This article is aimed at those people who, despite being physically born of female sex, identify themselves as men, in English they are called “FtM transsexuals” (Female to Male). This article is written in the hope that you will be able to "blend in" to be seen by society with the gender you feel you have. The main goal of "switching" is to feel more comfortable with yourself (both in public and in private) but remember that not everyone accepts trans people and you should be careful about using these methods to "confess" to family and to friends.

Step 1. Get boy clothes
Start by going out and shopping for appropriate clothes, if you're not already wearing them. Women's pants are designed to accentuate natural feminine curves (hips, butt and thighs) and betray you easily. Men's trousers are made differently and should cover most curves, including the butt.

Step 2. Bandaged
The bandage serves to flatten the chest to give you a more masculine appearance. Those with a small chest (a first or second) could get by with a large shirt. Those with more prominent breasts should instead adopt some means, such as wearing a very tight sports bra and a loose t-shirt. You can also try bandaging yourself.
- After puberty, males no longer have a flat chest, but develop pectorals. The purpose of the bandage is not to completely flatten the chest, but to simulate pectorals. This means that when you bundle up, you don't have to squeeze the fatty tissue of the breast against the rib cage, but you have to leave it where it is and flatten it to simulate the pecs. Your lower chest must simulate the curve of your pectoral muscles, if you let your breasts drop below that line, your chest will look weird, and you may be betrayed. (It's harder to do with a bigger chest)
- NEVER use duct tape to flatten your breasts.
- Elastic bands are often used for this purpose (especially on TV) but these are made to compress more when loosened which means they force you every time you take a breath. This can lead to breathing problems or choking, although not always, and is not recommended.
- A T-shirt or a pair of Lycra shorts can be used to make headbands. Look for tips on YouTube.
- The compression tank tops are containment garments made of a special material that tightens the adipose tissue of the breast without being dangerous. You can find them on the internet (look for competitive FtM tank tops).

Step 3. Cut your hair
This will certainly be necessary. There are guys who keep their hair long, but you shouldn't do that, because it would make your face more feminine (which you don't want). On the other hand, just because you're trying to look more masculine doesn't mean you have to shave all your hair. Choose the haircut you prefer, as long as it is masculine.
- While it may be tempting to grab a pair of scissors and go it alone, it's not the best solution. Even if you know how to cut your hair, it is very difficult to shape your hair. A haircut, especially a short one, is very difficult to make at home because the shape is very important and if you make a mistake, it will be very noticeable. Get help from a professional or a friend who knows it, to get the result you are looking for.
- If you are under the age of eighteen or still live with your parents, you'd better talk to them first.

Step 4. Packing
Packing is the practice of wearing something (a sock, a soft dildo, or a hard dildo) that simulates a male protuberance.
- You can also consider the idea of getting an STP packer or an STP (Stand to Pee). STPs are tools used to help you urinate standing up, an obvious prerogative. You can also try to get an STP packer, which acts as a soft dildo and allows you to urinate while standing up, they are the best devices (but they should not be used for sex!).
- Soft packs usually sell in pairs of 8-11cm in size. The average size of a flaccid penis is between 9-11cm, and many people feel comfortable with the 9cm model. It's up to you to decide what you prefer. Just remember that you will not be able to return it once opened.

Step 5. Make the deep voice
The only way to get a true deep voice is to start the testosterone ("T") cure, but if you want to start looking and sounding like a male before then, you have to work to lower the tone of the voice. Start slowly, trying to lower the tone a little every week or so.
- Sing on the radio trying to sing the male parts or the deeper female parts.
- Practice every day for about an hour. Remember, your vocal cords are muscles and need to be exercised, plus they can get tired and injured.
Practice: say "bing-bong king-kong ding-dong" with your deep voice, trying to lengthen the "ng" sound as much as possible. Repeat trying to pronounce each word with a slightly lower pitch than the word before. Do it for a few times.
- After a week or two, when you have practiced enough the tones of the lower vocal cords, lean your head back and do this exercise.
- It is shown on YouTube. Look for the “boom your voice” video (in English).
- Try not to use it in public for a while. Your face will look more tired before you get used to lowering your vocal timbre. It will also seem that you have had a cold for quite a while, due to the concentration you put on your voice. In any case, when you get used to keeping the vocal timbre low, you may prefer to start the cycle again and lower it even more.

Step 6. Build muscle
Obviously men have more muscle mass than women. Even the thinnest man has more natural muscles than a girl, which is why exercising and lifting weights to gain mass will help you pass for a boy.
- Remember that the female body does not put on muscle as easily as the male and alike.
- Guys have wider shoulders and significantly more muscular arms, so you'll need to focus there. Guys also have a more developed torso (and little or no fat in the hips) which gives them a more masculine look, so it will help you do intensive abdominal exercises and lose weight in the hips. Don't forget your chest, back and legs as well, you don't have to gain muscle mass unbalanced.
Exercising and eating healthily will help you lose weight. Losing some weight (safely) will flatten your figure. Eventually you will lose weight on your hips, breasts and chest, appearing more masculine.
Young children tend to have rounder cheeks. When boys reach puberty, much of that infant fat disappears and the muscles that give them a more square face develop, while many girls retain that fat after they reach puberty. Losing weight could help you shed that fat as well, making your face less feminine

