Drawing a 'manga' male face requires a lot of technique, but above all a lot of practice. This guide contains detailed instructions, accompanied by photographs, on how to draw a 'manga' style male face. So what are you waiting for? Keep reading!
Method 1 of 2: Method 1 of 2: Side View - Manga Face (Male)

Step 1. Draw the outlines of the face
Start by drawing a circle and then add an angular shape below the circle for the jaw. Establish the position of the various elements of the face, using two intersecting lines as a guide.

Step 2. Draw the neck and shoulders
You can also add some details, such as the neck bones for example, to make the character more realistic.

Step 3. Using the intersecting lines of the face as a reference, draw the eyes
Keep in mind that in most manga characters, males have more linear eyes than females, which are usually drawn with more rounded eyes. Add the nose and lips.

Step 4. Sketch the shape of the face and ears

Step 5. Using short, random strokes, sketch the hair
Compared to anime characters, manga characters are generally more detailed.

Step 6. Complete your manga character by adding clothes and other accessories

Step 7. Erase unnecessary strokes

Step 8. Color the drawing
Method 2 of 2: Method 2 of 2: Front View - Manga Face (Male)

Step 1. Draw the face freehand
Do not trace the elements of the face (nose, eyes, etc.) yet.

Step 2. First of all, draw a happy face
This expression can be achieved by tracing the edges of the mouth slightly upwards.

Step 3. Sad face
This expression can be achieved by tracing the edges of the mouth downwards. Also draw slightly downward sloping eyebrows.

Step 4. Angry face
Draw this face with its mouth open using a circle as if it were shouting. This expression can also be drawn with the mouth curved down. The eyebrows should be curved upwards to give the face a furious look.

Step 5. Face tired / depressed
Draw the mouth slightly curved downwards, the eyebrows more or less horizontal and the semi-open eyes. You could also add light shading under the eyes, like "stress bags".

Step 6. Face bewildered
Draw the mouth slightly open, with the eyes wide open and the eyebrows raised.