Most adults need about 7-8 hours of sleep to be functional and efficient the next day. However, physical and mental stress can prevent you from being able to relax before going to sleep, hindering proper rest. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to help you relax by ensuring you get the sleep you need.
Method 1 of 4: Relax the Body

Step 1. Breathe deeply
When you have frequent trouble relaxing before bed, getting ready for bed can also be a source of stress. As a result, a vicious circle is established in which the nerves make it increasingly difficult to sleep. To counter this, you can practice some deep breathing techniques. Close your eyes, then slowly inhale through your nose as you count to five. Then slowly exhale through your mouth, counting to five again. Repeat this exercise several times for several minutes, until you feel your heart rate slow down as your muscles relax.
- During the exercise, focus solely on your breathing, trying to clear your mind of all other thoughts.
- Make it part of your pre-sleep routine so your body associates deep breathing exercise with going to sleep. In a short time the evening practice will be able to indicate to the body that it must prepare for sleep.

Step 2. Try progressive muscle relaxation
Stretch and relax every single muscle group in the body, one after the other. This technique is an effective way to relax both in and out of bed. Tense each muscle, contracting it for about ten seconds. Visualize it while it is in tension, then release it, allowing the whole body to let go before moving on to the next muscle group. Start at the toes, then gradually work your way up to the calves, thighs, back, arms, and face. This technique should allow you to feel more relaxed throughout your body, helping you forget the worries of the day.
Remember to keep all other muscles relaxed as you squeeze one

Step 3. Try gentle yoga
Gentle yoga can help you relax your body by preparing it for bedtime. A regular routine of slow and relaxing positions, lasting 5-15 minutes, allows you to relieve physical and mental tensions. Practice only the basic positions, avoiding the energetic ones that could have the opposite effect. Twists and stretches will suffice. Here are some examples:
- Position of the child. Sit on your heels, with your arms at your sides, then bend your torso forward until it overlaps your knees; the forehead rests gently on the floor.
- Forward bends. Standing, raise your arms above your head, fully extending your spine, then slowly bend your torso forward, keeping your back straight.
- Jathara Parivrtti twist position. Lie on your back, then open your arms to the side, with your palms facing the floor. Bend and lift your legs to bring them to hip height, perpendicular to the floor. Lower your legs bringing them to the ground, on the right side of the body, then return to the center and repeat on the other side.

Step 4. Take a warm bath
Soaking in warm bath water for 15-30 minutes before bed can be a great way to relax before sleep. Make sure the water is warm, but not boiling, to get the most relaxation benefits possible. Taking a warm bath regularly before going to bed can cause your body to realize that the day has come, convincing it to relax.
If you wish, you can make the bathroom atmosphere even more relaxing by listening to soothing music or using scented oils for aromatherapy. Lavender and chamomile are excellent for inducing a state of relaxation

Step 5. Avoid caffeine
Eliminating stimulants, such as caffeine, is very helpful for anyone who has a hard time relaxing before going to sleep. Starting in the late hours of the afternoon, avoid taking tea, coffee or other drinks that contain caffeine, otherwise you may find it hard to fall asleep, also compromising the quality of your sleep. The effects of caffeine can last up to 24 hours, greatly affecting sleep disturbances. Additionally, caffeine can cause your heart rate to increase, making you more nervous and agitated.
- Replace caffeine with a cup of warm milk, chamomile tea, or peppermint tea.
- Additional stimulants, including nicotine, hard-to-digest foods, beverages, and sugary foods, can prevent you from effectively relaxing.

Step 6. Avoid alcohol
Although you often feel drowsy immediately after taking them, alcohol negatively interferes with the quality of sleep, making it less restful and restful. Alcoholic beverages also increase the likelihood of sleeplessness, forcing you to wake up in the middle of the night and then struggle to fall back asleep. If you want your nights to be truly restful, avoid drinking alcohol.

