It's a sad reality, but it often happens: some people exploit each other to get what they want. In some cases, it can happen in relationships. If you suspect that you are being exploited by a woman, you should pay attention to the signs described in this article; if you notice a combination of them, your partner may be taking advantage of you.
Part 1 of 4: Look for the First Signs

Step 1. Evaluate your qualities
Consider what traits you have that might interest a girl. From your good looks, to the bank account or sports car, you can be leveraged for many things. Your partner may also take advantage of you for your popularity, perhaps because you are one of the best-known students at your university or because you have achieved fame for some reason.
Of course, you don't need to be an important person to be exploited, it can happen to anyone. For example, if your relationship is unbalanced on your partner's side, perhaps because you always take her where she wants, it is not impossible that she is taking advantage of you

Step 2. Evaluate his desire to raise his social status
Notice if she seems interested in going out with you only when you take her to classy clubs. See if she only wants to go to places where she can be seen with you or maybe always tries to meet certain co-workers. Be careful if she seems more interested in these aspects than spending time with you.
He might even consider you a free "taxi driver" or a willing person when he needs something

Step 3. Be careful if he only calls you to ask for favors
Some women may exploit you, only calling you when they want something. Maybe they need help with a repair or they want you to get something for them. Notice at what times your girlfriend calls you and how she talks to you on the phone. If she only does this once every two weeks and every time she always seems to need a favor, maybe she doesn't like you that much.

Step 4. Notice if he only flirts with you at work
If a girl only wants to chat with you in the office, maybe she tries to use you to advance her career. You can find out her true intentions by inviting her to go out with you, but be careful, because relationships in the workplace can be complicated. Likewise, if he doesn't work with you but only calls you to ask you professional questions, he might try to take advantage of you.
Part 2 of 4: Notice the Signals During an Appointment

Step 1. Do you ever offer to pay?
Some people assume that men always have to pay. However, this is no longer the case today. If a girl never offers to join the account, she may be using you.

Step 2. Notice if he listens to you
When you talk on the phone or in person, does she only talk about herself? If he doesn't spend a minute on your problems, he probably won't stay by your side for much longer.

Step 3. Find out if she only chooses places she likes for your outings
Some girls agree to see you just to do what they want. Alternatively, your partner may only call you when there is some event in town, like a concert or the opening of a new club… and she wants you to pay for her too.
She might be hesitant when you propose something, but excited to meet you when she wants to go somewhere

Step 4. Find out if she is afraid to commit
If he always tries to keep all possibilities open and doesn't make a commitment to you, he may be playing hard or making fun of you.

Step 5. Notice if she just calls you for sex
If she always calls you late in the evening, after 10pm or 11pm, she may only be interested in sex. Consider his commitments; maybe she calls you late because first she is busy with work or school. Of course, this situation is not a problem if such a relationship is good for both of you. However, if you want more, you might want to break up with her.
Part 3 of 4: Pay Attention to How He Treats You

Step 1. Wait for an apology
We all make mistakes, apologize and move on. However, if she never seems to want to apologize to you, she probably doesn't care about having a serious relationship with you. She may even use her tears to get out of difficult situations without having to admit that she was wrong.
Of course, apologizing applies to both. In a relationship, you need to be willing to apologize too

Step 2. Notice how it presents you
If she's proud of being in a relationship with you, she'll be happy to call you her boyfriend. Conversely, if he doesn't want to publicly admit that you are a couple, he is probably exploiting you, especially if you have privately decided not to date other people.

Step 3. Does he treat you like a trophy?
Do you want me to meet friends and relatives? If he always avoids questions about when you will be able to meet his friends, maybe he is using you. A woman who is happy to be in a relationship with you will almost certainly want to introduce you to the most important people in her life.

Step 4. Notice when it no longer shows up
Does it have a tendency to disappear if you have financial problems? Do you only see her when her car is at the mechanic and needs a lift? If you find that she only dates you when you have something to offer her, she is probably using you.
Likewise, if he behaves sweetly and cheerfully when he asks you for something, then treats you badly once he gets it, he's just taking advantage of you

Step 5. Make sure she appreciates your time
If he always blows you up, he doesn't value your time properly. Everyone has been unable to meet a commitment, but if she always cancels your projects together at the last minute, she probably doesn't like you very much. Likewise, if she often forces you to change your plans to meet her needs, she doesn't care about the things you value.
Part 4 of 4: Addressing the Problem

Step 1. Tell her how you feel
Think ahead of what you are going to say and remember to include specific examples of the ways you think they are exploiting you. Don't be angry or hostile - try to stay calm and polite during the conversation. Ask her what she thinks about the situation.
Be prepared for an angry reaction. If your girlfriend is taking advantage of you, she will probably deny everything and be angry. Likewise, if she doesn't think she's using you, she'll get mad at your baseless accusations

Step 2. Speak honestly about your needs
Ask her what she wants and what she expects from your relationship. You also answer the same question. Find the best compromise to carry the relationship forward from this point on.

Step 3. Prepare for the future
This situation can only have one of two possibilities. Either you struggle to find a way to create a new type of relationship or you will need to end the relationship completely.