Asking a little girl out in fifth grade can be a little intimidating because most people your age have not yet started seriously dating the opposite sex. This may be your first attempt at a relationship, but relax and try to understand that it's probably her first time too, so you may both be feeling slightly nervous about it. If you want to invite a young girl on a date with you and have her say yes, all you have to do is get to know her a little better, find the right time to ask her, and stay calm. Here's how to do it.
Part 1 of 3: Prepare to Ask Her Out

Step 1. Get to know her at least a little in the beginning
If you want to ask a girl to go out with you, then she should know who you are and have some kind of relationship or friendship with you. You don't have to be the best of friends, but she needs to be aware of your existence before you ask her out on a date so you don't totally catch her off guard. Let her know a little more about you, like if you have a sister, what sports you like or what you like to do after school.
If you don't know her at all, you just have to approach her and say "Hi" or "How are you?". She'll like the fact that you feel comfortable talking to her as long as your attitude isn't too expansive

Step 2. Throw hints at her so she knows you like her
The girl should get a sense of your attraction to her before you invite her. She doesn't need to know for sure that you think she's really amazing, but she should get the impression that you consider her a nice girl before you ask her out with you so she'll be ready for your question. All you have to do is smile at her, compliment her on something she's wearing, or just pay her a little more attention. For example, if she is standing with a group of friends, remember that you should greet her first. His friends will giggle about it, but that's part of the fun.
- If you know each other, then use her name the next time you talk to her. You say "Hi, Amanda, how are you doing?" and it will feel more special.
- You shouldn't pay too much attention to her. Let her wonder if you are thinking about her or not and she will like you even more.
- Flirt with her a bit. Just be playful and tease her a bit, making sure you don't hurt her feelings.

Step 3. Make sure she's interested
While you don't have to know 100% whether she wants to go out with you or not, you will need to get an idea of what she thinks about you, to figure out if she likes you before diving in; in this way you will have more security and you will not scare her. It would help to know if she has a crush on someone else or is dating another person and you should have a pretty clear idea of what she thinks about you.
- If you walk past her, does she blush, look away or say hello? Or does he ignore you completely?
- If you want to know what he thinks, you can try asking your friends. Don't ask her friends, or they'll go and tell her everything and she'll know you like her.
- If you want to know if she likes you, watch how her friends react when you walk past her. Do they laugh, nudge her with their elbows or even make fun of you? If so, then there's a good chance she'll like you.

Step 4. Choose the right time and place
You shouldn't just invite her on a date any moment, or you won't be ready and won't know what to say. While your choices of where to ask are somewhat limited in fifth grade, your best opportunities probably come after school, in your neighborhood, or in a place where you can see yourself, but without scaring her. You don't have to isolate her too much, since she may not be used to being alone with guys, but try to do it so your friends don't spy on you.
You can ask her to see you after school or just join her after class and talk to her. Just make sure she isn't distracted and is in a good mood

Step 5. Propose an appointment
If you want to ask her out with you, then don't just ask and then look confused once she says yes. You also have to think of something to do! Maybe you would like to go to the carnival together. Maybe you'd like to go out for a slice of pizza or you know she likes to play video games, so you can invite her over to your house. Maybe you want to go shopping mall together or just see a new movie just out in the cinema. The more specific the plan, the more likely she will answer you in the affirmative.
Say something like “I saw it just came out (movie name here). Do you want to go and see him with me? " it will make you seem so much safer than just saying "Would you like to go out with me?"
Part 2 of 3: Ask her out

Step 1. Try to ask him when you are alone (or almost)
We repeat, we simply want to say that when you invite her, her friends shouldn't be winding down your neck. See if it's possible to talk to her right after school, at a birthday party, or somewhere where you can steal a few minutes alone with her, like at a school prom. Try not to ask her before entering school - she may still be sleepy and it might be embarrassing if she says no, because then you will have to have her around all day.
Try asking him during recess. This is a common time chosen by guys to ask girls out. The hard part, again, will be trying to separate her from her friends

Step 2. Be confident
If you want the girl to say yes, she has to think you know your business. Don't get too nervous, don't stammer, don't fiddle with things, don't shake your feet, and don't look at the floor. Look her in the eye and smile. Make her believe that you feel totally comfortable talking to her, so that she feels the same way too. Approach her, wave your hand in greeting and say “Hi” to her.
- You can practice this move in front of the mirror to feel more confident.
- Remember that the worst thing that could happen is that you say no. It won't be the end of the world, will it?

