How to Deal With Stress (with Pictures)

Table of contents:

How to Deal With Stress (with Pictures)
How to Deal With Stress (with Pictures)

Life can put us under many tensions, but sometimes you have to deal with them in a positive way. Stress arises from various factors, including family problems, worries at work, financial difficulties, poor health, and the disappearance of a loved one. It is important to recognize the causes (some stress is normal), to take some steps to address the root problem, and to treat the symptoms. The most important thing is to avoid fighting stress alone: ask a friend for help and, if necessary, consult a professional.


Part 1 of 3: Managing Stress by Changing Your Lifestyle

Deal With Stress Step 1
Deal With Stress Step 1

Step 1. Exercise regularly

Targeted exercises can help the body dispose of stress hormones and increase endorphins, chemicals of good mood. Despite the busy daily schedule, take the time to train to keep yourself healthy and naturally relieve stress. You will notice the difference.

  • Try increasing your heart rate to 120-180 beats per minute for 30 minutes per day. If you don't have time to do the whole half hour in the same session, don't worry; you can divide the training into various sessions in order to adapt it to your needs.
  • Even a simple 20-30 minute walk a day is enough if that's all you can afford. Not only does it reduce stress, but it allows those over 40 to increase life expectancy by 3, 4-4, 5 years by walking briskly for at least 150 minutes a week.
  • Swimming, walking and cycling have been shown to decrease stress. Swimming and cycling have the advantage of putting less strain on the joints than running and, therefore, are perfect activities for those who suffer from joint problems or want to avoid them.
Deal With Stress Step 2
Deal With Stress Step 2

Step 2. Get enough sleep

If you allow your body to rest as it should, you will significantly reduce stress. Sleep is a mechanism that guarantees the body to recover and restore its energy reserves. If you don't get enough sleep, it will stress to keep you active and alert in the absence of energy.

  • An adult usually needs at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Young children and the elderly need to sleep more, about 9-10 hours a night.
  • Regularizes the sleep-wake cycle. If you can, go to sleep and wake up at the same time every time. This will help your body know when to rest and, as a result, you will sleep better.
  • Nearly 50% of Americans who don't get enough sleep blame the stress for this problem. If you believe you are trapped in a vicious cycle where sleep deprivation generates stress, see your doctor for more targeted advice.
Deal With Stress Step 3
Deal With Stress Step 3

Step 3. Eat right

You need to have a healthy, satisfied, and well-nourished body if you want it to help you cope with stress. Like it or not, stress is a physical reaction to anything that disturbs your natural state. This means that the body is able to influence the production and reduction of stress.

  • Water has been shown to reduce stress because, when we become dehydrated, the body produces cortisol (the stress hormone) with the intent of harnessing its action to induce us to take care of ourselves.
  • Start decreasing your caffeine and alcohol intake. In some cases, alcohol increases stress and promotes addiction, an already stressful condition in itself. Caffeine can also increase stress, especially at work, so always try to opt for water.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast and choose healthy snacks throughout the day. It is better to eat little and often throughout the day rather than having three large meals.
  • For a healthy and anti-stress diet, eat complex carbohydrates by opting for wholemeal bread and pasta; foods rich in vitamin A, such as oranges; foods containing magnesium, such as spinach, soy, and salmon. Don't forget the rich sources of antioxidants, such as black tea and green tea.
Deal With Stress Step 4
Deal With Stress Step 4

Step 4. Learn to relax

You can reduce stress by physically relaxing with natural methods. Don't expect it to disappear immediately. It will take time. When relaxing, avoid focusing on the most tiring aspects of your day. Think of something calm and peaceful, or think of nothing. Let the body tell the mind that everything is fine.

  • Listen to relaxing music. Music can relax you and improve your mood. Choose instrumental pieces played on the flute, piano or violin. Classical, folk and jazz music will be fine, but if you don't like these genres, choose one that will lift your spirits.
  • Take a bath. Add Epsom salts or other aromatic salts to pamper yourself. Enjoy this moment and relax physically.
  • Get a massage. Contact an industry professional for a soothing massage. You can also ask your partner. Use oils and lotions and dim the lights to create a relaxing atmosphere.
  • Keep a diary. You don't have to write every day. Write down things that are bothering you, worries, and moods to help drive away negative emotions.
Deal With Stress Step 5
Deal With Stress Step 5

Step 5. Practice yoga and meditation

While it's technically possible to think of yoga as a form of daily training, keep in mind that it also helps clear your mind with stretching exercises and slow movements. By meditating and chasing away thoughts with gentle yoga practice, you will get an even more relaxing and anti-stress effect.

  • Use the guided visualization to imagine a place that can make you feel at peace. Visualize a place that instills serenity and focus on the details so that you are completely distracted from the present.
  • Learn new postures by practicing yoga alone or in a group. As you improve, you will be able to perform more complex stretches that will require mental focus and take you away from stress.
  • Practice deep relaxation through progressive muscle relaxation. You will need to contract each muscle group by remaining in a certain position for about ten seconds before completely relaxing it. The whole musculature will benefit greatly and relieve it.
Deal With Stress Step 6
Deal With Stress Step 6

Step 6. Dedicate yourself to your passions

It happens that, when you are stressed, your daily plans do not include any pleasant activities. Whether it's drawing, writing, reading, playing a sport or cooking, take the time to do what you like.

