4 Ways to Establish an Effective Skin Care Routine

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4 Ways to Establish an Effective Skin Care Routine
4 Ways to Establish an Effective Skin Care Routine

With so many products available on the market, choosing the right combination can seem like a daunting task, but with the right information establishing an effective skincare routine can be fun. To make sure you choose the best solutions for your needs, you should first consider what your skin type is. Then you can put together a personalized combination of cleansers, toners, moisturizers, exfoliants and masks. Within a few months, looking in the mirror you will see noticeable improvements in the health and beauty of your skin!


Method 1 of 4: Establish an Effective Routine

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 1
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 1

Step 1. Remove makeup

If you are in the habit of using make-up, you must always learn to remove make-up before going to sleep. Some products promise little effort, but the risk is that they won't be able to completely remove make-up. Therefore, it is best to have a common make-up remover available to use before cleansing the skin.

  • The wipes to remove make-up or liquid make-up removers to be used in combination with cotton pads are practical and economical. All you have to do is rub the parts of the face with makeup.
  • The products you've used to make up your eyes and lips are formulated to last a long time, so they can be difficult to remove. The solution could be to use specific products designed for the individual parts of the face.
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 2
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 2

Step 2. Cleanse your skin twice a day

You should wash your face in the morning, before putting on your makeup, and at the end of the day, before going to sleep. Also, you should wash it even after sweating a lot.

  • First, moisten your skin with warm, but not hot, water. Hot water helps remove impurities, but excessive heat would certainly dry out.
  • Apply the cleansing product and then massage it gently into the skin. Remember to make circular movements pointing upwards only. At the end, rinse your face by spraying it with plenty of water or with the help of a clean sponge; finally pat it with a towel to dry it.
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 3
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 3

Step 3. Use the toner after the cleanser

You should apply it to dry and clean skin. Pour a small amount onto a cotton pad, then simply rub it all over your face, avoiding just the eye area. Wait for it to dry on the skin; there is no need to rinse it.

If you have dry or sensitive skin, look for a toner that does not contain alcohol

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 4
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 4

Step 4. Moisturize the skin

When the toner has been absorbed, it is time to massage a moisturizer on the face and neck by making circular movements pointing upwards only, as specified above. Alternatively, you can put the cream on your clean fingers and pat it gently on the skin.

If you often have puffy eyes or dark circles or if there are wrinkles around your eyes, you can also use a cream specially formulated for that area. In this case, gently tap it on the entire eye contour area with the fingertips of the index fingers

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 5
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 5

Step 5. Exfoliate your facial skin once or twice a week

Do not increase the frequency, otherwise you will risk damaging it; also, proceed very gently. A very light pressure is enough to obtain an excellent result. Rubbing the skin hard will end up harming its health.

  • There is a wide range of facial exfoliants. You can use a rinse-off scrub, mitt or sponge, or even a chemical exfoliator that contains alpha and beta hydroxy acids (AHAs and BHAs).
  • In case of acne or hyperpigmentation it may be best to avoid exfoliating the skin.
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 6
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 6

Step 6. Use a sunscreen every day to protect yourself from the sun

Daily exposure to sunlight can cause: premature skin aging, hyperpigmentation and other problems. Even if you don't intend to be outside for long, apply sunscreen before you leave the house. it should have an SPF (sun protection factor) of 30 or higher. Apply it 15 minutes before going outdoors.

The sunscreen should be applied after completing the previous steps, then after the moisturizer, but before makeup

Method 2 of 4: Solutions for Oily Skin

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 7
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 7

Step 1. Use a foamy cleanser

This type of formula is best suited for oily skin because it gently removes sebum. A small dose will be enough to cleanse the whole face. Generally, foamy cleansers are available in gel or cream form.

Don't wash your face more than twice a day. Cleaning it too often is counterproductive because it prompts the skin to produce too much sebum which can cause pimples

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 8
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 8

Step 2. Look for ingredients that fight acne

If you tend to get pimples and blackheads, you should opt for a combination of deeply cleansing substances to regulate sebum production, thus preventing the skin from becoming shiny or acne-prone. Some effective ingredients commonly used by cosmetic companies are:

  • Benzoyl peroxide;
  • Salicylic acid;
  • Sulfur;
  • Alpha-hydroxy acids (such as glycolic or lactic acid);
  • Retinoic acid;
  • Witch hazel.
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 9
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 9

Step 3. Use a water-based moisturizer

A product that is too rich could make the skin even more oily. To regulate sebum production, use a liquid or gel moisturizer. To identify the right product, choose one where the water is listed first or second on the ingredient list.

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 10
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 10

Step 4. Relax and regulate sebum production with a clay mask

It is an excellent product for oily skin. Smear the mask on your face after washing it, then let it sit for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with plenty of water. Finally, apply the moisturizing lotion.

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 11
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 11

Step 5. Don't touch your face if you don't have to

Otherwise the bacteria and impurities that you may have on your hands will transfer to the skin of the face and, as a result, pimples may form. If you need to touch your face, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water first.

