It's not easy to deal with a playboy. If you are just starting to fall in love with a seducer or are about to establish a relationship with a well-known Dongiovanni, it is important to let him know right away that you are not interested in his whims. If you like her, though, and you know she'll never change her ways, then it's best to take the relationship with fun and lightheartedness - otherwise forget it.
Part 1 of 3: Managing Your Expectations

Step 1. Decide if you want to play
If you are in favor of dealing with a real-life playboy, the first thing you need to do is decide if you really want to commit. If you are sensitive, looking for true love, and want a man to spend a lot of time with, then you shouldn't commit. However, if it's okay for you to be with a guy who sees other people, while you hang out with others, then you might want to try, but you need to know what to expect before starting a relationship.
Of course, before you decide if you intend to play, you need to first make sure that you are dealing with a playboy. Don't just look at their reputation when making your decision, but consider the person. See if he really meets several girls at once or if he just likes to flirt; there is a big difference

Step 2. Don't expect too much from him
One way to avoid getting hurt is to not want the moon from a playboy. She can take you out to dinner, kiss you passionately in the moonlight afterwards, and whisper sweet words in your ear all night, but she won't be there to bring you soup when you get sick or meet your mother. As long as you know what a playboy is willing and unwilling to do, you will be able to handle it without any problems.
If you are looking for the right man, then it is not him. While some playboys change and marry, it's not a fixed rule

Step 3. Don't be jealous
If you're the jealous type, then there's no point trying to date a playboy. If you are still jealous during a relationship marked by complete monogamy and total commitment, then dating a playboy is out of the question. However, if you're willing to accept a few casual fling and don't care who else might text your man - and you don't even care if he finds out who you text with - then it's much easier for you to deal with. a playboy.
If you express your jealousy, the playboy is in danger of backing off, since he won't have the patience to handle the situation. As soon as you start to get suspicious or anxious, he too will begin to suspect that this is not the right thing for him. If, then, you're really upset about meeting other girls, then forget it

Step 4. Don't put pressure on him
Playboys aren't there to make big strides in building a relationship. There is no point in trying to get a playboy to really commit - whether you want him to come and live with you, meet your sister and friends, or organize weekend outings. If he doesn't get absorbed in all of this, then trying to force the situation will only make him more cautious. Of course, wanting a commitment from a man is perfectly natural, but you probably won't get it from a playboy.
Instead, let things take their course. In an ideal situation, the relationship grows naturally as partners begin to approach at the right time. If you feel like you're always putting pressure on him, then this behavior is a sign that you want something more and that you should move on

Step 5. Don't take it too seriously
Another way to make sure you don't get too attached to a playboy is to not take him too seriously. Don't take every little phone call, text, or comment on Facebook into thinking it has major implications for your relationship. Be more carefree and you will see that you can save yourself a lot of stress over the course of the story. If he's late for a date, you can teach him a lesson in respect, but don't let him ruin the evening. After all, a playboy sticks to his schedule.
Being with a playboy is all about having fun and you should benefit from the lightheartedness that characterizes this type of relationship. If you put him on an equal footing with a serious boyfriend or husband, then disappointment is around the corner

Step 6. Don't get too attached
The best thing you can do with a playboy is stop him from getting into your head or heart. Don't think about taking a vacation with him next summer. Don't think he'll be a great dad or how sexy he'll be with some gray hair. Don't even stand there thinking, as you twist your hair, what she's up to. If you start to get attached to a playboy as if he were a responsible and committed man, then you are on your way to getting a broken heart.
If you feel melancholy every time you are not with him or wonder what he is doing or when you will see him next time, then it means that you are already attached to him. It's perfectly natural in a relationship - but if you do it with a playboy, you're going to run into severe disappointment

