Art & Entertainment 2024, September

4 Ways to Play a Recorder

4 Ways to Play a Recorder

The recorder is a very popular wooden wind instrument in the 14th century. It produces a soft sound, similar to that of the flute. Compared to other instruments, the recorder is relatively easy to play and therefore is a perfect instrument for children.

How to Change the Strings on the Bass: 14 Steps

How to Change the Strings on the Bass: 14 Steps

This is a simple and short guide aimed at showing beginners how to change the strings of their bass, which, like riding a bicycle, is an operation that is easy to learn and difficult to forget. Steps Step 1. Examine the headstock of the bass Notice how the strings come out of the nut, passing in or out of the hooks of the headstock, and notice the direction in which the strings are turned around the keys, as this is very important.

How to Make a Rain Stick (with Pictures)

How to Make a Rain Stick (with Pictures)

If you wish to hear the soothing sound of rain, you can achieve this by building a rain stick, a cylindrical instrument that produces a sound very similar to that of falling rain when turned. It is believed that it was invented in South America to propitiate the arrival of rain during periods of drought.

How to Change the Strings on Your Electric Guitar

How to Change the Strings on Your Electric Guitar

Generally speaking, the strings of an electric guitar need to be changed more frequently than those of a folk or classical guitar. Changing the strings on the electric guitar should be a very simple thing; this article will walk you through the different steps of the process.

How to Write a Guitar Solo: 12 Steps

How to Write a Guitar Solo: 12 Steps

Playing a solo is one of the most terrifying experiences for beginner guitarists, but it doesn't need to be overly difficult. First of all, remember that the best solos fit the specific song. The speed of execution does not matter. If you focus on writing a solo that blends perfectly with the song, you can succeed.

How to Mount a Pickup on a Guitar: 8 Steps

How to Mount a Pickup on a Guitar: 8 Steps

Cheaper guitars can easily be upgraded to produce a higher quality sound. For a metal style, the bridge pickup is of paramount importance. Replace it with a more updated model, so as to increase the power, substance and scratch of the guitar sound.

3 Ways to Mute a Battery

3 Ways to Mute a Battery

Drums are one of the loudest musical instruments available. Unlike many electronic instruments (such as the electric guitar), it cannot be muted by using headphones or by turning off the amplifier. It is essential to learn how to reduce the sound of the drums when used in a shared apartment or condominium.

How to Change the Strings with a Suspension Bridge (Floyd Rose)

How to Change the Strings with a Suspension Bridge (Floyd Rose)

Have you ever found yourself having to change a rope with a new Floyd Rose, ending up pulling your hair out in an attempt to figure out how to accomplish the feat? Here is the help you needed. Once you read this article, you will find that this task is much, much simpler than you thought and very easy to perform!

How to Mount a Reed on a Clarinet: 10 Steps

How to Mount a Reed on a Clarinet: 10 Steps

Before you can play the clarinet, the reed must be fixed on the mouthpiece. In the clarinet, the reed is second in importance in the production of sound only to the musician. Being a delicate and subtle part, assembling it can be tricky. You need to be very careful to make sure it is fixed properly and is in good condition.

How to Move a Piano (with Pictures)

How to Move a Piano (with Pictures)

Moving a piano takes planning and effort. Pianos are very heavy, and their finishes are very vulnerable to scratches, cuts and knocks. A small upright piano can weigh over 150kg, a grand piano can easily weigh over 450kg, while older upright pianos tend to be even heavier, making them unstable and difficult to move.

How to Keep the Flute Clean and Cared for: 14 Steps

How to Keep the Flute Clean and Cared for: 14 Steps

The flute is an instrument with a wonderful sound. However, if you don't clean it properly, it won't keep the same sound for long! Always keep it clean and well cared for so that the sound and brilliance last for a long time. Steps Step 1.

