The feet are often neglected and can become hard and callused. This is especially true if you frequently walk without shoes, especially outdoors; Fortunately, there are many simple remedies to make them smoother and softer. Pamper them, take care of them and you will see that they will improve a lot!
Method 1 of 3: Moisturize them

Step 1. Hydrate them constantly
You can apply petroleum jelly to soften them; you should smear a moisturizing lotion or foot product every day.
- For the night, you can carefully spread some petroleum jelly and wear a pair of socks or put a towel under your feet to prevent the product from soiling the sheets. Proceed with this treatment before bedtime.
- You can also take two plastic bags the size of your feet, spread a vitamin E oil and put them in the bags; then put on some socks over the bags and go to sleep. The next morning they should be much smoother.
- Purchase a heel cream. The feet often become hard and rough, especially in summer, due to the calluses that form when walking with flip-flops or without shoes; for this, the heels require special attention. In the cosmetic department of the shops you can find specific creams to soften these areas, which are often the hardest part.
- Coconut or olive oil are also ideal natural remedies to make your feet smoother.

Step 2. Make a homemade scrub
You can create one yourself by applying commonly used products; if you rub it regularly, you can achieve great results and make your feet soft and smooth.
- Create an exfoliating paste by mixing 100g of brown sugar, a tablespoon of honey, 130ml of olive oil or any other of your choice and a pinch of lemon juice. Brown sugar is less rough than refined sugar and helps restore the skin's natural moisture after treatment; honey also helps to soften and moisturize the feet, while lemon juice makes them radiant and the skin becomes more even.
- However, many people advise against it strongly to use sugar or lemon on the skin, as they can cause lacerations and chemical burns, respectively. If you apply these scrubs often, you could speed up the aging process of the epidermis, as well as create other problems; if you are concerned that this will happen, stick to the recipe, but replace the brown sugar with salt and do not add the lemon. Salt is really good for the skin and does not cause damage like sugar, while maintaining a good exfoliating action; the lemon doesn't actually have a great effect (other than the risk of burns), so it is not necessary to replace it with an alternative substance.
- Sit on the edge of the tub; soak your feet in very hot water for about 10-15 minutes to soften the skin and prepare it for treatment. Next, take a small amount of the grainy compound and gently massage it into your feet, focusing mainly on specific areas, such as your heels and toes (particularly if you have calluses).
- Massage the product for as long as necessary; leave it on your feet for a minute, then rinse it off with warm water. When done, apply a generous amount of emollient cream and put on tight stockings to make sure it stays on your skin and penetrates deeply.

Step 3. Take a foot bath
Soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes before going to bed. You should do this several times a week; if you don't take care of your feet regularly, corns and calluses form, especially on the heels.
- Add a few drops of liquid soap and a little baking soda (1 tablespoon per 5 liters of water); alternatively, try Epsom salt or bath salts.
- Baking soda helps soften dead skin making it easier to remove. You can also soak your feet in specific foot bath tubs, which you can buy in many cosmetic stores; often it is necessary to connect them to a power outlet in order to generate a flow of water similar to that of hot tubs that relaxes the extremities.
Method 2 of 3: Scrape the Dead Skin

Step 1. Use a scraper or foot file
The file or the scraper are metal tools similar to a grater, but they can also be made of terracotta; you can use them to scrub the dry and hard skin that forms on the plant. By regularly proceeding with this treatment, the feet begin to become smooth.
- To more aggressively remove thickened stickiness, you can use a callus razor made up of sharp horizontal blades very similar to a truffle slicer. But be careful not to remove all the callus; if you feel pain, you have to stop. Alternatively, you can also purchase an egg-shaped plastic file.
- Use the scraper or pumice stone and remove all dead skin; when finished, apply a moisturizer and massage the skin.

Step 2. Use a block or pumice stone
You can find it in major cosmetic stores and it represents an alternative to the scraper which is often made of metal; it is very effective and smoothes the feet really well by removing dead skin cells.
- The pumice stone is able to scrape the upper layer of the epidermis, incredibly improving its softness. Proceed with the treatment when the feet are dry to avoid injury; rub the stone block directly on the calluses and the hardest parts to remove dead and useless cells.
- Don't scratch too hard or for too long, otherwise you can irritate or even injure your feet. perform linear movements and apply light pressure.
- Alternatively, you can regularly use an exfoliating soap readily available in supermarkets; that way, you won't have much work to do with the pumice stone!
Method 3 of 3: Alternative Techniques to Soften the Skin

Step 1. Get regular pedicures
Most beauty and manicure centers offer treatment "packages" that include procedures to soften the skin on the feet. For example, they might offer you a warm foot bath before applying nail polish.
- Afterwards, the beautician uses a scraper to remove the dead skin on the feet, including the heels, before proceeding with the rest of the treatment; to minimize the risk of infections, you should make an appointment in the morning.
- Find out at the beauty center about the different services offered because often the high-end ones include numerous scrubs and other procedures to soften the feet (as well as the legs); However, keep in mind that these may be quite expensive pedicures and should be done at least once a month.

Step 2. Put on the socks
Feet tend to harden a lot if you often walk barefoot, especially outdoors; therefore, by wearing socks you can worry less about treatments to soften them.
- Even very strong sunlight and dust can damage them (just like your hands); wear socks even when you put on sneakers.
- High heels are very beautiful, but in all fairness they are absolutely bad for the feet; you should only wear them on rare occasions, such as for some special circumstances.

Step 3. Try some foot exercises
By doing them regularly you help keep their skin smooth and healthy because they stimulate blood circulation while minimizing dryness.
- Use your hands to rotate them clockwise and then counterclockwise; repeat 10 times in each direction.
- Exercise your fingers by stretching them outwards and then backwards; again, repeat 10 times each.
- In addition to exercising your feet regularly, you should drink plenty of water; moisturizing the body allows the skin to remain constantly healthier and softer.
- Stop walking barefoot; wear a pair of shoes that fit well and are comfortable.
- You have to take care of your feet exactly as you do with the skin on your face; some people forget about this part of the body.
- Foot scrubs are also great for hands; therefore, after massaging your feet, rub the leftover product on your hands.