Midges are flying insects, coming from moist soil and attracted to fruit, decaying plants and standing water. They are often confused with fruit flies, which are very similar household pests. Once they enter the kitchen, they can lay hundreds of eggs at once and thus spread quickly. The easiest way to get rid of it is to use house cleaning traps and sprays. Since these products are only effective against adult flies flying around in the kitchen, you also need to intervene at the root of the problem. Eliminate the infested potting soil used for houseplants. Also, clean the kitchen by removing food and water sources. If you keep it clean and tidy, no unwanted guests will be able to survive.
Method 1 of 4: Using Traps and Spray Solutions

Step 1. Set up a vinegar-based trap to gradually eliminate adult midges
No gnat can resist the smell of apple cider vinegar. Next, combine about 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of vinegar in 1 liter of water. Then add about 6 drops of liquid dish soap. If you put the mixture inside a container - for example, a glass jar - these insects will not be able to fly away once they enter.
- Try leaving the solution in a closed jar or deep bowl covered with a clear plastic sheet. Drill holes in the lid or casing to allow the midges to enter. Change it as it fills with midges.
- To make it more effective, you can add 15ml (1 tablespoon) of sugar. Old fruit is fine too.
- Another option is to use old red wine. The more it tastes like vinegar, the more effective it will be. Add 6 drops of dish soap to keep the midges from flying off.

Step 2. Prepare a spray solution to quickly eliminate airborne midges
Traps take longer to catch, but a spray can almost instantly kill anything flying around in the kitchen. Look for a product specially formulated for flying insects. Spray it once a day all over the kitchen until they disappear. To be safe, stay outside and wait for it to disperse.
- Wear a face mask when you spray it. Also, make sure all food is closed properly. Then, thoroughly clean all surfaces once the product has finished taking effect.
- Be aware that chemicals can be toxic or at least annoying when inhaled. While indoor insecticide sprays generally pose no health risk, it is best to leave the house while they take effect.

Step 3. Use a homemade mixture if you want an environmentally friendly insecticide
You can prepare a solution similar to the vinegar-based trap. Pour about 15ml (1 tablespoon) of apple cider vinegar and 240ml of hot water into a spray bottle. Add about 6 drops of liquid dish soap, then start sprinkling the mixture on all the midges you see. Thanks to the detergent they will no longer be able to fly once hit by the spray and will die quickly.
This is an organic compound, so you can also apply it where indoor plants are. Furthermore, it does not harm the health of any inhabitant of the house

Step 4. Hang fly paper from the ceiling to catch stubborn midges
Buy the one in the shape of stripes and place them close to where you see them flying. Once they land on it, they will no longer be able to escape. When it is filled with midges, discard it and replace it with a new strip.
- The fly paper hangs high, so you may not have many places to place it. Many people tie it to ceiling fans, curtain rods, and taller furniture.
- Although it is effective and inexpensive, it is unable to eliminate insect larvae and eggs. Combine with other pest control techniques, such as treating plant soil and thorough cleaning.
Method 2 of 4: Treating the Infested Topsoil

Step 1. Spray a mixture of dish soap on infected plants to effectively kill the midges
Combine about 15ml (1 tablespoon) of dish soap in 2 liters of warm water. Lemon is preferable because the fruit scent attracts these insects. Pour some on the soil or spray the solution with a spray bottle. It will likely take several applications, but eventually you will kill any gnat larvae still in the soil.
Organic insecticidal soaps are also great for killing midges. Additionally, you can use neem oil, which is a natural pesticide found in most nurseries and garden centers

Step 2. Let the soil dry if it is still full of midges
Wait until the top 5-7cm layer is dry to the touch. Because these insects don't go too deep, they will get stuck in dry land and won't be able to survive. You can place a soil hygrometer inside the pot or planter to check the humidity.
- Another way to check the moisture of the soil is to introduce a finger, a stick or other utensil.
- Be careful not to overwater the plants once the earth has dried, otherwise the midges risk returning.

Step 3. Repot the plants if you haven't managed to get rid of the midges yet
Carefully remove them from their respective pots to avoid damaging the roots. Choose others with holes for water drainage, so that the soil does not get soaked and moist enough to attract midges. Then, fill it with quality potting soil suitable for the type of plant you are repotting.
- Opt for potting soil with slow-decaying fertilizers. For example, choose one with perlite, coir, or charcoal. Since they decompose more slowly, they don't attract many midges.
- To keep your plants healthy, don't overdo the water. Make sure the drain is working properly. Try using saucers so that the soil gets moist from bottom to top.