Step 7. Keep physically active throughout the day
Keeping your body moving helps you relax it when evening comes. Exercise daily for 20-30 minutes at a brisk pace, such as running, swimming, or cycling. Find time to train during the morning or early afternoon hours; Exercising during the evening hours prompts the body to invigorate itself rather than relax.
Exposing yourself to sunlight during the day causes the body to relax when it gets dark. If possible, choose to exercise outdoors to get plenty of sunlight
Method 2 of 4: Relax the Mind

Step 1. Plan an evening relaxation routine
Instead of just crawling under the covers, expecting your body to relax quickly, dedicate at least 15-30 minutes to an evening relaxation routine every day to calm your mind by forgetting about everyday worries. There are a number of techniques that can help you get rid of burdensome or stressful thoughts, allowing you to relax during the night. For example, you can:
- Write a list of the goals you achieved during the day just ended.
- Tick them off your to-do list. Having to complete your daily tasks is a major cause of stress.
- Write down your thoughts in a journal.
- Make a list of your schedule for the next day to avoid having to think about it once in bed.
- Meditate for 15-30 minutes to clear your mind.

Step 2. Distract yourself instead of getting anxious
If you find yourself unable to relax in bed, don't force yourself to be apprehensive. If you can't relax within 10-15 minutes, get up and engage in an activity that helps clear your mind. The accumulated anxiety will not go away by itself; remove it for example with a hot bath, a good book or some piece of classical music, then go back to bed again. Avoid activities that force you to expose yourself to bright light, such as that emitted by electronic devices.

Step 3. Do not use electronic devices during the evening
Watching TV, using your computer, or staring at your smartphone screen can negatively interfere with your ability to relax and fall asleep. In particular, staring at a small bright screen in a dark room can stop the secretion of melatonin, a substance that regulates sleep cycles. Make sure there is a fair amount of time between the last time you used an electronic device and the time you go to sleep.
There is evidence that playing video games in the early evening causes a lack of sleep; Additionally, teens who use their cell phones while in bed are more prone to feel sleepy during the day

Step 4. View positive images
Visualization exercises can reduce anxiety and stress. Before bedtime, if you are feeling anxious, try doing a positive visualization exercise. Imagine a place where you feel happy and relaxed; engage all your senses by observing, smelling, listening and savoring what you want to experience. You can use a memory of a situation you've experienced or imagine it yourself. The scenarios you can view include:
- A beach kissed by the sun.
- A cool forest.
- The courtyard you used to play in as a child.

Step 5. Before going to sleep, do some mental exercises
If you're having a hard time taking your mind off the stressful events of the day just ended, try some mental exercises. You can use puzzles, solving games with numbers or words, or try something simpler, like trying to memorize a poem or song. Choose exercises that are not too difficult to help you relax effectively, but make sure they are engaging enough to distract you from everyday worries. For example, you could try:
- Solve a Sudoku puzzle.
- Do the crossword puzzles.
- Recite your favorite song in reverse.
- List all authors whose last name begins with the letter B.
Method 3 of 4: Have Regular Sleep Patterns

Step 1. Go to sleep at regular times
Sticking to regular sleep patterns is very important if you want your body to understand the best time to relax, allowing it to stick to its circadian rhythms. Contrary to popular belief, it's not just babies who need to stick to a daily sleep routine; adults also need to relax by clearing their minds before going to sleep. Try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

Step 2. Don't delay the alarm
Although it is a strong temptation, delaying the alarm several times does not allow for a restful and quality sleep; on the contrary, it increases the chances that you will feel tired in the morning and full of energy in the evening, when you should be relaxing. When the alarm goes off, get out of bed immediately, trying to resist the urge to hit the "snooze" button.