  • Try pursuing a new hobby that can relieve stress. If you've always wanted to ride a horse or practice model aircraft, don't hesitate! Learning something new will distract you from your worries and allow you to enjoy yourself.
  • If you are always very busy, set aside at least ten minutes a day to reserve for the activities you enjoy most. The ideal would be to dedicate at least 30-60 minutes to your passions, but even a little escape from the daily frenzy will be enough to reduce stress.

Part 2 of 3: Managing Stress with Mental Activity

Deal With Stress Step 7
Deal With Stress Step 7

Step 1. Cast out negative thoughts

Recognize the positives in your life and begin to restore your emotional balance. Avoid paying attention to the negative things that happen during the day and consider the glass as half full.

  • Take a moment to appreciate what you have. Write down even the simplest things in your life that you appreciate: a roof over your head, a bed to sleep on, good food, warmth, safety, good health, friends and family. Remember that not everyone has them.
  • When you wake up, start the day by charging yourself with a positive affirmation. It will help you focus your mind and energy on being able to adopt a confident attitude. Feel grateful for every day you live. You never know which one might be the last!
  • Feed a constructive inner dialogue. Strengthen your resolve with positive phrases, such as, "I can do it, one step at a time" or "I've done it once. I'll do it again."
  • Imagine positive scenarios. It won't take you long, but this way you can regain focus. Reflect on success and read the stories of characters who have achieved it. Don't declare yourself defeated if you haven't been beaten yet. You don't deserve to knock yourself down and mortify yourself.
Deal With Stress Step 8
Deal With Stress Step 8

Step 2. Plan your life

Set goals each day, then write a to-do list. Remember to put a respite in the middle of the day to be able to recharge. By taking control of your time and priorities, you will greatly decrease your stress.

  • Know your limits. Be realistic when considering what you can accomplish within a day. You won't get any benefit by stepping harder than you can chew and berating yourself for failing to achieve your goal.
  • Set priorities. First of all, dedicate yourself to the most urgent and important tasks. Put less relevant tasks at the bottom of the list. Avoid doing a thousand things at the same time because multitasking decreases attention. Instead, try to focus on the most important chores and eliminate distractions.
  • Reserve the most unpleasant or difficult tasks at the start of the day, when your mind is clearer, to avoid the hassle of having to deal with them at the last minute. The habit of postponing homework fuels stress!
  • When you work, opt for quality over quantity. Feel proud of yourself when you do a project well and not when you complete many tasks.
  • If you can, organize your day so that the most stressful situations don't overlap. By doing this, you will avoid managing multiple stressors at the same time. Create interim deadlines for the most challenging projects.
  • At the end of the day, review your goals and think about everything you've accomplished. It will be cathartic and will help you sleep better. Check the items you have completed on the list.
Deal With Stress Step 9
Deal With Stress Step 9

Step 3. Identify the things that put you under stress

Try to understand when you are feeling stressed so that you can escape certain situations. Knowledge is power, especially what concerns ourselves.

  • For example, if you notice particular stress when you spend certain moments with someone, try to mentally prepare for the situation. If it's about the person you love, explain how you feel without hurting their susceptibility. If you feel it is difficult to communicate your reservations, remember that it is only a moment, that your mood will pass and that you will soon regain control of the situation.
  • Get ready. When you know you are dealing with a stressful situation, practice dealing with it. Imagine being able to successfully overcome it. Mentally film it as if it were a movie so you can watch it again whenever you want.
Deal With Stress Step 10
Deal With Stress Step 10

Step 4. Stop worrying about the things you can't change

This is especially true for politics and interpersonal relationships. Learning to accept them as they are is an important defense mechanism, but it's not as easy as it sounds.

  • Are you worrying about a real problem or a hypothetical scenario? If it's just potential, how likely is it to happen? Are your concerns realistic? Can you do something to resolve the situation or prepare for it, or is it something out of your control?
  • Admitting that there is nothing you can do to solve a problem can help you adapt to reality. Ask yourself if maybe you are feeding on stress, like others do adrenaline drugs, and that you are losing control.
Deal With Stress Step 11
Deal With Stress Step 11

Step 5. Take responsibility for achieving what you want in your life

It is less stressful to make decisions and act accordingly than to feel helpless and react to the decisions of others. Decide what to do and try to get it!