You should definitely avoid squeezing your pimples. Otherwise you will feel even worse, you will make them more evident and above all you will run the risk of an unsightly scar on your face

Method 3 of 4: Solutions for Dry or Sensitive Skin

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 12
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 12

Step 1. Wash your face every morning

Since cleansing products can remove the skin's natural oils that keep it hydrated and healthy, there's no need to use them after a night's sleep. Just wipe the skin with warm water, then pat it dry with a clean towel to dry it. In the evening, instead, wash it with the detergent of your choice.

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 13
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 13

Step 2. Use the oil to remove makeup

Often, make-up removers contain alcohol and other substances that are aggressive to the skin that can irritate and dehydrate it. On the other hand, cleansers that use an oil-based formula are even more gentle than make-up remover wipes. You can also apply a natural oil directly to the skin (for example jojoba oil) and then remove it with hot water.

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 14
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 14

Step 3. Use a serum before applying the moisturizer

It is a water-based product that serves to give an extra hydration charge to the skin. Gently pat it on your face using clean fingers or a cotton pad. Let your skin absorb it before applying the moisturizer.

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 15
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 15

Step 4. Use a cream that contains oils that can nourish and hydrate her

If you have dry or mature skin, oil-based products allow you to both hydrate and help retain moisture. Check the labels for a cream where oil is one of the first ingredients.

  • Mineral oil or petroleum jelly can be helpful if you have skin that is flaking or cracking.
  • Rosehip or jojoba oil can also help the skin retain moisture.
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 16
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 16

Step 5. Use soothing ingredients if you have irritated skin

For those with dry or sensitive skin it is not uncommon to have irritation on the face or for the skin to crack. To soothe her, choose products that contain moisturizing substances, such as aloe, chamomile, green tea extract, or vitamin C.

Note that too much vitamin C can dehydrate the skin. If you have dry skin, you can try using magnesium ascorbyl phosphate

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 17
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 17

Step 6. Avoid alcohol and other astringent substances

Alcohol can dehydrate and irritate sensitive skin; read the ingredient list of all products to avoid those in which it is present. In addition to alcohol, you should also avoid other irritating ingredients such as:

  • Witch hazel;
  • Peppermint;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • Fragrances;
  • Acids (note that hyaluronic acid retains water and does not dehydrate the skin).

Method 4 of 4: Solutions for Common Skin Problems

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 18
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 18

Step 1. Use antioxidants to reduce the signs of aging

They can be used to prevent wrinkles from forming due to aging. Vitamin C, retinol, tea or grape seed extracts and niacinamide are among the most used antioxidants in cosmetics.

Although they are not antioxidants, alpha hydroxy acids, such as glycolic acid and lactic acid, can help smooth out the finest wrinkles

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 19
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 19

Step 2. Solve the problem of uneven complexion with ingredients that allow you to lighten the skin

If you want to intervene where the skin is hyperpigmented or stained, choose products that can lighten it thanks to the fact that they contain ingredients such as:

  • Kojic acid;
  • C vitamin;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Arbutin;
  • Niacinamide;
  • Licorice root extract.
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Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 20

Step 3. If the skin appears dull, use products that can make it more radiant

Having a dull complexion is a common side effect or a consequence of aging. If you're looking for more than just a highlighter, look for a product that contains vitamin C, arbutin, niacinamide, and mulberry extracts. These products are most effective when used simultaneously, so you can mix and match them freely.

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 21
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 21

Step 4. Choose gentle products for rosacea

To avoid making the situation worse, you should use both a cleanser and a mild moisturizer. At the same time, you should avoid all cosmetics that contain alcohol, menthol, peppermint, eucalyptus oil or witch hazel. Check with your doctor to find out how you can effectively treat rosacea.

Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 22
Establish an Effective Skincare Routine Step 22

Step 5. Go to the dermatologist

If you have trouble finding products that suit your face's needs, consult a specialist. He will be able to identify the characteristics of your skin, the causes of your ailments and understand if they can be caused by a pathology not yet detected. He may also prescribe medications that can help you heal.


  • Consider using natural-based cosmetics or making your own, especially if you have sensitive skin that reacts badly to products that contain chemicals.
  • When you start using a new product it is rare to be able to reap immediate benefits. If you've established a new routine, wait six weeks to three months for the cosmetics to work. Use them regularly, in the morning and / or in the evening, according to your needs.
  • Drink lots of water; if the body is well hydrated, the skin is too.
  • Never go to sleep with your face still made up.
  • If you have very dry skin, choose a scrub that is not too aggressive, to be used no more than 1-2 times a week.
  • Smoking, alcoholic beverages, medications, and drugs have serious adverse effects on the skin, including dehydration, premature aging and the formation of blemishes.
  • During the dry season, while you sleep, use a humidifier to regulate the humidity in the bedroom air.


  • Check that cosmetics do not contain any ingredients you are allergic to before using them.
  • If your skin becomes red, irritated, swollen or cracked after using a product, stop using it immediately. Rinse your face with plenty of water if the cosmetic is still present.
