Is this your first time at the theater? It is one of the few environments in which certain traditional rules, typical of a noble society of other times, are still valid. The actors, set designers, machinists and the director of the opera you are going to see have worked hard to deliver a professional show with a refined aesthetic. Consequently, viewers should be respectful enough to return the favor. Unless otherwise specified by the director, it is not necessary to choose fully formal attire. However, knowing a few basic guidelines for dressing can help create the right mood.
Method 1 of 3: Dressing Formally

Step 1. Choose a formal suit that flatters you
In some cases (such as premieres and special events organized by the theater that strictly require an evening dress), attending a theatrical performance requires formal attire. For such an occasion, you should be prepared to choose more elegant clothes. In general, for an event of this caliber, it is ideal to show up dressed in white or black.
If an evening dress is required, or it is inherently a formal event, such as a premiere or an opera, elegant attire is automatically expected

Step 2. Wear appropriate clothing for a special event
In recent times, the rules regarding formal wear have changed. In order not to make mistakes, choose clothes that you would wear for dining in a luxury restaurant or for a professional context. If you are a woman, you can wear a suit, consisting of a jacket and midi or trousers, although a more suitable item of clothing for an evening event, such as a chic cocktail dress, will make you look more sophisticated. Men should choose a dark tailored suit in a neutral color suitable for an evening event. Generally, a shirt without a jacket is also fine, paired with a tie and well-pressed classic trousers.
For a modern and formal theatrical event, the same attire that you would choose for a wedding, funeral or charity dinner would be fine

Step 3. Choose the right accessories for the outfit
Complete the look with necklaces, bracelets, watches and other accessories. Wear closed-front shoes with formal tights or socks, even in summer. Bring a matching bag or clutch bag to have the essentials with you (large bags that take up too much space and hinder the passage of people should be left at home). Obviously, respect the actors and spectators by keeping your cell phone or any other device off until the end of the show.
- If you overdo it with the size or quantity of accessories, an elegant combination can immediately become flashy and flashy.
- If the theater you go to is quite large or you have problems with myopia, you can use binoculars. Since it does not emit noises or lights, as it does with phones and cameras, it is considered a more than acceptable accessory in this context.

Step 4. Wash your hair and style it
The hairstyle is also essential to have a sophisticated look. Sloppy, tangled, dirty hair can ruin an otherwise flawless ensemble, so be sure to wash it the night before or the morning of the show. If you are a woman, you can wear a bun, soft waves or a perfect smooth. If you are a man, keep them in check with some grease. If they were a little longer because you haven't refreshed your usual cut or you are used to wearing them like this, do the side parting or pull them backwards, fixing them precisely with the grease.
- Consult a guide for ideas on how to style your hair based on its structure and length.
- As silly as you seem, high hats and hairstyles can disturb the people sitting around you. As a general rule, hats should not be worn indoors, and when you comb your hair you should think about other spectators.
Method 2 of 3: Dressing Casual

Step 1. Wear informal but classy clothing
In this case, the word casual has a different meaning than usual, so don't wear the first thing that happens. The casual style is preferable for certain productions, but still you will be expected to have a neat appearance. In fact, although no formal estate is enforced, as a member of the public you have tacitly agreed to be an integral part of a meticulously organized event. Shorts, T-shirts, tank tops and sandals are not appropriate: think about how you would dress for dinner in a classy (but not particularly luxurious) restaurant, not for a lazy evening.

Step 2. Dress simply and comfortably
Do you remember how your mother dressed you at Easter or to visit relatives? Get inspired by the casual style your mom taught you. If you are a man, you can wear formal pants, polo shirts or shirts. As for shoes, go for moccasins or boat shoes. Women theoretically have more options. You could simply dress in a shirt and skirt, but you can also wear a casual suit, perhaps accompanied by a sweater and a pair of socks when it's colder.
Regardless of what you wear, make sure you are comfortable. You'll be sitting for a couple of hours, so choose clothing that doesn't irritate your skin and isn't too tight

Step 3. Take advantage of the season
To dress and choose accessories, there are numerous perfect combinations exclusively for certain times of the year. Use them to your advantage. In spring and summer, sport lighter colors, such as pastel shades, and light fabrics. In autumn and winter, go for heavier fabrics and layered dresses, but in a sophisticated way. Cardigans, corduroy, dress ankle boots, and linen can all liven up a seasonal look.
At certain times of the year, it can get a little hotter or colder in the theater. Bring an item of clothing, such as a cardigan or jacket, to cover up when needed

Step 4. Try to have good personal hygiene habits
While this event isn't particularly formal, you still need to be presentable. Hair and clothing should be clean and tidy. Tuck the shirt into your pants. Do not wear skirts or dresses above the thigh. Avoid shirts that are too low-cut. The theater will be full of people and you will have a lot of people close by, so cool off with some deodorant. If you want to spray perfume or cologne, use a small amount: fragrances that are too intense can be nauseating.
Brush your teeth, cut your nails, put on clean socks, wash your face and hands. Never neglect these good personal hygiene habits. It would be embarrassing to disturb other viewers because of your appearance or smell
Method 3 of 3: Dressing for a Special Show

Step 1. Find out about the needs of the theater
Not all of them require the same degree of formality when it comes to clothing. Consider the type of show you will be attending and decide what is the most appropriate way to dress. For example, it is unlikely that a children's show will include particular style precautions, while even for a small work of local production it is necessary to make different choices. In this case, it all depends on the context. Special events or premieres that like an evening dress usually involve formal attire, while for a Broadway-style, daytime or conceptual show (such as those in experimental theaters), a more relaxed look is fine.
- Before a show, you may want to do a research or call the people in charge of the event to find out which outfit you like.
- If you have doubts about how to dress for a particular event and you have not been given particular guidelines to follow, you can usually opt for casual clothing.

Step 2. Buy and wear merchandise items
If you've seen this show before or a stand has been set up selling merchandise, buy a t-shirt or hat to show your support. Many long-running or family-friendly show producers appreciate fans wearing themed clothing. Often these products are unique and exclusive to the live performance you attend, so you'll never have a better chance to flaunt them.

Step 3. Put on a costume and paint the face
This idea is definitely not recommended for most premieres and more sophisticated shows, but for established productions like The Lion King and Wicked it is perfect. It can be a lot of fun, especially for the younger ones. Dress inspired by your favorite character and immerse yourself completely in the event. If you have kids, get them involved too. The important thing is not to overdo it with costumes and props: remember that the look of a spectator can distract the rest of the audience.
Before you buy tickets and decide what to wear, do some research to know if costumes and props are recommended for a certain production. In any case, the tightness must be reasonable. Also, refrain from making noise or annoying other spectators during the performance

Step 4. Dress as usual
In rare circumstances, it is possible to go to the theater dressing without special care. Smaller, alternative shows generally don't dictate an outfit, so there won't be a problem if you show up in jeans and a T-shirt. Always make sure to inform yourself in advance about the appropriate attire for any show or according to the environment. In the case of a formal event, take the opportunity to dress in a refined way: nowadays the opportunity to take care of your appearance in this way is less and less common.
As much as you may wear the clothing you usually wear in daily life, dressing well is never a bad idea. Your appearance says a lot about your identity, so make sure it's a good business card
- Depending on the season and the number of spectators, it can be very cold or very hot in the theater. Bring an overcoat that you can put on and take off easily.
- Don't get obsessed with what you're going to wear. Do your best to look nice and enjoy the show!
- If you have never been to a play before, you may not know the etiquette of this environment. You can find a lot of information on the internet.