to Build a Teaching Unit: 8 Steps

As a teacher or educator, it may be tiring to take on the responsibility of preparing a good programming of the teaching unit that can reach all users of your course. Here are some useful tips to make a learning unit more constructive for your students.

How To Get Into Yale: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How To Get Into Yale: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Yale University is located in New Haven, Connecticut. Founded in 1701, it is one of the universities belonging to the Ivy League. Generally, the total number of registrations is less than 12,000. Yale receives far more candidates than it can accept each year, which means that the admission process is very selective.

3 Ways to Seal an Envelope

3 Ways to Seal an Envelope

Want to know the best way to seal an envelope? Or can't you stand the idea of having to lick it to close it? You can buy self-sealing envelopes, which should not be moistened, at the stationery or use the different methods explained in this article.

How to Apply for a PhD in the USA

How to Apply for a PhD in the USA

Have you always wanted to see the letters PhD in front of your name? This article explains how to apply for a university course in the United States, with an emphasis on Life Sciences for foreign applicants. Steps Step 1. Choose which university to attend This will depend on your past research experience, your interests and your undergraduate course of study.

4 Ways to Use a Ruler

4 Ways to Use a Ruler

The ruler it is one of the most common measuring instruments. It is available in various shapes and sizes based on the use for which it was designed. There line is nothing more than a long 90 or 100 cm ruler, while the tape measure it is a similar instrument that falls into the category of tape measure and can be made of cloth or metal.

How to Teach Mathematics to an Autistic Child

How to Teach Mathematics to an Autistic Child

Autistic people differ greatly from each other in their strengths and weaknesses. No two autistics are exactly alike, so it is not possible to make generalizations when talking about this disorder. However, autistic individuals tend to be very good with numbers.

How to Create Invisible Ink with Baking Soda

How to Create Invisible Ink with Baking Soda

Invisible ink and secret messages seem to belong exclusively to the world of spy stories and schools of magic, yet anyone can make a fluid with magical powers by combining simple ingredients of everyday use. During the American Revolutionary War, soldiers sent invisible secret messages written with lemon juice.

How to Enter Columbia University: 9 Steps

How to Enter Columbia University: 9 Steps

Columbia University is located in New York and is the oldest university in the state of the same name. Thanks to its Ivy League college status, the number of applications it receives is greater than the places actually available, so many aspire to access its many undergraduate and graduate programs.

How to Speak Jamaican (with Pictures)

How to Speak Jamaican (with Pictures)

The official language of Jamaica is English, but the national language is Jamaican Patois. This language is an English-based dialect, heavily influenced by Central and West African languages, so it has notable differences with traditional English.

How to Communicate with Deaf People: 8 Steps

How to Communicate with Deaf People: 8 Steps

The deaf communicate with sight and body, rather than with hearing. There are different degrees of deafness: hearing loss (partial deafness), profound and complete deafness. Often, it is possible to recognize hearing difficulties from the use of hearing aids (although some people legitimately refuse to wear them or are unable and, therefore, new generation aids are increasingly smaller and difficult to see).

3 Ways to Know the Time without a Clock

3 Ways to Know the Time without a Clock

For many people, knowing the correct time is essential for daily life. If you find yourself in an unfamiliar environment without any kind of watch, however, knowing what time it is could be a matter of safety and survival. Without an alarm or a clock, knowing the exact time may not be possible, but an approximate time can be calculated using the sun, moon or stars.

How to Develop a Good Study Method for the University

How to Develop a Good Study Method for the University

At university it is essential to adopt an effective study method. Many newly enrolled students soon realize that old habits are no longer adequate and that they require major changes. To initiate this change, find a quiet space and organize yourself to find the right focus.

4 Ways to Identify the Minimum Common Denominator

4 Ways to Identify the Minimum Common Denominator

To add or subtract fractions with different denominators (the numbers below the fraction line) you must first find the lowest common denominator. In practice, this is the lowest multiple divisible by all denominators. You may have already approached this concept under the name of least common multiple, which generally refers to integers;

3 Ways to Calculate the Area of a Rectangle

3 Ways to Calculate the Area of a Rectangle

The rectangle is a quadrilateral with equal sides in pairs and with four right angles. To find the area of a rectangle, all you have to do is multiply the base by the height. To understand how to calculate the area of a rectangle, follow these simple steps.

How to Organize a Great Student Electoral Campaign

How to Organize a Great Student Electoral Campaign

If you want to be a student representative but your election posters don't convince you and your speeches aren't memorable, here's a strategy to triumph in the world of politics. Steps Step 1. Find out what people want Do informal surveys (ask your friends for help if you can) to see if they want a food and drink dispenser at the gym, a prom at the end of the year, etc.

How to organize a car wash for charity

How to organize a car wash for charity

A car wash is a great idea for raising funds and raising awareness about a topic for any school, charity or organization. It's a great project for a religious youth group or for Scouts. Steps Step 1. Determine how many people in your group want to join It is better that they are at least 5.

How to Save Trees: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Save Trees: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

In the world we live in, trees are constantly being neglected and cut down to make room for new buildings. Read the article and find out how you can help our beloved trees and better conserve our planet. Steps Step 1. Recycle the smart way Some good ways to do this are:

How to Start a Non-Profit Recovery Center for Animals

How to Start a Non-Profit Recovery Center for Animals

Millions of animals are killed every year due to the huge overpopulation problem, so many animal lovers are forced to open a recovery center themselves. Steps Step 1. Think twice Starting a recovery center of this type is an important commitment and sometimes not even necessary.

How to Act to Defend Human Rights

How to Act to Defend Human Rights

Human rights are inalienable rights of all human beings, regardless of somatic differences, ethnicity, gender, geographical origin, skin color, place of residence, religion or any other condition. Everyone must enjoy them and no one can be deprived of them, but there is a risk that they will be abolished or violated by individuals, nations and governments.