While midges are absolutely not harmful to health, they are certainly annoying. Fortunately, there are several ways to trap and exterminate these parasites without using expensive products. You can manage a pre-existing infestation by using apple cider vinegar, soap, sugar, and bleach. Then try to keep the kitchen as clean as possible to prevent more from arriving. If they are present in outdoor environments, you can use some simple remedies to keep them at a distance.
Method 1 of 3: Managing a Midget Infestation

Step 1. Trap them with a mixture of apple cider vinegar, water, sugar, and dish soap
Take 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of sugar (12 g), half a teaspoon (2.5 ml) of dish soap and 120 ml of hot water. Combine everything in a small container and place it in the haunted environment. Leave it on overnight and empty it in the morning. Repeat the process as many times as necessary.
The smell of sugar and apple cider vinegar draws the midges into the bowl. When they get close, the suds from the detergent will trap them and drag them into the water
you can achieve the same result by using red wine and dish soap instead. The midges will be attracted by the smell of the wine and will get stuck in the soap inside the container.

Step 2. Lure them using a bowl full of mashed bananas covered with clear plastic wrap
Midges love rotten fruit, so you can use it to trap them. Just mash a banana, put it in a bowl, cover the container with cling film and punch holes in the plastic with the teeth of a fork. The midges will enter through the holes to reach the banana, but will no longer be able to get out.
Since this method doesn't allow you to kill them, don't forget to throw the banana and cling film outside. You probably want to use a disposable container to throw away any trap you've created

Step 3. Dilute the bleach and pour it down the sink drain if gnats collect there
Combine 120ml of bleach in nearly 4L of water and slowly pour the solution down the drain. It should kill all the gnats that proliferate inside. Repeat the treatment every day until there are no bugs left.
use a mask and protective gloves when handling bleach. Also, you may want to wear old clothing in case of accidental splashes.

Step 4. Make a mixture of water, vinegar, and dish soap
Mix 240ml of water, 1 tablespoon (15ml) of vinegar, and 1.2ml of dish soap in a clean spray bottle. Spray the solution whenever you see gnats flying around.
This is a great non-toxic method of dealing with this problem. It should not damage furniture or furnishings and is not harmful to plants, pets and children

Step 5. Exterminate them with a candle and soapy water
Place a candle in a bowl or tray partially filled with a soap and water solution - about ½ teaspoon (2.5 ml) of dish soap should suffice. Light the candle, close the curtains and turn off all the lights. The midges will be attracted to the candle or the glare of light in the water. The flame will burn their wings, while the soapy water will trap them.
never leave a lighted candle unattended and do not use this trap where it could tip over easily or where there is a risk of curtains, upholstery and clothing flapping in the wind.
Method 2 of 3: Eliminate Things That Attract Midges

Step 1. Throw away any fruit that is starting to rot or keep fresh produce in the refrigerator
Midges love fruit that begins to ripen: the sweet scent attracts them in droves. When you can, put it in the refrigerator. If you notice that the one outside begins to rot or attract insects, throw it out or use it to make compost.
Likewise, don't leave the bucket or bowl uncovered in the kitchen if you are in the habit of collecting food scraps for compost. Use a resealable container or take the leftovers out into the pile you're creating for compost right away

Step 2. Keep the sink clean and wash the dirty dishes
Midges love wetlands, especially if they find bits of food lying around. So, try to wash the dishes or put them in the dishwasher right after meals. At the very least, make sure you wash your dishes and sink at the end of the day to prevent dirty dishes from attracting these pests.
- Do not leave cooked food on the kitchen counter for more than half an hour. Store foods in reusable containers and put them in the refrigerator as soon as possible.
- If you have a garbage disposal, be sure to turn it on after rinsing the dishes to prevent food scraps from accumulating in the drain.

Step 3. Take out the trash every day
If it contains food, try to get rid of it daily, otherwise it is not necessary. However, keep in mind that the habit of taking out the garbage at the end of the day can definitely help keep gnats away in the kitchen.
Likewise, if you have open trash cans outside, make sure they aren't near windows. Midges may be attracted to the garbage and sneak into your home when you open the windows
buy an airtight bin. An open bin is an invitation for these pests, while a bin with a lid that closes tightly can keep them away from food and waste.

Step 4. Bring out the plants that attract the midges
If you notice bugs flitting around your favorite houseplant, the soil is probably too wet and, therefore, it needs to dry out a bit. Put it outside, in the garage or on the porch for a few days until it starts to dry out. If that doesn't work, you should probably repot it with new potting compost.
On the other hand, there are plants that repel midges. You can put them in a pot and keep them indoors or you can plant them outside if the infestation affects the external environment. The best natural repellents are geranium, lemon thyme, lavender and calendula
Method 3 of 3: Keep the flies away from the body

Step 1. Keep a dryer sheet in your pocket to repel midges when outdoors
Go for scented ones - lavender and lemon balm are great options. Just put one in your pocket or wrap it around a belt loop to naturally ward off these insects.
- In addition to keeping these pests away, dryer sheets also help you repel mosquitoes.
- If you have no pockets or belt loops, you can attach it to your clothes with a pin. It might sound a little weird, but it should protect you!

Step 2. Apply a few drops of vanilla extract before going out
It turned out that midges hate the smell of vanilla! Next, mix half a teaspoon (2.5 ml) of vanilla extract and half a teaspoon (2.5 ml) of water. Put the solution on a cotton ball and rub it on your neck, wrists, collarbones and ankles.
If you plan to be outdoors for a long time, bring a small container filled with the extract with you so you can apply it several times throughout the day

Step 3. Use a mint-based cream to repel midges naturally
In a clean, small container, combine 120ml of shea butter and 4-6 drops of peppermint essential oil. Apply the cream to your hands, neck, legs, arms, and any other exposed skin surfaces.
If you don't have shea butter, use another moisturizer that doesn't contain added scents
rosemary, cedar and geranium oils are equally effective.

Step 4. Bring sunglasses and a bandana when walking in infested areas
Sometimes, even if you are careful, you may find yourself walking in areas infested with midges. To keep them out of your eyes, nose and mouth, put on a pair of sunglasses and cover your face with a bandana. Once away, you can take it all off.
Midges aren't harmful, won't bite or transmit disease, but they're annoying and can ruin a nice day. So, be prepared when you need to be outdoors, especially if you know you are approaching areas where there are still and stagnant water
- The best way to deal with this problem is to prevent it from occurring. However, if this happens, it should take 2-3 days to completely get rid of the midges in the house.
- If your furry friend is bothered by midges, try sprinkling a solution of water and apple cider vinegar on their fur. Make sure you cover your eyes to prevent them from getting irritated!