Paper pulp can be a useful ingredient for making homemade paper or other DIY projects. Moreover, it is very simple to make. If you have paper, water and a whisk or blender available, you can make all the paper pulp you want in the comfort of your home. If you need this material for a specific project, prepare it at least a couple of days in advance so it has time to soak and dry.
Part 1 of 3: Soak the Paper
Step 1. Tear the paper into small pieces
Cardstock or newspaper are great for making paper pulp, but you can use any type of paper you have available. Tear it into small pieces to make it easier to soak it in water.
- As a general rule, you should make 2.5 cm side squares of paper.
- For best results, tear off the paper by hand. By cutting it with scissors, it would impregnate less, because it would not have uneven edges.
Step 2. Put the paper in a bowl
Choose one that can hold all the pieces of paper. You will need to immerse them in water, so also consider the volume of the liquid when choosing the size of the container.
Step 3. Pour hot water into the bowl
Fill it until the paper is completely submerged. The liquid level should be sufficient to cover it, but not higher. As for the temperature, the water should be warm, but not boiling, in order to soften the paper faster.

Step 4. Let the water soak overnight
Place the bowl where it can remain undisturbed for about 8-12 hours or overnight. If you need the paste for a specific day, plan this job ahead of time so that you have time to soak the shredded pieces.
If you're going to use a blender, you don't need to soak the paper overnight. However, this process helps to give a softer texture to the dough
Part 2 of 3: Turning Paper into Pasta
Step 1. Break the pieces of paper by hand or with a whisk
Put your hands or whisk it into the bowl and mix the paper, until it dissolves into a paste. Continue until you get the consistency of thick soup. When you can no longer make out any pieces of paper in the liquid, you can let the paste dry as it is or blend it to get a softer consistency.
If you don't blend the paper after undoing it with your hands, it may have a rougher texture, which will make it more difficult to write on
Step 2. Blend the paper pulp for a softer consistency
Pour the contents of the bowl into a blender and blend it for about 15-30 seconds. If you are using a thick material, such as cardboard or cardstock, you may need to blend it for a longer time. After 15 seconds, stop the device and check the result. Continue this process until you get a paste with a fluid and smooth consistency.
Depending on the amount of dough you want to make, you may need to blend it in several steps. If you choose this option, put all the material back together in a single bowl when finished, so that the consistency is even
Step 3. Add water if the paste is too thick
With too thick and dry paste, you won't be able to get smooth paper. If the mixture feels dry after blending it, add a few tablespoons of water. Pour in small amounts and blend for 10 seconds before adding more. With too much water, the pages would become very fragile.
If the pasta is watery and doesn't have the thick consistency of a soup, it's probably too diluted
Step 4. Add 1-2 teaspoons of instant starch (optional)
Starch can help the dough stay firmer as it dries and turns into paper. The amount to add depends on how much paper pulp you want to make. For small to medium-sized projects (around 250-500g), 1 teaspoon is sufficient (4g). If, on the other hand, you need more paper, double the doses.
Step 5. Store the pasta in a sealed bucket or bottle if needed
Until it's time to dry, you can store it in an airtight container to prevent it from drying out. If you need large amounts of paper pulp, you can prepare some in advance and use it from time to time.
You can keep the paper pulp for up to a week
Part 3 of 3: Dry the Paper Paste
Step 1. Pour the paper pulp into a flat pan
Spread it evenly, in a layer that is as thin as possible, so as to obtain equal pieces of paper. Mash it using your hands or a large spoon. If you can't spread it easily, it's probably too thick.
If the paste is too thick, add more water to dilute it
Step 2. Put a stainless mesh on the bottom of the pan
Make sure it's about the same size as the pan. Move it around until it is evenly covered by the paste.
- If you have an old broken mosquito net, cut it out to the size of the pan and use it to make paper pulp.
- You can also buy stainless mesh at a hardware or home improvement store if you don't have an old mosquito net available.
Step 3. Lift the net from the pan
Let it drip for about 30-60 seconds. That way, it won't run when you put the paste out to dry.
Step 4. Place the mesh on an absorbent surface
Place it face down on a towel or cloth that can absorb water as the paper pulp dries. Lift the net carefully and use it to make more paper or wash it if you have already used all the pulp.

Step 5. Let the pulp dry for approximately 24 hours
In most cases, it will take a full day for it to dry, but larger pieces can take even longer. If the paper is dry and firm, it is ready to use.
- Decorate the homemade paper with colored pens or pencils, paint, glitter or dried flowers.
- Use the paper to make a custom homemade greeting card.