Once used as an elegant dress in ancient Greece, the toga is now the favorite clothing of the brotherhoods. Read the article to learn different ways to make a toga without having to use the sewing machine.
Method 1 of 5: Unisex Classic Toga Laced on the Back

Step 1. Slide one end of the sheet over your shoulder
Keep the sheet behind your back. Take one end of the sheet and slide a few inches over your left shoulder, from the back to the front. The sheet flap should reach your waist.

Step 2. Turn it around your back
Turn the long part of the sheet around your back, passing it under your right arm and in front of your chest.

Step 3. Throw the sheet over your shoulder
Throw the longest part of the sheet, which you just pulled under your right arm and in front of your chest, over your left shoulder, to meet the other flap.
This is the time to adjust the height of the toga. Fold, tip or gather the sheet until it reaches the desired height on your legs. You may need to take a few steps before you feel comfortable

Step 4. Fix it and fix it
Take some time to iron the folds then secure the toga with safety pins.
Method 2 of 5: Unisex Classic Toga Laced Front

Step 1. Slide one end of the sheet over your shoulder
Hold the sheet in front of you. Take one end of the sheet and slide a few inches over your left shoulder, from front to back. The sheet flap should reach down to your buttocks.

Step 2. Roll up the sheet
Take the long part of the sheet and wrap it diagonally across your chest and under your right arm, then around your back, under your left arm and around your chest.

Step 3. Fold it up
Fold the end, which you put under your left arm, under the part already on your chest. This is the time to adjust the height of your toga. Fold, tip or gather the sheet until it reaches the desired height on your legs. You may need to take a few steps before you feel comfortable.

Step 4. Fix it and fix it
Take some time to iron the folds then secure the toga with safety pins.
Method 3 of 5: Strapless Empire Waist Toga for Women

Step 1. Fold to determine height
While standing, hold the sheet in front of you horizontally. Fold it sideways until it is the desired length. It must cover from the armpits to the height you want on the legs.

Step 2. Wrap it around your chest
Keeping the sheet folded horizontally behind you, wrap one part around your chest first and then the other, as with a towel.

Step 3. Fix it and fix it
Take some time to iron the folds then secure the toga with safety pins.

Step 4. Add a belt
Tie a belt or rope under the chest. It will serve to fix the toga and create the empire lifestyle.
Method 4 of 5: Toga Tied Behind the Neck for Women

Step 1. Fold to determine height
While standing, hold the sheet in front of you horizontally. Fold it sideways until it is the desired length. It must cover from the armpits to the height you want on the legs.

Step 2. Wrap it around your chest
Keeping the sheet folded horizontally behind you, wrap one part around your chest first and then the other, as with a towel. Leave between 0.9 and 1.2 meters of a soft flap in front of you.

Step 3. Tie it around your neck
Roll the 1.2m flap around itself to create a kind of rope. Turn this flap over your shoulders and behind your neck. Tie the end of the flap to the sheet around your chest.

Step 4. Fix it and fix it
Take some time to iron the creases. Secure the toga with safety pins on the top and secure the part behind the neck.

Step 5. Add accessories
They are optional but are used for decoration. For example, tie a belt or rope under the chest or around the waist.
Method 5 of 5: Unisex Toga Model Sari

Step 1. Fold to determine height
While standing, hold the sheet in front of you horizontally. Fold it sideways until it is the right length. It should cover from the waist down to the ground.

Step 2. Wrap one end around the waist
Keep the sheet folded horizontally behind you at waist level. Wrap a few inches of one end around your waist to create a skirt. Fold this flap behind your back.

Step 3. Wrap the other end to the front
Continue to hold the folded sheet horizontally behind you. Now wrap the longest part around your body at the front. When you get to the front, pin the top of the two ends to the waist with safety pins.

Step 4. Continue wrapping the sheet
Keep wrapping this long end around your body, around your waist, under your arm and around your back. Finally go back to the front passing under the arm.

Step 5. Throw it over your shoulder
When the longer end is back on the front, pull it around the chest and over the opposite shoulder. The final part will hang from your shoulder and stop on your back.
- Wear undergarments. You can wear a traditional tunic if you have one, however wear something under the toga. A white t-shirt is fine for men; for women, a strapless top or bra. Both genders should wear underpants. The toga can be attached to undergarments and these can be useful for covering the private parts in case the toga melts.
- If you don't have to walk that much, you can just fold the flaps inside.