Step 7. Portamento
Just because you're dressed as a boy and look like a boy doesn't mean people look at you and see a boy. Therefore it is necessary to correct some manners. You could be helped a lot by a friend for this step.
- Practice the way you walk. Girls tend to walk as if on a straight line, which causes the hips to slap (shake). Guys tend to walk on both sides of the invisible line, which gives them a particular gait that doesn't focus on the hips. Many guys also put their hands somewhere (in their pockets, hold something in their hand, etc.).
- The way to sit. Girls tend to cross their legs and bend over when sitting down to take up as little space as possible. The boys expand and take up space. Leave your legs open and lean back more. If you cross your legs, do so by placing your ankle on your knee.
- Standing. Guys don't usually put their hands on their hips unless they're thinking. They also cross their arms across the upper chest. Putting your hands in your pockets is always fine. Some girls, when standing, shift their weight onto one leg and project a hip while boys tend to stand straight, without projecting their hips to the side.
- Hold a conversation. Girls are much more talkative and interactive in conversation than boys. Many guys don't nod in the conversation, nor do they make sounds like “uh-huh” or “oh dear” or others. Lots of kids hang their heads to one side to show they're listening. They also try to speak with a unique tone of voice, with less inflection than a girl.
- Try to stay in populated places where there are kids of all ages and "types" and observe the way they interact. Try to understand what they do and don't do and try to emulate them. Sure you will already be able to do many things, but you probably still have a lot of feminine characteristics that you need to forget.

Step 8. Shave
Boys who enter puberty remove their fluffy fuzz, but girls don't. Shave it away. Better to do it after a shower, when the skin is still warm. Lather the outline of the chin and an inch below the jaw and shave downwards. Stop shaving other parts of your body like your legs and armpits. Even though some biological guys do, you shouldn't.
- At first you will probably feel a strange and rubbery sensation on your face. This is perfectly normal and goes away after a while.
- Since this hair does not grow back immediately, it is best not to shave every day. Every 3 days should be fine.

Step 9. Simulate facial hair
Look for a mascara that is the same color as your hair and apply it to the facial hair of the chin, the area above the upper lip and the chin line (wherever you want), to simulate a beard, mustache, sideburns, a five-man beard in the afternoon, or whatever you prefer. By the same principle as the mascara on the lashes, it makes the hair darker and thicker, and once dry it looks almost real.
- Watch out for lumps!
- It works best when you have started to shave the hair a few times and it starts to grow thicker and all over the place.
- It can help to apply some foundation and then reapply it after putting on the mascara to correct any mistakes.
- A friend is very helpful in these moments, especially the first time.
- It's probably best to have someone check you out before going out, it could hurt your face or look fake.
- Sideburns can go a long way in helping you look older and therefore more masculine, because they naturally pop out in adult male cuts.

Step 10. Eyebrows
Girls tend to have thin, curved brows, and they take great care of them. Boys, on the other hand, usually don't do anything to their eyebrows. Theirs tend to be thicker and squarer. Stop building your eyebrows and let them grow, if you want you can use eyeliner to thicken them a little.
Also on this occasion it is easier if you get help from a friend

Step 11. Increase your stature
The average Italian man measures 183 cm, while the average Italian woman measures 170 cm. This means, as a female, you are much shorter than many men, and you probably don't like that. The reasons behind this phenomenon are many, but the main one is that estrogen fixes a roof to the bones and tells them to stop growing. Since women produce more estrogen, they stop growing much sooner.
- Develop better posture. A good part of the height is lost due to a sagging posture. Try to assume a better posture, do moderate exercises to strengthen your back muscles, and supplement them with some stretching exercises. These exercises can give you 1 to 5 inches more of height.
- Some claim that with proper diet and specific physical exercises it is possible to lengthen the spine and strengthen the back and core muscles, thereby increasing one's height.
It has been claimed that hanging for a few minutes (5-10) a day stretches the spine, thanks to a downward pull exerted by the force of gravity. Unless your back muscles are highly developed during this time, gravity will win again when you stop hanging and those gained inches will disappear. Doing these exercises a few times a week can help you increase your height by hanging on but to maintain it you need to develop your back and core muscles:
- Hanging bike: Hang from a pull-up bar, keep your hands perpendicular to shoulder distance, and rotate your legs in wide circles, as if you were riding a bike. Try bringing your knees to your chest. Do the exercise for a minute, rest and repeat.
- Hanging rotation: Hold on to a pull-up bar, with your hands close together, use your legs to rotate from side to side and rotate the trunk. Do this slowly and in a controlled manner for about a minute, rest and repeat.
- Chin lifts: These types of lifts strengthen the upper body (arms, neck, shoulders, and upper back) and may also aid in the release of growth hormones. Do 10-12, rest and repeat 3 times if possible.
- Knee Raise: Hang on a pull-up bar and lift your knees to your chest, bend your pelvis and try not to arch your back as you lift your knees and legs as much as possible. Start very slowly and very carefully. This exercise causes microfractures in the bones and strengthens the abs and lower back. Do 10-12, rest and repeat 3 times if possible.
- Soles with inserts can provide you with some height. There are shoes and soles made especially for this purpose. If you don't have much money, you can put paper in your shoes.
- Do not be fooled by certain sites that advertise alternative medicines to increase height. Those pills can seriously damage your liver and most likely won't work. If your height gives you a lot of discomfort, talk to your doctor. He will probably be able to advise you on safe and effective ways to use growth hormones or to undergo surgery, but that really has to be the last resort.
Testosterone cannot guarantee you any kind of growth. If you are still in the puberty stage (just ten years old), your bones may not have fully formed yet and testosterone in that case may promote partial growth. But if you are already twenty or older, you may have some hope of growth but it is not very likely. If you are over 25 it is very unlikely that testosterone will make you grow in height.
It is not yet certain whether or not the T is involved in growth for FtMs. Many people do not notice an increase in height and those who do associate the increase in height with an increase in self-esteem (eg, posture improves)

