Itchy feet and hands can be a symptom of various skin conditions, such as allergic rashes, psoriasis or dermatitis. This discomfort can be painful, extremely irritating, make the skin red, rough, cause bumps, blisters, and can get worse at night. It is important to get a diagnosis from your doctor, but you can relieve the discomfort of nighttime itching with many drug or home treatments.
Method 1 of 3: Treating Night Itch at Home

Step 1. Avoid scratching as much as possible
Scratching your skin can aggravate symptoms and lead to other health problems, such as an infection.
- Keeping your nails clipped short can help you avoid scratching.
- Consider wearing gloves while you sleep to avoid scratching yourself.

Step 2. Moisturize the skin
Moisturize the skin on your hands and feet before bed to minimize itching or prevent it altogether. You can even use a humidifier in the bedroom.
- Apply a moisturizer to your skin at least once a day. The best time to do this is after a bath or shower when you are still wet. Concentrate the cream on the areas that itch the most.
- Make sure you use unscented, dye-free moisturizers to not irritate the skin.
- By keeping a humidifier in your bedroom, you can keep the air moist and prevent dry skin from causing you to scratch.
- Avoid extreme temperatures, which can dry out the skin.

Step 3. Take a warm bath
Baths in lukewarm water can relieve itching and reduce inflammation. You can add colloidal oats to hydrate your skin even better.
- Pour baking soda, raw oats, or colloidal oats into the water to relieve itching.
- Stay in the tub for 10-15 minutes and no more.
- Make sure the water is warm and not hot. Water that is too hot removes natural oils from the skin, drying it out and making it more itchy.
- Take short, not long baths. When you stay in water for too long, your skin can dry out and itch more.
- After taking a bath, apply a moisturizer to the skin before it is completely dry, focusing mainly on the hands and feet. This allows you to lock moisture into the skin, keeping it hydrated and relieving itching.

Step 4. Apply a cool, wet compress
Put a cold, cool, or wet washcloth on your hands and feet when you go to sleep. Cold packs help relieve the itching and inflammation associated with it by restricting blood circulation and cooling the skin.
- You can hold a cold washcloth on your irritations intermittently for 10-15 minutes or until you fall asleep.
- If you don't have ice, you can use a bag of frozen vegetables for the same effect.
- Do not apply ice directly to the skin. Be sure to wrap it in a cloth to avoid burning the skin.

Step 5. Wear loose, smooth pajamas
Prevent and relieve itching by wearing pajamas that don't irritate the skin. This type of clothing also serves as protection to avoid scratching you.
- Wear cool, smooth, baggy pajamas made from cotton or merino wool to avoid scratching and sweating too much.
- Cotton clothes are suitable because they let air pass through the fabric and are soft to the touch.
- Consider wearing socks and gloves to avoid scratching yourself.

Step 6. Create a comfortable, cool place to sleep
Sleep in a comfortable, cool, and well-ventilated bedroom. By controlling factors like temperature and darkness, using comfy blankets, and circulating air, you can prevent itchy hands and feet.
- Set a temperature of 15-24 ° C to sleep in optimal conditions.
- Use a fan to circulate the air or open a window.
- Sleep with comfy blankets made of natural fibers, such as cotton.

Step 7. Check the skin for symptoms of infection
When your skin is dry and your hands and feet are itchy, you are more prone to superficial infections. If you notice any of the following symptoms see your doctor right away:
- Redness
- Swelling
- Pain or tenderness
- The skin appears to be warm to the touch
- Fever
- Red spots, ripples and / or bubbles
Method 2 of 3: Preventing Itchy Hands and Feet at Night

Step 1. Maintain proper hand and foot hygiene
Wash them regularly to minimize the risk of fungal and bacterial infections, which can cause a lot of itching. Use a mild soap, enough to keep the skin clean and prevent infections.
- Wear absorbent cotton socks to avoid itching from excessive sweating.
- Wear gloves made of natural fibers, such as cotton, to prevent itching.

Step 2. Choose mild or "hypoallergenic" soaps and detergents
When shopping for soaps and detergents, look for the terms "delicate", "fragrance-free", "dye-free" or "hypoallergenic" on labels. These products contain fewer harmful chemicals that can irritate the skin and cause itching.
All products defined as "hypoallergenic" have been tested on sensitive skin and are not expected to cause irritation

Step 3. Avoid allergens and irritants
Itching can occur due to specific allergens or irritants. Understanding what triggers your itching attacks will help you avoid the irritant and not suffer in the future.
- The trigger can be an allergen, a food, a cosmetic, an environmental factor, an irritating insect bite, soap or detergent.
- If you wear jewelry, the itch may be due to an allergy to the metals they are made of.
- If you suspect that your itchiness is due to a specific factor, try limiting your exposure to it and notice if the symptoms become less intense.