How to Use Finger Picks: 12 Steps

How to Use Finger Picks: 12 Steps

Finger picks are usually used for playing banjo in bluegrass music, but can also be used for guitar and harp - along with other types of instruments. They are usually made of metal or plastic and vary in thickness; the type used depends mainly on the level of experience and style of music.

How to Learn to Play Different Chords on the Piano Using Two Forms and Numbers 1 to 5

How to Learn to Play Different Chords on the Piano Using Two Forms and Numbers 1 to 5

This article is based on learning two basic positions, which reproduce the same shape with the same fingers, but starting from different fundamental notes. This works for all piano chords, major, minor, seventh, major seventh and minor seventh, using 3 fingers and sometimes adding a fourth.

How to Move an Upright Piano (with Pictures)

How to Move an Upright Piano (with Pictures)

An upright piano can weigh from 130 to 400 kg, and moving such a load requires the intervention of several people. It is important to work taking your time and to be very careful not to damage the instrument, other furniture, walls and floor.

How to Play the Harp: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Play the Harp: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

The harp is a beautiful instrument that many people admire but fear they will never be able to play. The truth is, it can be simple and satisfying with just a little bit of effort and knowledge. It is never too late to start learning to play the harp!

How to Learn to Play Bass (with Pictures)

How to Learn to Play Bass (with Pictures)

If you love the deep sound of the bass and you dream of beating time to your band with your instrument, you can become a bass player by learning on your own. Bass, like all instruments, requires some practice to learn well. But with a lot of goodwill and practice you will learn without problems and in an instant you will be able to play your favorite songs.

3 Ways to Connect Guitar to Laptop

3 Ways to Connect Guitar to Laptop

Technology is becoming more accessible and cheaper every day, so independently recording and editing your songs has become a reality. Today, guitarists of all skill levels can produce recordings or create stylized masterpieces in the comfort of their own home.

How to Use a Capo on the Guitar: 5 Steps

How to Use a Capo on the Guitar: 5 Steps

A capo is an instrument used by many guitarists to instantly change the pitch of the guitar. It is a fundamental element among the tools of a guitarist and for this reason it is important to learn how to use it. Due to its compactness and simplicity, many guitarists always carry it with them.

How to Connect a Guitar Pedal Effect

How to Connect a Guitar Pedal Effect

Guitar pedal effects are devices that alter the signal produced by an electric guitar, changing the sound. The pedals can be used to produce a variety of sounds, effects and echoes, from heavy distortion to psychedelic reverb. It is important to learn how to connect the pedals in the right way to keep them in their optimal working state.

How to Use a Mixer: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Use a Mixer: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

Also known as a mixing console or mixing board, an audio mixer combines the various audio channels generated during a music concert or recording session into a single sound. A good mixer gives you the ability to equalize the sound on each channel - treble, bass or midrange - to make the sum of the individual channels better in the final mix.

How To Play "Jingle Bells" On The Piano

How To Play "Jingle Bells" On The Piano

Who doesn't like listening to Christmas songs played on the piano during the holidays? Even if you're not a pianist, you can always entertain friends and family with an easy song, like Jingle Bells. Once you've learned all the steps, memorize it and play it as soon as you find a piano or keyboard!

How to Use a Guitar Amp

How to Use a Guitar Amp

The amplifier is that piece of equipment that allows an electric guitar to produce a sound loud enough to be heard without difficulty. In reality, each guitar amplifier performs three different tasks: pre-amplification, which increases the volume of the faint signal of the guitar pickups until it is manipulable;

How to Pass Rosin on a Headband: 6 Steps

How to Pass Rosin on a Headband: 6 Steps

The pitch is used to achieve greater grip and better friction when moving the bow on the strings. The correct procedure for spreading the pitch is simple and can be mastered in a very short time. Steps Method 1 of 2: Apply Pitch Normally Step 1.