  • Learn to say no from time to time. You cannot comply with everything that is asked of you, and even if you could, in some cases you will not want to.
  • Resist the urge to be perfect at all times. Perfectionism can increase stress especially if the standards are too high. Be realistic about what you are capable of. Don't doom yourself to failure just to satisfy your ego.
  • Don't blame yourself for failing when you tried your hardest. You did what you could and no one would ask you for more. Stay trustworthy, but don't expect the impossible from yourself.
  • Try to love yourself. It may seem trivial to you, but it's true: love yourself, rely on your strength and congratulate yourself when you achieve success. Self-esteem will lead you to think "I know how much I'm worth" instead of asking yourself "Am I worth enough?".
Deal With Stress Step 12
Deal With Stress Step 12

Step 6. Improve your sense of humor

One of the barriers that can keep you from relieving stress is the temptation to take things too seriously. There is nothing wrong with living with a little more lightheartedness and seeing things with a hint of irony. Laugh sometimes, or better yet, always laugh! Fight stress with humor.

  • Learn to laugh at yourself. Don't belittle yourself or hurt your self-esteem, but try to tease yourself sometimes. How can you laugh at other things if you can't laugh at yourself?
  • Learn to laugh by listening to some comedian. It will help you cultivate a sense of humor and lighten your days.
Deal With Stress Step 13
Deal With Stress Step 13

Step 7. Learn to lean on friends and loved ones

This is one of the most important tips because keeping everything inside only adds to your stress. Friends, the real ones, will try to understand your situation by putting themselves in your shoes and, if possible, will do everything to help you.

  • Ask your friends for help. If you want to do something, but don't have the strength or the time, there's no harm in reaching out to friends and family. Thank them and remember to return the favor. Learn to delegate to reduce stress.
  • Look for people's respect, not their approval - not even that of your friends. The latter respect you because they love you, even if you don't always agree. Your enemies (if you have any) respect you because you are a person moved by honesty and transparency. Resist the need to be loved and accepted by all: it is an impossible undertaking. This way you will feel much less stressed and much more satisfied.
  • Seek the company of positive people and avoid negative ones. It seems obvious, but by surrounding yourself with funny, cheerful and kind people, you can avoid the stress of contact with pessimistic, cynical and mean people.
Deal With Stress Step 14
Deal With Stress Step 14

Step 8. Try to have a positive inner dialogue

Nothing increases stress more than negative thoughts. When you start feeling defeated, it's a good time for a little reminder.

  • You know yourself better than anyone and you are the perfect person to motivate yourself to see things in a more positive light.
  • Remember everything you've accomplished in the past. All these small goals must be added to the greatest achievements achieved over time.
  • Change the way you speak. Instead of saying "I can't do this", try "I've already been able to get through it once and I'll get through this one too."

Part 3 of 3: Be Respected

Deal With Stress Step 15
Deal With Stress Step 15

Step 1. Openly communicate your mood

If someone threatens you and you feel anxious or stressed, deal with them by telling them how you feel. Watch out for typical bully attitudes that can create stress and have negative health effects over time. If the person who stresses you doesn't listen when you talk to them, ask someone for help.

Deal With Stress Step 16
Deal With Stress Step 16

Step 2. Talk to someone you trust

If you live in a constant state of stress, contact a trusted person to tell them about your problem. It's a great way to express your mood and get an opinion on how best to handle the situation.

If stress continues to haunt you, consider consulting a mental health professional. Sometimes, it can come from emotional and mental turmoil, so a therapist can help you manage it with the right tools

Deal With Stress Step 17
Deal With Stress Step 17

Step 3. Get a stress ball or, if you have a punching bag, punch it every day and scream

It can help you get rid of the accumulated stress and relax physically. Repressing emotions is not good for the body.


  • Chew. Chewing gum has been shown to reduce stress. For this reason, very tense people tend to overeat. Chewing gum is a healthier alternative.
  • Treat yourself to a massage.
  • Honestly acknowledge your emotions. Don't deny them and don't repress them because you will only add to the stress. Don't be afraid to cry. You will be able to relieve anxiety and release repressed emotions.
  • Plan something to look forward to. Imagination can help you relieve stress.
  • If necessary, apologize. Be careful not to make it worse, and remember that guilt adds pain to stress.
  • Spend enough time in the sun. Natural light can cheer you up and relieve seasonal affective disorder.
  • Try something you want to do or postpone for a long time and carry on with this project making sure it is not a form of escape from reality.
  • Always look at things from the right perspective and remember that they may be less stressful than you imagine. Focus on the most important aspects of your life rather than what stresses you.
  • Play sports or chew. In this way, you will be able to dispose of the energy accumulated during the day and calm down.
  • Don't ignore the stress! Face the challenges that generate tension head on. Accumulated stress can lead to various health problems, so it is important to take precautions to prevent them. Managing stress is just one step that allows you to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
  • Don't be in a hurry and remember the good things in life.


  • Don't leave people you love out of your life.
  • Avoid reacting to stress by using alcohol, drugs, and drugs.
  • Avoid running away from reality because it will not help you, except in the most extreme cases when the right choice would be to consult a doctor.
  • See your doctor right away if you experience chest pain or lightheadedness.
  • If you suffer from chronic stress (you burst into tears often, lose weight and gain weight quickly, or suffer from decreased sex drive), see your doctor. You may have an anxiety disorder or another medical condition.