Step 7. Set the tone early
Another thing you can do to manage your expectations, as well as the playboy's expectations, is to let him know in advance what's good and what's not. If you don't like it disappearing for hours without any explanation, tell him. If you're not obsessed with controlling his female dates, then let him know. If he thinks he can get away with anything that concerns you, nothing will stop him.
Another thing you can do is tell him that you don't accept me calling you late at night to see you. If he texts you or calls you asking to wait after midnight, tell him you prefer to make an appointment first, so he knows what to do next time. If you allow him these sudden whims early on, then it will be more difficult for him to break the habit
Part 2 of 3: Dating a Playboy

Step 1. Beat him at his own game
If you really intend to date a playboy, then act like a "playgirl" if you like that. If you see other girls dating you, then what's stopping you from dating other guys who attract you? If he stays out late, without telling you what he is up to, you are free to do the same. Contrary to popular belief, not all girls are looking for a stable relationship, a child, or a perfect family life. If you want to be a "playgirl" too, then go for it. Of course, if it's not your thing, don't feel like you have to beat him at his own game.
However, if you were to date a playboy without realizing it, that's a different kettle of fish. If you find out the hard way, while you're striving to build a bond of mutual respect, let him know he really hurt you, but don't force yourself to use his own methods if it's not in your nature

Step 2. Play hard to get it
Another way to get a playboy's attention is to play hard in order to win him over. If he thinks you are entirely at his disposal, then he will have no incentive to chase you. To play hard, you don't have to stand there and answer the phone every time it calls. Not be available if he asks you out the same day or even one earlier. Flirt with him, but don't make him think he's holding you. Let him know that you are worth hunting down.
- Don't tell him how much you love him all the time. Just be flirtatious and give him some compliments, while teasing him and keeping it light.
- Make it apply. Show him that you're still waiting to have a good night, going dancing or doing whatever you like best together, if he's going to up the ante with you.

Step 3. Keep Your Guard
Don't let a playboy get to know you perfectly. You can reveal something to him, but not give him your soul and heart, otherwise you will be doomed to disappointment. You don't have to lie or pretend you don't feel anything, but it's not recommended to be completely vulnerable to a playboy, unless you want to get burned. If he starts to open up a little with you, you can follow his example, but be careful not to give it all up at once.
It can be tempting to let your guard down, especially if you are with someone who is really starting to like you. However, the more you reveal yourself to him, the more you'll regret it later when your relationship is over. You can tell him what's on your mind, but not your deepest and darkest secrets, otherwise you risk sinking into embarrassment afterward

Step 4. Keep doing your thing
If you intend to date a playboy, then you can't spend all your time around him. You need to continue being an independent woman and spending your time with friends, doing the things you love, from yoga to poetry, and maybe even paying attention to other guys, as you continue your story with him. If you begin to do whatever he wants and lose interest in your hobbies and life, then a warning sign will appear before him.
- You must never forget to be with friends. They keep your balance and remind you who you really are. If you save them for a playboy, they won't be there when you crawl back to them.
- Continuing to pursue your hobbies and interests can help strengthen your identity and keep you in balance. Don't give up on the things you love to do on your own to be with a playboy all the time.

Step 5. Don't spend too much time with him
Don't count on a playboy even if you intend to invest in the quality of time you spend with him. While you can go out with him once or even twice a week, he won't be a guy who will watch TV in his pajamas with you all day nor will he be free to meet you for lunch whenever you miss him. If you are someone who suffers from co-addiction or who loves being 24/7 with people who hang out with, then a playboy is not for you.
Instead, spend your free time with friends, but also alone to relax and do your thing, and you will see that you will be even better

Step 6. Be friendly to his friends
If he's a real playboy, his friends won't waste their time getting to know you really, because they'll see you as the ultimate "whim of the week". Still, if you happen to see each other more often, you don't need to be any less pretty or even cool with her friends; Make an effort to be nice and show that you intend to get to know them a little, without intruding too much into their conversations. At the end of the day, a playboy cares what his girlfriend's friends think, so it's important to make a good impression on them.
You certainly won't think his friends are the most beautiful people in the world, but nothing stops you from greeting them and asking how things are going when you see them. Get along with them and your time with the playboy will be more enjoyable