Step 4. Stay hydrated
When your skin is itchy, your brain receives a signal that you need more water - this is because itching is often caused by dehydration. At the same time, if the inner layer of the skin does not get enough fluid, it can cause itching. Drink water throughout the day and be sure to drink a full glass before bedtime.
- Try to drink at least 8-12 glasses of water every day. If the water has you stewed, add some juice to give it more flavor.
- You can also eat water-rich foods, such as cucumbers, cherries, tomatoes, celery, green peppers, watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, and broccoli.

Step 5. Avoid known irritants and allergens
Your condition could worsen if you expose yourself to potential irritants such as certain chemicals or pollen. If you know the substances you are allergic to (including food and dust), do your best to avoid them.
If you don't know what you are allergic to, visit an allergist who will perform tests to find out

Step 6. Avoid vasodilators and excessive sweating
Certain foods and drinks, such as coffee and alcohol, are known to be vasodilators and can make itching worse. excessive sweating can also have the same effect. Avoiding these triggers can allow you to reduce itching and discomfort.
The most common vasodilators are caffeine, alcohol, spices and hot water

Step 7. Reduce Stress
Stress can make itching worse. Try to lead a more relaxed life to minimize itching or even eliminate it altogether.
You can use many techniques to reduce stress, such as therapy, meditation, yoga, or physical activity
Method 3 of 3: Adopt Medical Treatments

Step 1. Visit your doctor
If the itching does not go away after a week or if the discomfort is unbearable, consult your doctor. He may prescribe oral medications, steroid creams, or phototherapy.
See your doctor if: the discomfort is so severe that it prevents you from sleeping or doing your daily activities normally, you have sore skin, home remedies have not worked, or you suspect that you have a skin infection

Step 2. Apply calamine lotion or itch cream
These products can relieve the symptoms of itching. You can buy them at the pharmacy or on the internet.
- Hydrocortisone-based itch creams can relieve itching. Make sure the product you buy contains at least 1% hydrocortisone.
- Look for itch creams that contain camphor, menthol, phenol, pramoxine, and benzocaine.
- Apply these creams to your hands and feet before moisturizing your skin. Your doctor may suggest that you apply the cream to the affected areas, then cover it with a wet bandage to help absorb the drug.
- Follow the specific directions on the product packaging to know how often to apply the cream.

Step 3. Take over-the-counter antihistamines by mouth
These drugs can neutralize allergens, relieve skin inflammation and itching. You can find many types in pharmacies or on the internet.
- Chlorpheniramine is available in doses of 2 and 4 mg. You can take 4 mg of the active ingredient every 4-6 hours, but don't exceed 24 mg per day.
- You can find diphenhydramine in doses of 25 and 50 mg. You can take 25 mg of the active ingredient every 4-6 hours, but don't exceed 300 mg per day.
- These drugs often have the added benefit of acting as sedatives, helping you sleep.

Step 4. Consider taking antidepressants
There is scientific evidence to support the thesis that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can relieve itching. Talk to your doctor about this therapy if other treatments don't work.
Drugs of this type commonly used to treat pruritus are fluoxetine and sertraline

Step 5. Spread corticosteroid creams on the itchy areas
When topical over-the-counter remedies aren't enough, your doctor may prescribe a more potent corticosteroid, such as prednisone, to be taken by mouth or spread on the affected areas.
- Steroids taken by mouth can have serious side effects when used for a long time.
- Keep moisturizing your skin when taking corticosteroids by mouth or by rubbing them on your body. This helps prevent itching from returning when you stop using the medications.

Step 6. Use a calcineurin inhibitor cream
If no other treatment works, get a calcineurin inhibitor cream that can promote skin regeneration. These medications, which include tacrolimus and pimecrolimus, can help maintain normal skin and minimize itching.
- These drugs act directly on the immune system and as side effects can cause kidney problems, high blood pressure and headaches.
- These drugs are only prescribed when other treatments have failed and are approved for all people over 2 years of age.

Step 7. Undergo phototherapy
Your doctor may prescribe multiple phototherapy sessions to relieve your itching. This very effective treatment involves simple sun exposure or the use of artificial lights, but it is not totally risk-free.
- Phototherapy exposes the skin to controlled amounts of natural sunlight or artificial UVA and UVB light. It can be used in conjunction with medication.
- Light exposure increases the risk of premature aging and skin cancer.