How to Play "Happy Birthday to You" on the Piano

How to Play "Happy Birthday to You" on the Piano

Playing this famous piece is easy enough, but you will need to have some basic piano knowledge before you start. The notes of the piano are arranged in order one after the other, from C to B. To play this piece you will have to use your left and right hands, don't worry about sharps or flats.

3 Ways to Play the Ocarina

3 Ways to Play the Ocarina

The ocarina is a rather unusual wind instrument that can be built with different shapes and sizes. Regardless of their different appearance, the ocarina and the recorder emit quite similar sounds. You may have come across this tool if you are a fan of Nintendo's "

4 Ways to Master the Basic Techniques of the Solo Guitar

4 Ways to Master the Basic Techniques of the Solo Guitar

Knowing the basics of the solo guitar in depth is an art and a skill that is acquired with time and practice. In this particularly detailed article, you will find out how to play the pentatonic scale and learn several techniques that will help you master the instrument.

How to Buy Your First Bass on a Tight Budget

How to Buy Your First Bass on a Tight Budget

A musical instrument is a great investment, especially when you are just starting out. This guide provides some recommendations on how to buy the best bass you can afford. Steps Step 1. Set the price range A new bass can cost anywhere from € 200 to € 5000 depending on the brand, quality, and finish.

How to Customize Your Guitar: 13 Steps

How to Customize Your Guitar: 13 Steps

Editing a guitar is a fun way to customize your instrument. Stand out from the crowd by decorating its body and adding special parts and accessories to get a truly unique electric or acoustic guitar to suit your style. Steps Part 1 of 3:

How to Buy a Guitar for a Child: 6 Steps

How to Buy a Guitar for a Child: 6 Steps

Buying a guitar for a child is not too difficult a process, but you will need to make sure you buy an instrument that is both easy to play and attractive. Likewise, if the guitar is unattractive to the eye and hearing, your child may lose interest.

How to Learn to Play Electric Guitar

How to Learn to Play Electric Guitar

Okay, maybe you won't be Slash, Hendrix, or Hammett overnight, or even a year. But the electric guitar can be very simple to play; you just need the right starting point, otherwise it will seem too easy or too difficult and you will give up.

How to Set Up a Mixer: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Set Up a Mixer: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

A sound board, also known as a "mixing board", "mixing console", "sound desk", or much more simply "mixer", is a complex and often daunting instrument. Here you will find a very simple guide to getting started with a mixer in small live shows, paired with a very basic PA system.

3 Ways to Properly Position Your Fingers on the Piano

3 Ways to Properly Position Your Fingers on the Piano

Are you planning to learn how to play the piano on your own, but don't know how to place your fingers on the keyboard? This article will give you the information you need to do it correctly. Steps Step 1. Memorize the finger numbering system Fingers are numbered to make it easier to note their position on a score.

How to develop the absolute ear: 6 steps

How to develop the absolute ear: 6 steps

If you are a musician, it may be that you have met someone with perfect pitch. Most people think it is a gift of nature, but it is more likely to develop when you are very young. With time, passion and a lot of practice, you too can develop it.

3 Ways to Make Art with Spray Paint

3 Ways to Make Art with Spray Paint

If you hear of "spray paint", you automatically think of graffiti. It is true, but it is also true that there are artists who can create real works of art with the use of spray paint. Paint is used to create art on poster boards or card stock in general.

How to Organize a Movie Marathon: 8 Steps

How to Organize a Movie Marathon: 8 Steps

Have you ever organized a movie marathon, only to get bored halfway through the second movie? With this guide, it won't happen again. Steps Step 1. Get an idea of how many people will attend It can be as crowded an event as a more intimate one, for a few people.

3 Ways to Send Your Song to the Radio

3 Ways to Send Your Song to the Radio

Whether you are a single artist or in a band, if you are a musician one of the best ways to get your music out there is to be broadcast on the radio. Even starting with a small local radio you can get to have national resonance. Sending your songs to a radio may seem like a daunting task, but don't worry!