Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was the last GTA game released for Playstation and the original Xbox. It is a huge and complex game that can overwhelm and frustrate those who play it without the right strategy. Read the steps below to learn how to play best.
Method 1 of 2: Increase the Stats

Step 1. Start with the resistance
Unlike other games in the GTA series, San Andreas star Carl "CJ" Johnson has a wide range of stats that can be changed by player choices. With good stats, the missions will be much easier; with low stats, they can become nearly impossible. Start with the easiest and cheapest to improve, endurance. On each game day, make CJ run until he gets tired. You can also improve your stamina by cycling and swimming.
- City gyms also offer training machines to quickly and effectively improve CJ's stamina and other physical stats. Try the treadmill and the stationary bike.
- You can increase the stamina as much as you want with no ill effects. Eventually, when you complete the optional "Thief" mission (stealing a total of $ 10,000 worth of goods from houses), CJ will gain infinite stamina; prior to this mission, having more stamina will save your life during police chases and other eventful situations.

Step 2. Improve other physical stats
In addition to endurance, CJ has muscle mass and body fat stats, the percentages of which can be changed with training. To gain muscle mass, lift weights in the gym. You will need to get a percentage of 75-85% to maximize physical strength without sacrificing speed and agility. You can reduce body fat without side effects by up to 5%; if you take it to zero, CJ could lose muscle mass during strenuous physical activities. All workouts decrease the percentage of fat.
- You may also increase CJ's lung capacity, allowing him to stay underwater longer. You can train your lung capacity by swimming underwater until the last second and then returning to the surface. Finding oysters at the bottom of the ocean also has a small effect on this statistic. Lung capacity isn't very helpful, except on a few occasions.
- Don't forget to eat when you work out. Most foods will make CJ fat, but foods are very important for increasing stamina and muscle mass. When you eat, if your body fat is above 3%, order a salad as it is the only food that does not make you fat. If you have virtually no fat, eating anything else will get it up (up to 3% per meal), so you'll need to bring it back to around 5% before each mission.

Step 3. Maximize vehicle stats
Between CJ's workouts, spend time driving or piloting anything you can get your hands on. There are four vehicle stats: bicycles, motorcycles, cars, and planes. The only way to increase them is to drive a vehicle of the appropriate type. Higher stats improve vehicle handling in terms of steering, braking and overall stability. Good stats for motorcycles and bicycles also give CJ a better chance of avoiding being knocked out of the vehicle when hit by a car.
Increasing vehicle stats takes quite a while. Continue to train all the time and alternate training with vehicles with other types of training

Step 4. Learn to master weapons
CJ's weapon skills can be trained like vehicle skills; unfortunately, unlike the latter, there are different statistics for almost every single weapon. Weapon skills are trained by shooting people or vehicles, and range from "Poor" to "Assassin". On the assassin level, CJ can wield two weapons of some types at the same time, including sawn-off shotguns, pistols, and automatic pistols (Uzi and Tec-9).
- Some weapons don't have a stat. These include weapons such as grenades, sniper rifles, all melee weapons (baseball bats, hammers, etc.) and all heavy weapons, such as rocket launchers. CJ will do more damage with melee weapons if his muscle mass is high.
- It can be difficult to safely improve CJ's weapon skills, because shooting people will quickly make you wanted by the police, and shooting vehicles only matters as long as they don't explode. Try reaching a nearby save point or a place to change your outfits, both of which will bring down your wanted levels when you use them.
Method 2 of 2: Strategies and Methods

Step 1. Increase your respect level
Respect is another stat that can be increased in GTA San Andreas, but unlike the other stats listed above, it's nearly impossible to significantly increase it from the start of the game. The higher your level of respect, the more CJ gang members, the Grove Street families, you can recruit to help you on missions. Having a posse by your side can make many missions easier, so it will help you to have a lot of respect.
- You can earn respect over the course of the game by completing certain missions. You can also passively increase respect by making sure CJ wears green, the color of his gang, when in the Groove Street Families territories.
- Conquering another gang's territory (starting and winning a gang war) will raise CJ's respect level by a lot (around 30%). Even covering up the graffiti of a rival gang will guarantee a small increase in respect.
- Killing drug dealers, police officers, and rival gang members guarantees a small increase in respect. Killing your gang members, or letting them die, reduces your respect.

