In a relationship, you don't have to stop flirting when things get more serious. If you keep the flame alive, you will probably both have a more fulfilling relationship, no matter how long you've been together, be it a month or ten years! Some people are naturally flirting, while others may need some stimulation every now and then. Fortunately, there are endless ways to tickle your partner's fantasies.
Method 1 of 4: Create a Little Mystery

Step 1. Close the door when getting ready for an appointment
If you put a (temporary) barrier between you and him, you will increase the surprise and joy when you look beautifully dressed up and smiling.

Step 2. Surprise him
You could do this by buying tickets to the movie she's longing to see or a tub of her favorite ice cream. A few little surprises every now and then will brighten his day and break the usual monotony.
Try letting him know you have a surprise in store. Give him a tempting suggestion, like "I just want to make sure you're free tonight because there's something waiting for you."

Step 3. Send a cryptic message
By inventing a code that he probably won't be able to crack, you'll get him to think about you all day, as he tries to figure out what "animals in the kennel roll all day" ("let's play doctor!") Means.
Anagrams (i.e. changing the letter order of a word or phrase) work great

Step 4. Whisper
It is not necessary to do this for a long time. Just lean on his shoulder and say something in his ear, both to create a little intimacy and to break free from the habitual patterns of conversations. It can be a simple "I love you" or a question you would have asked him anyway, like "Do you want to go for a walk with me?".
You can do this even when there is no one else around. It would be even better
Method 2 of 4: Show Him Your Love

Step 1. Listen to it
When your boyfriend is talking, stop what you are doing and give him your full attention. The world is full of distractions, from personal worries to cell phone vibrations. Therefore, try to put them aside and listen to him seriously. He will likely feel your bond stronger if he knows he can count on you.

Step 2. Write him a letter
By expressing how you feel about him from time to time, you may also take his breath away. Leave him a note on the fridge ("Bon appetit! I love you!"), Put a handwritten note in his backpack or briefcase, or if you prefer digital formats, send him an e-card on his Facebook profile.
Remember that controlling yourself is a key element when flirting. Instead of overwhelming him with a torrent of words, try to express your feelings in a few sentences

Step 3. Go to his soccer practice or group practice
Introducing yourself when he's engaged in something else can be a pleasant surprise and also give you a slightly different view of your other half. He might greatly appreciate your interest in him, and if no one else knows you're together, he might even benefit from having a beautiful girl look at him with sweet eyes in front of her friends.
Use your own judgment, though - sometimes it's not good to have an audience, so consider whether yours might be an unwelcome distraction. Before suddenly appearing, discreetly find out if it's not a problem
Method 3 of 4: Use Body Language

Step 1. Move towards him
When sitting next to your boyfriend, orient your body towards his: let him know that you are not afraid to approach and that you want to talk to him.

Step 2. Maintain eye contact a little longer
Your eyes will likely meet many times throughout the day or on a date. When you find yourself in a quiet situation (at dinner or talking), try to intentionally catch his gaze for a moment longer than usual. Eye contact is one of the simplest ways humans have to communicate and connect.

Step 3. Use your magic touch
Thanks to physical contact, a chemical reaction is released that increases desire. This is just one of the reasons why you should hold his hand, touch his shoulder - when you laugh or kiss him to greet him - and snuggle up next to him when you watch TV.
Method 4 of 4: Be Yourself

Step 1. Be confident
Self-confidence is an incredibly charming quality and, perhaps, the first and only law when flirting. But let's face it: "security" does not mean arrogance, but rather having awareness of oneself and feeling good about oneself, showing one's qualities without flaunting them.
If you are not a confident person, try to gain self-confidence. Feeling good in your own skin is useful in all aspects of life, not just in romantic relationships

Step 2. Add a few bars to your repertoire
By telling jokes or making jokes a little sneaky, you have a chance to break the ice, especially if they flatter her masculinity. For example, you may accidentally trip and fall on him, saying "Your chest is so hard I thought I fell on the asphalt!".

Step 3. If none of these maneuvers are successful, laugh together
Your attempts to introduce something new into your relationship might elicit some laughter, but don't worry - it's a natural reaction when a change in a habitual situation occurs. If you laugh with him, you'll ensure things stay playful and strengthen the bond that holds you together.