Step 3. Talk to her for a while
You should just tell her a couple of things before you jump into the air and ask her the question. Say "Hi, do you want to go out with me?" it probably won't get you an affirmative answer. You should say something like "How are you?", "How was your day?", "Are you going to do something fun after school?". Maybe you can tell her something you did on that day before making your move. This will make her feel more comfortable and give her a taste of what's to come.
You can think of something to tell her in advance or a question to ask her to feel more comfortable when it comes time to ask her

Step 4. Get straight to the point after the initial chat
Compliment her or just tell her you really like her. Then add "Would you like to go out with me?". Nothing simpler. You can also practice it in front of the mirror to feel calmer. You shouldn't chat with her for more than a few minutes without asking the question, or she'll start to feel confused. Just take a deep breath, look her in the eye and say all in one breath what you mean. You'll feel so much better once you finally invite her.
Read her body language. Is she approaching you, smiling and acting like she's a little nervous? If so, then he is more likely to say yes

Step 5. React right, whatever his answer is
There are two things that could happen: it can tell you yes or no. If he says yes, then that's great! Let her know that you are happy, but don't act too over-excited, maybe hug her for a moment if you know each other well enough. Then, you can suggest the place you'd like to go and start planning your next moves.
If she says no, keep your head up and thank her for talking to you and still being nice. Don't resort to insults or be nasty, or he won't have any respect for you. Face defeat positively and start thinking about your next crush
Part 3 of 3: Other Strategies for Asking Her Out

Step 1. Leave a note on his desk
This is another nice way to ask her out. If you know where she sits, leave a simple note on the counter saying you like this girl and asking her if she'd like to go out with you. Just make sure she actually finds her, that she does it right away, and most importantly that she'll be alone when she does. If he catches her with a group of friends, they'll both be teasing. Don't dwell on it. Just write “I like you. Do you want to go out with me? and this will be enough to communicate your message.

Step 2. Ask her out while giving her a small gift
Give her a pair of earrings, a bouquet of flowers, or a cute notebook that she can use at school. The gift can contain a message, which will ask her out, or you can give it to her while you ask for it in person. Make sure the gift is really small so that she doesn't feel embarrassed if she says no.

Step 3. Ask your friends to talk to her
While this is not something you should do when you are a little older and more experienced, if you are only 10 or so, it is okay to ask one of your friends to talk to her to see if she likes you before going directly.. This will take some of the pressure off and make you feel less sick if it doesn't work.

Step 4. Ask her to go online
While you're officially too young to be on Facebook, in case you're both active on social networks or just have an email account, this could be another nice way to invite her. Just make sure she checks her emails regularly, so you know if she has received your application or not.

Step 5. Give her a note
If you want to ask her during the Christmas holidays, on Valentine's Day, on her birthday or why yes, then you can give her a nice note on which you have written your question. She'll feel special because you made the extra effort to give her a card, and she'll understand that you made an effort to ask her out. This will also make you look more mature.

Step 6. Get creative
If you are truly brave and original, then you can think of an infinite number of ways to invite her to go out with you. Send her a paper plane to ask if she wants to go out with you. Serenade her during recess. Bring her a cookie by writing your invitation with icing. Make a bookmark that asks her out and place it in the book while she is reading it. If you're more creative, that means you'll have to go out a bit more and come up with something, but if you have nothing to lose, this will be a great way to get her attention.