You may have heard a lot about products like gels, which can ruin your hair or are full of chemicals. In this article you will find a simple recipe for making a gel at home, so as not to stress your hair. Can also be used as an aftershave balm.
Aloe vera pulp
Sweet almond oil
Olive oil
Make Hair Gel Using Aloe Vera Pulp Step 1
Step 1. Get everything you need
Make Hair Gel Using Aloe Vera Pulp Step 2
Step 2. Extract the pulp from an aloe vera plant with the help of a knife
Make sure the aloe is ripe, the pulp should be thick, not watery.
Make Hair Gel Using Aloe Vera Pulp Step 3
Step 3. To the pulp add 2-3 drops of sweet almond oil and 2-3 drops of olive oil
Make Hair Gel Using Aloe Vera Pulp Step 4
Step 4. Mix the ingredients until you have a smooth paste
Make Hair Gel Using Aloe Vera Pulp Step 5
Step 5. Store it in the fridge
You can keep it for a week.
Thanks to its nourishing and emollient properties, the paste can also be used as an aftershave balm.
The aloe vera leaves, which are large, will be ripe and have a good consistency for the gel.
Hands must be dry and clean.
Make sure the aloe vera isn't rotten.
If you can't get the right consistency at first, don't worry. By practicing it you will succeed after 2-3 times, also remember that the paste can always be used as an aftershave balm, whatever its consistency.
Paper pulp can be a useful ingredient for making homemade paper or other DIY projects. Moreover, it is very simple to make. If you have paper, water and a whisk or blender available, you can make all the paper pulp you want in the comfort of your home.
Aloe vera gel is one of the most effective remedies found in nature. It can be used to treat sunburn, moisturize the skin and soothe irritation. To make it yourself, all you need is a healthy aloe plant. The gel can be mixed with other ingredients to keep it even longer.
Aloe vera is an ingredient found in many cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, including those for hair care. You can buy the gel at a herbalist's shop, pharmacy or supermarket, but you can also extract it directly from the plant. You can use it to nourish and soften your hair, for example as a leave-in conditioner or as a mask.
Aloe vera gel is a natural substance that is used around the world for a wide range of applications, for example to treat sunburn, make face masks or as a dietary supplement. The greatest benefits are obtained when extracting the gel directly from the plant and it is important to know how to store it.
Would you like to have wavy and natural hair? Well, you can achieve this style without using tools that damage your hair with heat. This hairstyle looks very natural, and it's easy to create it without using methods that can make your hair dry and brittle.