How to Tell a Girl You Like You With a Card

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How to Tell a Girl You Like You With a Card
How to Tell a Girl You Like You With a Card

The girl you like will always be just a crush if you don't let her know how you feel about her. If you're too shy to step forward in person, you can write her a note. Make sure it's short, simple, and straightforward. Describe your feelings, but don't include too many cheesy details. Be prepared for her reaction and remember that even if she doesn't like you, you were brave enough to reveal your love and you must be proud of it.


Part 1 of 2: Writing the Message

Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 1
Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 1

Step 1. Try to be simple and concise

Confess to the girl that you like her and that you would like to spend some time with her. Don't ramble, don't repeat yourself, and don't tell her how perfect she is or that all you do is think about her. With too intense an approach you could make her feel uncomfortable.

Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 2
Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 2

Step 2. Tell her you like her

While the direct approach may scare you, it is arguably the best. Be honest and just tell her you like her. Don't confess your eternal love and don't tell her it's always on your mind. Don't risk looking creepy!

  • For example, write: "I like you. Would you like to see each other sometime?".
  • Don't write: "I can't stop thinking about you and I dream of you every night. I love you so much."
Ask Parents About Puberty Step 2
Ask Parents About Puberty Step 2

Step 3. Name some of the reasons you like it

Think about what you appreciate about the girl and what draws you to her. Is he kind or funny? Is she a great dancer or an exceptional guitarist? Include one or two specific reasons why it caught your attention.

  • For example, write: "I admire how you stand up for weaker kids" or "I really like how hard you try to do well in chemistry."
  • Don't write sentences like "You are beautiful" or "You are the most popular". They are not good reasons to like someone and they don't give any information about the personality of the girl you like.
Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 4
Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 4

Step 4. Be sure of yourself

Confessing your feelings to someone can be scary. However, in the card you shouldn't belittle yourself or assume that your feelings aren't being reciprocated. Don't let the girl know that you like her that you are afraid of rejection, but, on the contrary, show confidence.

  • Don't write, "I know you will never return my feelings, but I had to tell you that I always think of you!"
  • Try instead: "I'd like to get to know you better. Would you like to see us next Saturday?".
Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 5
Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 5

Step 5. Don't say anything you don't want others to know

It is possible that the recipient of the card will let her friends read it, another reason why you should write a simple and direct message. It's not embarrassing to tell someone you like them. However, if you include too many personal details, you may feel uncomfortable if other people read the card.

Don't write, "You are my first crush and I always think of you. I have never given a kiss before and I wish you were the first."

Part 2 of 2: Taking the Next Step

Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 6
Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 6

Step 1. Take care of the appearance of the card

You don't need to buy gorgeous writing paper or take calligraphy lessons, but you should write as well as possible so that the recipient can easily read the message. If you have deleted several lines, rewrite the ticket. The deleted sentences could be deciphered and you certainly don't want to take that risk.

Avoid adding hearts and kisses to the card. Save them for the letters you write to your girlfriend

Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 7
Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 7

Step 2. Sign the ticket

It is very important to write your name! After all, you want the girl to know that YOU like her and not a secret admirer. If there are other kids with the same name in your class, add the surname or at least the initial as well, so as to avoid misunderstandings.

  • For example, you can write: "I hope to receive an answer soon. From Marco G."
  • Another example is: "See you in math class, Paolo Rossi".
Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 8
Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 8

Step 3. Address the ticket

You can fold it in a special way or put it in a closed envelope. Make sure you put the name of the girl you like on the outside so that it is clear who it is for. Also, add the surname or at least the initial if the girl has homonyms in your school.

For example, write "To Chiara B."

Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 9
Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 9

Step 4. Give the card to the girl you like

You can do this in person or leave it in his locker. You can also have it delivered to a friend, but make sure they explain that it comes from you, so as to avoid misunderstandings. It is a good idea to wait until lunchtime or the end of class before handing in your ticket so that none of you get in trouble for missing a class.

  • You can wait for the girl you like to be alone before handing her the card so she can read it privately.
  • Alternatively, you can send the ticket by e-mail. However, you will not know if and when the girl will read the message and may not take digital communication as seriously as a handwritten note.
Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 10
Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 10

Step 5. Ask the girl to answer

You can add a line where you ask the recipient of the card to reply, or ask her to let you know what she thinks when you deliver the message in person. For example, you can tell her, "If you want to talk after reading the note, I'll wait for you outside school."

If you don't get any response from the girl you like after a few days, ask her something. Just say, "Hey, did you read my note?" when you see it for yourself

Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 11
Tell Your Crush You Like Them in a Note Step 11

Step 6. Prepare for the reaction

Hopefully, the girl will reciprocate your feelings and your note will represent the beginning of a beautiful relationship. However, you won't always be that lucky, so you should be prepared for rejection. Try to accept that the girl you like has made her decision and don't try to change her. You have every right to feel sad or disappointed. Give yourself time to get over the situation, forget about dating that person and move on.
