How to help a friend stop using drugs

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How to help a friend stop using drugs
How to help a friend stop using drugs

If you are trying to help a friend stop taking harmful or illegal drugs, know that the first step has already been taken, prove yourself a true friend!

However, this may be the simplest part of the process. The rest may prove much more difficult than you might imagine, leading you to challenge your own belief system as well.


Help a Friend Quit Doing Drugs Step 1
Help a Friend Quit Doing Drugs Step 1

Step 1. First of all, your friend must be aware that drug use is in fact a problem

Without recognizing that there is a problem, it will be impossible to find a solution. Depending on the stage of drug use - experimental, social, habitual, addicted - your friend may not be able to admit that they have this problem. For this reason, you will have to define it.

Help a Friend Quit Doing Drugs Step 2
Help a Friend Quit Doing Drugs Step 2

Step 2. Act

Your friend must to decide to stop using drugs. Only he is able to do it. People are motivated by pleasure and pain. Determine what is the motivating element for your friend in order to focus your efforts in the right direction. If the drug is causing your friend pain, find ways to make him feel pleasure in another way.

Help a Friend Quit Doing Drugs Step 3
Help a Friend Quit Doing Drugs Step 3

Step 3. Get help

Detoxing from hard drugs requires the support of a professional to achieve both initial and long-term results. Help those in need by accompanying them to a clinic or to an experienced doctor. Have a different environment keep him away from temptation.

Help a Friend Quit Doing Drugs Step 4
Help a Friend Quit Doing Drugs Step 4

Step 4. Be a positive force in your friend's life

Let him know (in word and deed) that you are there to support him. Help him stay focused on his positive goals that don't include drug use. Reinforce his good behaviors away from drugs. Don't abandon your friend when he makes a mistake.


  • Addiction to chemicals is one of the most difficult problems to overcome. Patience and perseverance are both indispensable factors. Always stay focused on positive results.
  • Remind your friend that there are many things in life that are more important than the exhilaration of drugs. There is a whole world of possibilities just waiting to be discovered.
  • Search the web for help. Many specialized sites contain useful advice and information that will help you support your friend.
  • Be there when your friend needs to be heard, even when the situation is really tough.
  • Constantly reminds you of the many negative consequences of drug use, such as health, legal problems, and the potential loss of loved ones. Balance these negative factors with the perceived benefits of using drugs. Ask your friend to acknowledge that the choice of Not using drugs produces the greatest benefit.
