How to Become a Professional Singer: 11 Steps

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How to Become a Professional Singer: 11 Steps
How to Become a Professional Singer: 11 Steps

To become a professional singer you need to be really motivated. You will have to dedicate yourself body and soul to your profession, which requires a lot of hard work. You will have to be creative and you will receive many no's before "making it". However, the feeling you will get when you are successful will be unmatched. Be prepared because the road will be long. You will have to proceed with dedication and willpower.


Be a Professional Singer Step 1
Be a Professional Singer Step 1

Step 1. Make sure it's something you really want to do

Not for fame, but for a real and strong passion for music. It will take a lot of hard work.

Be a Professional Singer Step 2
Be a Professional Singer Step 2

Step 2. Take singing lessons

Your natural talent doesn't matter; the lessons will teach you a lot and help you improve your voice.

Be a Professional Singer Step 3
Be a Professional Singer Step 3

Step 3. If you want to be part of a musical group:

look for other passionate and trustworthy musicians who share your creative vision and feel comfortable collaborating with. If you choose the wrong members, you will have serious problems in the future.

Be a Professional Singer Step 4
Be a Professional Singer Step 4

Step 4. Once you have mastered your voice, you will need to get used to singing in front of an audience, so start singing in the presence of people you know, such as in a school choir or at your church

Be a Professional Singer Step 5
Be a Professional Singer Step 5

Step 5. Learn to sing in front of strangers

To do this, look for all the possibilities to perform in front of an audience of strangers, for example in clubs that organize open mic nights or karaoke. If you are lucky and live in a big city, you can just perform on the street, or maybe at a concert.

Be a Professional Singer Step 6
Be a Professional Singer Step 6

Step 6. Optional:

form business relationships! This won't be easy if you live in a small town. Befriend the people who run the live music venues, and you might get the chance to "open" the gig of a more famous band and meet even more people in the industry.

Be a Professional Singer Step 7
Be a Professional Singer Step 7

Step 7. Start recording demos

You can even use a program like GarageBand to do this.

Be a Professional Singer Step 8
Be a Professional Singer Step 8

Step 8. Start promoting yourself as much as possible

Talk to friends and family, print flyers for your upcoming gigs, create a page on MySpace, Facebook and Twitter, write an online journal and create a YouTube account - anything that can get the voice to as many people as possible!

Be a Professional Singer Step 9
Be a Professional Singer Step 9

Step 9. Send your demos to record labels

Don't be discouraged if you are not offered a contract, keep trying! Always remember that record labels do NOT want to hear material that has already been heard, so be original.

Be a Professional Singer Step 10
Be a Professional Singer Step 10

Step 10. Keep trying

Keep performing (go on tour if possible), advertise, ship demos, and grow your fan base! The labels appreciate who takes the initiative.

Be a Professional Singer Step 11
Be a Professional Singer Step 11

Step 11. Don't let your label control your music after you've signed a contract

Fight for your artistic independence.


  • It does NOT allow anyone to stop you. If that's really what you love, go for it! Don't waste your life wondering "if I had…".
  • Make sure your co-workers (agent, teammates, staff members, etc.) are dedicated and respectable people. Otherwise you will have problems.
  • Don't do it for the money, but for the love of singing.
  • Be patient!
  • Some labels only listen to the first 30-60 seconds of a song to determine its commercial validity.
  • Get an agent, otherwise some labels will reject your demos.


  • READ the contract before signing up for a record label.
  • If you fail to assert your rights, your label will check you.
  • Don't have too bright expectations, but work hard!
  • DON'T fall into scams! You shouldn't pay anyone before you are earning yourself.
  • Take lessons from a good singing teacher to protect your voice.