Step 12. Sex and Dildo
This has nothing to do with the actual passage, but concerns the issue from a more generic point of view. There are many types of more or less realistic dildos that can be worn with strap-ons and that can be used during sex to make you feel more masculine and more comfortable with yourself (and for having sex).
- If you already have a partner, talk to her / him first. If you don't have it then it's up to you to choose whether to get it or not, but you will definitely want to talk about it with your partner, when you have one, about the convenience of using it.
- You probably also want to consider the size. Just because all men want a big penis doesn't mean you have to go and buy a big one. Look for something average (15-16cm) and start there. Unless you want something bigger.

Step 13. Do your research
Learn new information about being transsexual. The decision on how deep you want to go through the transition is up to you alone, just because you don't feel good in a girl's body doesn't mean you have to go all the way to hormones and surgery. Some people stop at "cross dressing" (dressing in clothes of the preferred gender), or pass for a person of the opposite gender, others do not feel comfortable until they start hormone therapy and begin to look more masculine, then c 'is who goes all the way and decides to go under the knife.
- Try to understand all the options available before deciding what you want to do.
- Talk to a therapist. A therapist can help you rationalize your feelings, make a diagnosis, and push you to the next steps. In any case, before starting testosterone treatment or undergoing surgery you will necessarily need to speak to a psychologist.
- Find out what the state laws are regarding legal change of registry and gender, if that's what you want.
- Change the way you talk to yourself (been / been gone / gone I'm a / I'm a) and get your friends to call you with your chosen male name. If other people see you as a boy you will feel better, and you will increase your boyish air.
- After setting up your bandage and package in the morning, check yourself in the mirror. Make sure you have "adjusted" the chest correctly and that it looks appropriate, also check that you have done a good packing (eg, it is in the right place and it is not huge). If you find it difficult to fix the package, go online and try to look at photos of men. This way you will know how big the bump has to be to look natural and what you need to aim for.
- Toilets - Guys tend to go out and in quickly, have little chat and don't care much, which works great for FtMs. It would be better if you learned how to use an STP well to be able to urinate standing up in the toilet or urinal, but it is not necessary. You can use STP in urinals, males don't look at any other urinal but their own (they don't want to be taken for gay or being beaten for being inappropriate) so it's very unlikely that anyone will notice. And, if they do, it is very difficult for them to comment.
- Bandages should always be washed in cold water and hung to dry, otherwise you will ruin their elastic nature. For this reason, it may be difficult to wash them every day (even if it is the best way). You can still do it by wearing one for two to three days (unless it's very hot days, or you don't have to make any effort). You can also simply immerse them in cold water and let them air dry. You may have to do this twice as bandages age and flake off.
Your friends and family will be very important throughout the transition process (and in life, in general) so it's very important to include them, not throw them all at once, and expect them to react as if nothing had happened. While it is very important to you to feel good and to express yourself, you have probably known this for the longest time, but they may not have understood it. Even if they are aware of it, it is always a big change. Let them change with you too.
- Talk to them about the haircut (and realize that it may take some compromises at first).
- Wandering around the house with a fake beard before talking to your family and getting them used to that idea is probably not the best thing to do.
- Teach them what it means to be transsexual, so that they understand it better, you can also take you to meetings or therapy sessions with you (if you have decided to go ahead with hormone treatment or surgery, you will still need to speak to a psychologist).
- Remember that you have to exist in public (school, work, other activities), so pay attention to how fast the process is and think carefully before doing things you can't go back to. Again, be yourself and feel comfortable, but remember that something that can make you feel comfortable in private can cause you problems in public. Especially if you live in an environment where people don't support (and can't stand) gays, lesbians, and transsexuals.
- The low briefs for men are great for proper packing because they are more adherent and have a protuberance made specifically to be able to put something in them. A sock or a soft dildo fits very well in it.
- Be sure of yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, no one will believe in you.
- Never use compression wraps while you sleep, especially elastic ones. While you sleep, your breathing slows down and you may stop breathing.
- Piston rings can be used, but are STRONGLY not recommended.
- Be careful in the bathrooms. If you don't have some way to "prove" that you are a man, you could end up in a lot of trouble for getting in there.