How to Apply a Moisturizing Face Cream

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How to Apply a Moisturizing Face Cream
How to Apply a Moisturizing Face Cream

Whatever your skin type, it is important to ensure the right level of hydration. If you want to get the most out of your moisturizer, learn how to apply it appropriately.


Apply Moisturizer Step 1
Apply Moisturizer Step 1

Step 1. Purchase a moisturizer suitable for the skin type on your face

A generic product or a product designed for a different type of skin (unless it is a cream for sensitive skin) could be the cause of unwelcome irritation and acne. For oily skin, light moisturizers or serums are recommended, while the more oily and nourishing ones are recommended for those with dry skin. If you have sensitive skin, prefer creams without intense fragrances.

Apply Moisturizer Step 2
Apply Moisturizer Step 2

Step 2. Take a small amount of cream with your fingers and place it on the back of the non-dominant hand

The dose of cream needed can vary according to your needs.

Apply Moisturizer Step 3
Apply Moisturizer Step 3

Step 3. Apply the cream on your face

Start from the cheeks and take small amounts of product from the back of the hand. Massage the skin without rubbing it. You will avoid the appearance of irritation or redness. Continue with the forehead and complete with the temples, chin and nose. Don't forget the neck. Moisturizer should be applied to cleansed skin with a cleanser and treated with a toner.

Apply Moisturizer Step 4
Apply Moisturizer Step 4

Step 4. Wait until the cream is completely dry before continuing with your makeup routine


  • Moisturizes the skin twice a day, morning and evening.
  • You may have to test different products to find the best one for you.


  • Always be gentle in your movements so as not to irritate the skin.
  • Do not use a product that is not suitable for your skin type, the results may be undesirable.