Step 4. Put the old potting soil in a plastic bag if it is full of midges
Don't reuse it if you can. This also applies when you transfer a plant to a new pot. Remove the soil from the pot and place it in an airtight bag. Make sure it is tightly closed before throwing it in the trash. Avoid using it for composting or leaving it open out on the balcony or garden.
The same rule applies to unused soil. Close the bag, especially if you keep it outside or near the kitchen. Keep it in an airtight container to protect it

Step 5. Throw away dying or rotting plants if you can't save them
Midges like to live among rotten, decaying flowers and houseplants. If yours are in poor condition or severely infested, you probably won't be able to save them. The best option is to close them in plastic bags, throw them in the trash and then give them to the municipal waste disposal service. You can also treat them together with the soil with chemicals before you throw everything away, to prevent the midges from spreading.
Take precautions to avoid an invasion of midges. Do not place infested plants near healthy ones, even if they are not in the kitchen
Method 3 of 4: Remove Sources of Food and Water

Step 1. Look for any food left out
Pay particular attention to fruit and vegetables because when they are no longer very fresh, they attract midges and other insects, such as fruit flies. The only way to be sure they don't survive in the kitchen is to sort out the food and throw away anything that has started to spoil. Also, get rid of what looks like it has bite marks.
Midges feed on organic material, so any vegetable could be a source of food, including fruits, vegetables, and tubers

Step 2. Protect dry foods in airtight containers
Make sure the midges have nothing to eat. This way, they will starve and force them to go towards the traps you have set. Seal all dry food in plastic containers and, for added safety, store it in the pantry or refrigerator.
If you notice food infested with midges or other insects, close it in a plastic bag so they can't get out. So, throw everything in the trash

Step 3. Eliminate standing water that is likely to attract midges
It could fit in a few glasses left on the table, pet bowls and plant pots. The midges take advantage of this to lay their eggs. You can get rid of them by remembering to remove the water from the containers. Fill bowls and glasses only when you need them.
Move the water bowl your furry friend used to a room where there is no food. Warn other people not to leave glasses of water lying around while you try to disinfect the kitchen

Step 4. Take out the trash when it is full
Place the garbage bags inside a special bin with a lid until you can throw them out. If you need to throw away rotten food, old soil, or anything else that can attract midges, get rid of them as soon as possible. Take advantage of the active garbage disposal service in your neighborhood or put the garbage out of the kitchen until the day comes when you can throw it out.
Remember to keep the bags away from the kitchen if you can't throw them away right away. This is especially true if you need to eliminate rotten fruit or other foods that attract midges
Method 4 of 4: Clean to Eliminate Flies

Step 1. Wash the sink and kitchen counter to remove any food residue
Remove solid and liquid particles by periodically washing kitchen surfaces. Dry them as soon as you see them wet and also collect food residues. Clean them with a damp sponge after using them.
It is very important to regularly clean the kitchen in case of a midges infestation. Typically, treatments eliminate the adult population, but the younger one is able to find new sources of food and water hidden in the kitchen

Step 2. Sterilize all surfaces by applying a cleaner
Use a non-abrasive cleaner specially formulated for the surface you intend to treat. Try making it by mixing about 5ml (1 tablespoon) of white vinegar in 240ml of water. This way, you will remove stubborn particles that can attract midges.
Consider sterilizing the kitchen after each use. A lot of residue can settle on the sink and counter tops, especially after you have cooked

Step 3. Immediately dry the washed surfaces with a cloth or paper towel
Do not allow the water to stagnate. If you absorb the spilled liquids immediately, the midges will not have a chance to lay more eggs. Keep paper towels handy to clean and disinfect the kitchen, but also in case you spill any drinks.
- Be careful as soon as something falls in the kitchen, be it food, drink or plants. Regular cleaning will prevent the flies from returning.
- Pay attention to the areas around the sink. They could get wet after you wash the dishes. If you notice some mold forming, clean and dry them more often.
- Take action in the event of leaks, for example by repairing or replacing broken parts. Water leaks not only help flies survive, but can also damage the home.

Step 4. Clean the garbage disposal to remove any trapped food residues
To begin with, run plenty of water down the sink drain. Next, try pouring about 12 ice cubes inside so that they are ground by the garbage disposal. Then pour in 260 g of coarse salt and a couple of citrus peel to finish sterilizing the drain. This way, you will get rid of all the midges that live inside.
Alternatively, you can pour in 240ml of white vinegar, followed by 90g of baking soda

Step 5. Use bleach or ammonia if you need a more effective product to clean the drain
They are two pretty aggressive substances, so be careful how you use them. Instead of pouring them directly down the drain, dilute 120ml in nearly 4 liters of water. Protect yourself while working by wearing gloves and a dust mask. Then, pour the solution down the drain to clear the pipes and garbage disposal of debris and midges.
- Try to choose an environmentally friendly bleach to avoid using harsh chemicals. Typically, it is made with hydrogen peroxide instead of chlorine.
- If you prefer a natural solution, you can also clean the drain with vinegar and baking soda.
- Generally, the problem of midges is resolved within a week of eliminating food sources and areas conducive to their reproduction. Insecticides aren't usually needed unless you're in a hurry to disinfect the kitchen.
- It is necessary to remove mold immediately with bleach to prevent the arrival of midges and the onset of health problems.
- Remember to seal any cracks and crevices in your home, especially near the kitchen. If the midges have access, you risk having to cope with repeated infestations even after cleaning.
- Compost piles fuel the presence of midges, so keep them away from the kitchen and home. Also, cover them to prevent them from being invaded by these insects.