Step 3. Avoid taking long naps during the day
It is important to do your best to resist the urge to doze off for a long time. Limiting sleep to night hours will make you more likely to be able to relax before bedtime.
If you really can't help but take a nap, do it in the mid-afternoon, during daylight hours, making sure it doesn't last longer than 30 minutes. Sleeping too long or in the evenings can interfere with your ability to relax for the night

Step 4. Get up at the same time every day
It may not be easy, but if you want to be able to stick to the schedule, you need to make a commitment to never stay in bed late. Even on weekends, set your alarm for the same time as on other days. By going to bed and getting up at roughly the same time each day, you will program your body to sleep better.

Step 5. Establish your evening routine
Plan a 15-30 minute relaxing routine that you can do before bed each day. You can choose to take a warm bath, do some stretching exercises, listen to relaxing music, read a book, etc. Repeating the same gestures every night will help your body understand that bedtime is approaching. Dedicating yourself to a relaxing activity will help you fall asleep more easily (also counteracting sleeplessness at night). After some time, your body will understand that your evening routine indicates that it is time to start relaxing, preparing to go into sleep at the same time each day.
Method 4 of 4: Create a Relaxing Atmosphere in the Bedroom

Step 1. Use the bed only for sleep and intimate intercourse
Don't work, don't call, and don't deal with housekeeping bills in bed. Get used to the idea that it is only for sleeping or for intimate relationships. Make your bed a place to relax, not a desk to work on; also keep it clear of any superfluous objects.

Step 2. Create a relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom
It should be a haven of relaxation, free from all sorts of stress, distraction, or nerve-wracking lure. Try never to engage in work or any stressful activity while in the bedroom; Also, avoid using it as a place to watch TV or use other noisy and bright-screen electronic devices, such as computers and cell phones.
If you want to make your space even more restful, you can choose to paint it with soothing colors, such as light blue or light green. Using soft lighting and calming essential oils, such as lavender, can help you sleep better

Step 3. Sleep in the dark
Staying in a dark room is very important to be able to relax and sleep well. Sleep-inducing hormone melatonin is highly sensitive to light. Wait for the evening to come, then find out if your bedroom is dark enough: turn off all the lights, then wait for your eyes to get used to the new condition, but if you can still make out objects clearly, it means it's there. too much light. Now you can act on the areas where the light filters through.
If the light is coming from outside, for example from street lighting, consider purchasing blackout curtains or wear an eye mask

Step 4. Keep your bedroom cool
An environment that is too hot prevents the body temperature from lowering, a necessary condition for inducing the sleep mechanism. While you sleep, your body reaches its lowest temperature, so it can be helpful to keep the room cool. Ideally, it should be between 18 and 24 ° C. Excessive heat in the room could make you dehydrated, nervous or restless.
- If the safety conditions allow it, keep a window slightly open to encourage proper air exchange. A fan can help you create the appropriate temperature during the warm months.
- Keep the extremities warm. If it's cold, use a heavy duvet instead of leaving the heat on, which can cause your body to become dehydrated. Keeping your feet warm is essential, so go to sleep in a pair of wool socks if necessary.

Step 5. Choose the right mattress for you
A mattress made of hypoallergenic and breathable materials helps the body relax more effectively when it's time to sleep. Make sure you choose a product of the right size and compactness. Finding the right mattress for your body characteristics and habits will help create a pleasant and relaxing environment.

Step 6. Use a white noise player to cover up annoying sounds
Noise is one of the main enemies of quality sleep, having the ability to disturb you or make you feel stressed while you sleep or are trying to fall asleep. White noises have a soothing effect on the mind, use them to mask the sounds made by cars, roommates, roommates or neighbors. If you don't want to buy a white noise player, try creating a background sound with a fan or dehumidifier. White noise reproducers are readily available online.
- If none of these methods seem to work, consider seeing a sleep specialist. can help you get better through the use of drugs or cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy.
- Chronic anxiety could result from a hormonal or chemical imbalance, rather than the surrounding environment. If despite your attempts to create a relaxing evening routine, you find it difficult to calm your body and mind before bed, consider describing your complaints to a doctor or psychotherapist.