Step 7. Stay in control
If you want to date a playboy, then you can't call him all the time. He'll think he can tell you where to meet him, because you go along with his requests every time, but it's up to you to show him that you have other intentions. He can choose when and where to see you at times, but you can do the same too. You don't even have to date him according to his schedules. Consider seeing it when it's best for you. Being in control of the relationship will show him that you are a force to be reckoned with.
If a playboy feels they have you in check, they will be far less intrigued than they would be if you were at the helm of the situation
Part 3 of 3: Keep it Interested

Step 1. Keep your alternatives open
Exactly. If you want the playboy to stay interested, then you can't put all your eggs in one basket. Let him know that you are open to seeing other people, that you are not locking yourself in a cage for him, and that you are a free spirit too. If you are looking for something more serious and you know you can't get it with him, it will be great to have fun with him while looking for something more, keeping him aware of the situation. Don't just hang out with him if he keeps doing his thing.
Also, if you are looking for more than a playboy, by keeping your alternatives open, you can come to find out what kind of person you are looking for. If you get bogged down in flirting with a playboy all the time, you risk losing the perfect guy

Step 2. Keep him on alert
If you want a playboy to stay interested in you, then you have to keep him agitated, as if he doesn't know exactly what to expect from you. You can challenge him by showing him that you are not afraid to prove him wrong when necessary and by avoiding him "teaching" you how to do anything from playing pool to mini-golf. Show him that you watch him and that you also expect him to show his best cards.
Show him that you too are capable. If he teases you, react with a quick comeback. If he boasts of his football skills, surprise him. Show him you're ready to play football

Step 3. Be a little mysterious
A playboy doesn't want a girl who is totally exposed. You don't have to let them know exactly who you are and what's on your mind. If you are going out to meet a friend, you don't have to say who they are. If you are a top, leave it as it is instead of giving it all the details. If you show up late, there's no need to point out what's holding you back. There is no need to lie to hide in the mystery.
While there is no need to hide behind a pair of black sunglasses or in a hat, try to be less open so that the playboy will have to work harder to get to know you

Step 4. Limit your communications
You can talk to a playboy, but avoid calling him every day or texting him every night to remind him or tell him you're thinking of him. You can call him first when you feel like it, but make sure the contact is mutual. Don't put yourself in a position to send him an email or a Facebook message with a link to an article that made you think of him; give this kind of attention to your future boyfriend. By limiting your communications, you will show him that you have better things to do than not worry about him all the time, which will make him even more curious.
As a general rule, you should message each other, more or less to the same extent. If he calls you very often, then try phoning him several times to keep things fairly balanced

Step 5. Show him that you have fun with the other guys as well
If he's a playboy, then you can play. Go full throttle with other guys, and if you're in an open relationship, let them take you out for dinner too. You shouldn't do this just to make him jealous, but if there are other guys you like and you and the playboy agree on that, then there's no need to be reticent. Also show him that you are okay with doing what you feel like.
Just be sure that there is no serious interest between you and him and that you are not using other people to make him jealous. It can also happen

Step 6. Know when it's time to end it
While meeting a playboy can be a fun way to spend a cold and boring summer or winter, there will come a time when you need to let go. There are probably several reasons to do this, but what happens most frequently is that you find yourself becoming more and more attached to it without getting anything in return. Be honest with yourself and make sure you don't prolong the relationship if you really want something more.
Trust your instincts. If you suspect unhappiness is creeping into your heart, it probably is. If you think your feelings are too strong and the playboy isn't there for you, it's time to say goodbye
- It's true: actions speak louder than words. "Listen" to his actions.
- If you're not sure, go out in a group (or at least with other couples). Meet his parents. Consider what's important to him (what he apparently says, buys, or shows about himself). How does it deal with less fortunate people? This is probably your biggest clue! And if you feel like he's not showing you who he "really" is, you're probably right.