How does a gamer feel when he finally reaches the top ten in the scores of his favorite game? Pure joy. He just became a pro gamer.

Step 1. Choose your gender
There are many different types of gamers. There are shooters, athletes, pilots, musicians, detectives etc. etc. But whatever the genre, there is one point that unites all gamers: the desire to be number one.
Shooters usually offer a co-op mode or single campaign. The best way to become a pro in these games is to start playing with a friend then, if you feel like you can, continue and finish the game on your own. Being the best depends on how much skill you have. If the game has a single player mode where you can test weapons, try them out to hear how the different weapons behave. Shooters consist of different styles. For example, there are grenade launchers, one-shot kills, pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, sniper rifles etc. etc. Try them all against different enemies and see which one you are best with or which seems the easiest to you. If you use a console like Xbox One, PS4 or Wii U and have the opportunity to play online, go for it. Playing against real-life opponents can help you become more skilled and improve your confidence if you win. Climbing the highscore leaderboards is the best way to become a pro gamer.
Driving games.
Driving games are in second place of the most played games on consoles. Everyone likes to jog every now and then, and for some it's a (virtual) lifestyle. All driving games are different, so it is important to choose the one that best suits your skill level or the easiest one. Each rider has a different style and speed. Some drivers (the top ones) are used to playing at high or expert difficulty. Choosing a difficulty level that suits your skills is important, and can help you become one of the best. For example, instead of running in easy mode, try normal mode. And instead of running on medium difficulty, try the high one. If you don't win the first few times, don't worry! That's what practice is for! Make sure you try out different vehicles and, in some games, different types of weapons as well.
Sports games.
The number three position belongs to sports games. Sports games like Madden, Pes, Fifa have made the category very popular. There are different versions depending on your console, buy the most suitable game for it. Controls could be a bit cumbersome, so practice is key!
- Science Fiction Games and Puzzle Game. Here are positions 4 and 5. Position number 4 is occupied by science fiction games. Sci-fi games include games like Transformers, Chaotic: Shadow Warriors, Bakugan Battle Brawlers, Tron Legacy, and other futuristic games. Some shooters also fall into this category, such as Halo: Reach (oh my, the other Halo too) and Flashpoint Elite. Sci-fi game players are the hardcore gamers of this generation. They do not conceive of defeat. To be a professional sci-fi game gamer, you will need a lot of practice. Each science fiction game is different from the others. Find out which games are suitable for you and which are not. Puzzle Games are good games for lunch breaks at work, rainy days at home or days when you are extremely bored. They include games like Peggle, Bejeweled, and Luxor, but they aren't exactly the right games to become a pro gamer.
One tip for becoming a good player is to look for tournaments in your area. Video game stores often organize tournaments for shooter or driving games, and reward first and second place with Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony gift cards and points.

Step 2. Buy the right accessories
If you are convinced that you want to become the best player in a certain area, then you have to buy some accessories, the first that comes to mind, especially if you play shooters, is the Turtle Beach headphones, the best of gamer headphones, it will give you some advantages, such as the ability to hear footsteps to know where they are. I recommend that you do some research before buying them, if you have an Xbox get a couple specific to your console, but if you are lucky enough to have both an Xbox and a PlayStation 3, get a couple that support both consoles. I know it sounds obvious, but many people make such mistakes, and they are costly mistakes!

Step 3. Watch and learn from others
There are people online who will leave you speechless at how good they are, so before you tackle them, go to YouTube and learn from the videos. In FIFA, for example, learn all the different games, so you will have an advantage on the pitch and build a reputation!

Step 4. Sometimes, to be the best you have to invest
So, buy the necessary accessories, such as Turtle Beach, other controllers and other batteries! Sometimes they will not be enough and you will have to buy more to get an added advantage, perhaps by spending Microsoft points or PSN points.
However, these things are sometimes not necessary to be the best, you just have to be skilled enough to be number 1, which is why you have to train as much as possible, and here comes a compromise. The best of the best don't have a social life, and they play 24/7. So if you're still in school, don't just think about playing, think about getting good grades
- Do not give up! Just because you lose the first few times doesn't mean you're not the best or that you suck at that game. Often you learn more from a defeat than from a victory.
- Practice, practice and practice.
- Never be afraid of losing. If you are afraid to admit defeat, you will never get better. Remember: play, and watch from others to learn.
- If someone invites you to play, accept. Maybe you could learn something new, you never know.
- Always stay close to the best player on your team, you will definitely learn something new.
- Surround yourself with people with a similar mindset to yours, then join forums about your favorite genre or game and make friends, you will soon learn important things from these people.
- See if there are any updates for your games, or new versions.
- Have fun and play with other people.
- Try playing with the best. Playing with some pro gamers can help you out, even if you don't feel good enough for it. That's how you learn.
- An extremely important point is that this is just a game, the tension will skyrocket as you try your best to win, and sometimes things won't go your way, in any case you have to stay calm and think before you speak!