Have you ever wondered how face cream is applied? Learning to choose the most suitable product for your skin and to apply it correctly is easy.
Method 1 of 2: Apply the Face Cream

Step 1. To begin, make sure your face and hands are clean
Wash your face using warm water and a cleanser suitable for your skin type. Rinse it with cold water and gently pat it dry with a soft towel.

Step 2. Try applying a toner using a cotton ball or pad
The toner helps restore the skin's natural pH. It is also effective in closing pores. The latter effect is particularly important for those who intend to apply makeup after applying the moisturizer.
Opt for an alcohol-free toner if you have dry or sensitive skin

Step 3. If you use the eye area, apply it before the face cream
Take a small amount with your ring finger, then gently tap it on the eye area. Avoid pulling on the skin.
With less pressure, the ring finger is the most suitable finger for the skin around the eyes, which is particularly delicate

Step 4. Squeeze a small amount of face cream onto the back of your hand
Don't worry if it seems like a small amount: often a small amount is enough to get a good result. If necessary, you can always apply more at a later time.
If the cream is in a jar, take a small amount using a teaspoon or a special spatula. This way you will avoid contaminating the product with your fingers. Cream spatulas are readily available at stores that sell beauty products

Step 5. Start applying the cream on your face
Tap dots on your face. Focus on the most problematic areas, such as the cheeks and forehead. Avoid areas that tend to get greasy, such as creases on the sides of the nostrils.
For combination skin, focus more on dry areas and less on oily ones

Step 6. Spread the cream with your fingers
Gently massage it into your face by making small, upward circular motions. The cream should never be dragged down. Make sure you leave a margin of about 1.5cm around the eye area. Most face creams are not suitable for the skin around the eyes, which is particularly delicate and sensitive.

Step 7. If necessary, apply more cream
Examine your face. If you find that you have neglected areas, apply larger quantities of the product. However, avoid overdoing it: using more cream than necessary is not always more effective and may not necessarily lead to better results.

Step 8. Try to apply the face cream to your neck as well
Many overlook this area. However, the skin on the neck is delicate and tends to undergo a more rapid aging process. Consequently, it also needs care and attention.

Step 9. Blot excess cream with a tissue
Examine your face carefully. If you notice lumps of cream, gently pat the skin with a tissue to remove excess product.

Step 10. Wait for your skin to absorb the cream before dressing or putting on makeup
In the meantime, you can comb your hair or brush your teeth. You can also start wearing items such as briefs, socks, trousers or skirts. This way you don't run the risk of rubbing the cream off and ending up elsewhere.
Method 2 of 2: Choose a Face Cream

Step 1. Pay attention to the season
The skin can undergo changes with the passing of the seasons. For example, it can dry out in the winter and become oily in the summer. Consequently, the cream you use in the winter may not work well during the summer season. It is advisable to change product according to the climate.
- If you have dry skin (especially in winter), opt for a more full-bodied moisturizing face cream.
- If you have oily skin (especially in summer), opt for a light face cream or moisturizing gel.

Step 2. Try using a tinted moisturizer
It is an excellent product for those who want to even out the complexion without wearing makeup. Choose a cream that suits your complexion and skin type.
- Most tinted moisturizers come in three basic colors: light, medium and dark. Some cosmetic companies offer a wider range.
- If you have oily skin, look for a tinted moisturizer with a mattifying finish.
- If you have dull or dry skin, look for a tinted moisturizer that leaves your skin visibly fresh and moist. In any case, this product can be used for any type of skin in the winter months, as it helps to achieve a healthy glow.

Step 3. Try a face cream with SPF
The sun is an excellent source of vitamin D, which is essential for beautiful and healthy skin. However, excessive exposure can cause wrinkles and other damage. Protect your skin by using a face cream with sun protection factor. Not only does it moisturize the skin, it also protects it from UVA and UVB rays.

Step 4. Remember that even oily skin needs a cream
If you have oily skin or acne, you still need to use a moisturizer. When the skin becomes excessively dry, it tends to produce more sebum. Face cream prevents this process. Here are some factors to consider:
- Look for a specific face cream for oily or acne-prone skin (read the label to make sure it is).
- You could also opt for a light moisturizing gel.
- Alternatively, use a cream with a mattifying finish, which helps reduce shine and makes the skin visibly less greasy.

Step 5. If you have dry skin, choose a full-bodied moisturizer
Look for products designed for dry skin. If you can't find a specific one, read the label to choose a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Step 6. If you have sensitive skin, look for a mild cream
Read the label carefully and avoid buying a product that contains too many chemicals, as many of them can cause problems for sensitive skin. Instead, consider a cream that has soothing ingredients like aloe or calendula.
- If you have bought a new cream that you have never used before, first try to take a test to see if you are allergic or not. Tap a small amount on the inside wrist and wait for 24 hours. If you don't notice any redness or irritation, you can use it safely.
- Everyone has a different skin. A product that works for your friend or relative won't necessarily work for you too. Always buy creams that are suitable for your skin type. You may need to try several before you find the right one for your needs.
- If you use a new cream, try it for about two weeks before deciding whether to continue using it or not. Not all creams offer instant results: the skin sometimes takes some time to get used to.
- Before going to sleep, apply only specific creams for the night. Regular face creams tend to be too heavy for the evening, as they can clog pores and prevent the skin from breathing.
- Make sure you read the ingredients list before buying a new cream. Some contain substances that you may be allergic to, such as butters made from dried fruit.