How to Get a Scholarship for an American College

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How to Get a Scholarship for an American College
How to Get a Scholarship for an American College

Getting an American college scholarship is easier than most students and their parents think. Good planning and a little research can help you pay for the education you deserve without having to pay anything back.


Get a College Scholarship Step 1
Get a College Scholarship Step 1

Step 1. Research

The sooner you start looking, the more chances you will have. And remember that many scholarships expire in the early fall of your senior year of high school.

Get a College Scholarship Step 2
Get a College Scholarship Step 2

Step 2. Read the requirements carefully and often

Contact the lenders for any questions and for assistance in submitting the application.

Get a College Scholarship Step 3
Get a College Scholarship Step 3

Step 3. Collect all the material

Most scholarships require these documents, so make sure you have:

  • School curriculum
  • Grades of homework in the classroom
  • Application form for financial aid
  • Tax declaration
  • Scholarship application form
  • Short essays and SOP (Statement of Purpose - a letter of motivation)
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Demonstration of eligibility
  • Other documents requested by the lender
  • You may need to have an interview.
Get a College Scholarship Step 4
Get a College Scholarship Step 4

Step 4. Complete the questions

Get a letter of recommendation, highlighting your skills, work experience, grades in school, your community service, your talents, and so on. Wait 2-3 weeks and then make sure they sign everything. So write short essays. This is the hardest and most difficult part, but keep going until you have a good final draft. Follow the directions carefully.

Get a College Scholarship Step 5
Get a College Scholarship Step 5

Step 5. Correct the questions

Check your spelling and grammar and ask some friends and family to read them. Also ask them for advice on ideas and opinions. Complete the question in all its points and do not exceed the imposed length limits.

Get a College Scholarship Step 6
Get a College Scholarship Step 6

Step 6. Make sure it's understandable

Type it or print it. Then sign and date each page.

Get a College Scholarship Step 7
Get a College Scholarship Step 7

Step 7. Make multiple copies

So if you lose any documents, you can always recover them from copies.

Get a College Scholarship Step 8
Get a College Scholarship Step 8

Step 8. Put everything in a clean and nice folder

This will positively impress the lenders and make you look like a neat person.

Get a College Scholarship Step 9
Get a College Scholarship Step 9

Step 9. Reorder the documents

If you need to submit a printed application, order it as described in the form. If you need to submit it online, opt for the PDF format.

Get a College Scholarship Step 10
Get a College Scholarship Step 10

Step 10. Plan ahead

Collect all documents. If the application is not complete in every part, you may not be eligible. To make sure you meet deadlines, consider using certified email and / or acknowledgment of receipt. Make sure you are using a secure postal service.

Get a College Scholarship Step 11
Get a College Scholarship Step 11

Step 11. Even after submitting your first application, continue to apply for other scholarships

You will only know at the end if the first question was accepted or not.

Get a College Scholarship Step 12
Get a College Scholarship Step 12

Step 12. If you get the scholarship, remember to thank your funders

Tell them when you appreciate the award and tell them about your career goals.

Get a College Scholarship Step 13
Get a College Scholarship Step 13

Step 13. Go to the Financial Aid Office of your college or university

There are thousands of scholarships waiting for you out there - financial aid consultants may present you with new ones. They will also help you complete the questions and explain how to meet the requirements for specific scholarships.

Get a College Scholarship Step 14
Get a College Scholarship Step 14

Step 14. If you have already chosen a course, talk to the department head

They usually have a list of all the specific scholarships.

Get a College Scholarship Step 15
Get a College Scholarship Step 15

Step 15. Find out on the Internet

Many search engines help you find the scholarship that best suits your needs. Some sites to consider are,,, and After registering on these sites, you will be provided with a more organized method of applying for a scholarship. Many of these also offer you other alternatives to get the money you need for college. Also the site, for scholarships dedicated to women, could be interesting to you: it is, in fact, a specific site for women, but it offers scholarships to people of both sexes.

Get a College Scholarship Step 16
Get a College Scholarship Step 16

Step 16. See if your employer, or that of your parents, offers a scholarship

Many companies offer college tuition reimbursement to students who work or have a family member employed by their company.


  • Don't give up on a scholarship just because it requires you to write an essay. While many students don't like writing short essays, if you don't put in the effort to write them, you could risk missing out on a huge scholarship opportunity.
  • Join an association, dedicate to a hobby, participate in community events. There are tons of scholarships that are based on what you do.
  • Apply for any opportunity that comes your way - you never know from whom you will get the answers you are looking for!
