Even the best students may struggle with some subjects. If that's the case, don't fret! There are many things you can do to improve your results and avoid bad grades. Be prepared to work hard and don't be ashamed to ask for help.

Step 1. If you don't understand something, find someone to repeat you:
they can really help. Even just an hour helps so much that you can get excellent grades in a short time.

Step 2. Take the lessons
Attend all classes, no matter how boring or uncomfortable they are. And while you're there, listen carefully and take notes.

Step 3. Do your homework
Now, doing your homework is usually not enough to make the difference between success and failure - assuming you do great things in tests and long-term projects - but the important factor in homework is reinforcing what you have learned in class. so you do well during those tests.

Step 4. Study
Regularly reviewing your notes, correct assignments and assigned readings will help you stay on top of your lessons. This way, you'll avoid those nightmare situations where you panic the night before an important exam because you don't know where to start studying.

Step 5. Go to the professor's reception
If there are no specific times, ask to be able to go on a lunch break, before or after school, or at another time that is convenient for your teacher. Before you go, try to focus on what is troubling you and ask questions based on that. Don't be afraid to look stupid. Your professor will appreciate your dedication, whether you have large or small gaps.

Step 6. Spend sufficient time working in the classroom and at home
If you only have one or two difficult courses and many others that are easy, you may have to devote much more time to that one or two, than to all the others combined. It is a good idea to start your homework within 15-20 minutes of returning from school. You will still have enough time to relax: have a snack, watch some TV, etc. After that, you will be ready to go. Just make sure you don't delay too long …
- Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep causes lightheadedness and attention deficit, and impairs your ability to hear and synthesize information. Coffee is no substitute for letting your brain rest well.
- Don't try to learn everything in one night. Study first so that you feel relaxed.
- Remember, you don't have to like a subject to get good grades.
- Study the system, learn how your teacher judges homework and tests and how much they count in the final grade. Often low grade tests may not be considered and homework may be only a small part of the final judgment.
- Always have a good breakfast. This will bring your body and mind the energy it needs to function well during the lessons. However, do not overeat as the stress of the tests could upset you a lot.
- Let's face it, it is advisable to take a day off to relax. Make sure you can afford it and are prepared for the fateful day.
- If you have free time to do your homework in class, consider what you don't understand and ask questions. The teacher will help you.
- If nothing works, consider doing other activities to accumulate college credit.
If you continue to do poorly in a subject, ask your teacher how to accumulate extra credits. This way he will understand that you really care.