Step 2. Save some money
Starting early in the game, you can start making enough money if you put in the effort. Missions offer a good amount of money of course; you can also eliminate passersby to steal their money. Over the course of the game, CJ can purchase assets that will grant him regular income, but up to that point, saving whenever you can will give you significant benefits later on.
- Dealers don't just grant you respect when you take them out; they are also an excellent source of money. They have a tendency to be short-tempered and well-armed, but if you get a heavy vehicle like a pickup truck and crush them, they won't have much of a fighting chance. You can also use a sniper rifle to take them out from long range.
- Getting arrested or killed will cost you money. If you save regularly, you will be able to load and avoid spending, even if it is not a very high expense. Another hidden cost of getting yourself killed or captured is the loss of all weapons. If you've managed to collect a nice arsenal, you can load up your save to save yourself the cost and hassle of finding or buying your weapons again.
If you really want to screw the system, save your game, then bet everything you have in an Inside Track store. If you lose, load up and try again until you win. Every time you win, you will multiply your money, and soon you will have more than you can spend.
This type of trick is known as "save scumming". It is effective, but many people consider it against the spirit of the game, because it offers almost instant gratification without involvement in the game world. Set aside a save before using this trick, in case you run out of motivation to tackle the rest of the missions

Step 3. Complete the secondary training missions
There are some types of side missions that you can activate by stealing specific vehicles. You will be able to activate the paramedic missions with an ambulance, the vigilante missions with a police or military car and the taxi driver missions with a taxi. There are a number of missions available for each type of vehicle; complete them all and you will receive some very useful skills.
- Completing 12 firefighter missions will make CJ fire resistant.
- Completing the 12 missions as a paramedic gives CJ the maximum health possible.
- Completing all 12 vigilante missions will increase CJ's maximum bulletproof vest percentage to 150%.
- Completing the 12 taxi driver missions will allow all taxis to make unlimited jumps and have an infinite NOS boost.

Step 4. Find the special items
As in most GTA games, San Andreas is full of hidden objects, scattered all over the map. If you manage to find all items of a type, you will be rewarded with many weapon crafting points, and in some cases money.
- Tags are places to cover the graffiti of other gangs. Cover all 100 points to unlock different weapon crafting points at his Groove Street home.
- Horseshoes are exactly what they seem. Collect all 50 to give CJ a much higher chance of winning when you bet, and make some crafting points for very powerful weapons available at Four Dragons Casino.
- The shots are opportunities to take photos at specific points in the city of San Fierro. Snap all 50 photos to earn just over $ 100,000 and some weapon crafting points at Doherty Garage.

Step 5. Get some useful vehicles
If you have space available in the garage (you can purchase more space by buying properties), you can store the vehicles for later use. In some cases, you will be able to procure and keep vehicles that are very useful and / or hard to find. Having these special vehicles available can make some missions much easier.
- Look for armored vehicles. The perfect example is the Rhino tank, which you can steal from Area 69 and store in the garage. Bringing a Rhino home isn't easy at all, but if you can, once it's saved in the garage, you can keep it.
- "Steal during missions" of super vehicles. There are many extremely tough vehicles that you will only be able to use on missions. By failing these missions (usually by killing whoever accompanies you or destroying the wrong vehicle), you will get a locked version of the super car. You can push or drag the car to a garage to restore its functionality.
- Find a Monster. This aptly named monster truck has tremendous ground clearance, and can simply drive above most other cars, a useful capability for some races and chase missions. Its excellent suspension and great ground clearance also make it ideal for those occasions when you have to go off-road. In some cases you can find one in the roulette lot near the Flint intersection in Flint County.
- Save a tow truck. Having a tow truck on hand will allow you to steal many special vehicles from a mission by towing them to a garage after failing the mission. It is also useful for bringing back the destroyed vehicles that you had saved in the garage, to restore them again.

Step 6. Think sideways
There are many missions that can only be completed in one way, but just as many leave room for creativity. Don't hesitate to take a helicopter to a mission where there will be a shooting to land on a nearby roof to hit your enemies with a sniper rifle, or to break through a barricade by accelerating to full speed with a heavy vehicle and then jumping out of the door. after throwing it, to get into a smaller and faster car after destroying the obstacle.