A hernia occurs when an area of the muscle wall, membrane, or tissue that holds internal organs in place is weakened. When this band is considerably weakened or even an opening is created in it, a part of the internal organs begins to protrude from the protective zone. Therefore a hernia is similar to a small hole in a bag that allows the contents to escape. A hernia can happen for several reasons, and that's why it's important to know how to check for a hernia to avoid further complications.
Method 1 of 2: A Look at the Different Types of Hernia

Step 1. Look for hernias that occur in the stomach, abdomen or chest
A hernia can affect different areas of the body in different ways, although it commonly develops in the stomach area. These hernias include:
- A hiatal hernia affects the upper part of the stomach. The hiatus is an opening in the diaphragm that separates the chest area from the abdomen. There are two types of hiatal hernia: sliding or paraesophageal. Hiatal hernia occurs more frequently in men than in women.
- Epigastric hernia occurs when small layers of fat push against the abdominal wall between the breastbone and the navel. You can suffer from multiple hernias of this type at the same time. Although epigastric hernias often have no symptoms, they may need to be treated with surgery.
- Incisional hernia occurs when inadequate care after abdominal surgery allows it to escape through the scars. Often the mesh lining is not installed correctly and the intestines protrude through it, causing a hernia.
- Umbilical hernia is especially common among newborns. When a baby cries, a protrusion often protrudes from the navel area.

Step 2. Know the types of hernias that affect the groin area
Hernias also affect the groin, pubis, or thighs when the intestines protrude from their lining, causing unsightly and, in some cases, painful swelling in these areas.
- Inguinal hernia affects the groin area and occurs when a portion of the small intestine protrudes from the abdominal wall. In some cases, surgery is required, because the complications of inguinal hernia can lead to life-threatening situations.
- The femoral hernia affects the upper thigh, just below the groin. Although it may present without pain, it appears as a lump in the upper thigh. Like hiatal hernias, femoral hernias are more common in women than in men.
- Anal hernia occurs when tissue protrudes from the anal membrane. Anal hernias are rare. They are often confused with hemorrhoids.

Step 3. Learn about other types of hernia
Hernias can affect areas other than the stomach and groin region. In particular, the following hernias can cause clinical problems for people:
- A herniated disc occurs when a disc in the spine protrudes and begins to pinch a nerve. The discs around the spine act as shock absorbers, but they can move as a result of injury or illness, causing a herniated disc.
- Intracranial hernias occur inside the head. They occur when brain tissue, fluids, and blood vessels are displaced from their usual position in the skull. Intracranial hernias need immediate medical attention, especially if the hernia is located near the brain stem.
Method 2 of 2: Check the Symptoms
Step 1. Investigate the possible symptoms of a hernia
Hernias can be caused by a multitude of factors. When they do occur, they may or may not be painful. Look for these signs, especially if you have hernias in the abdominal or groin area:
You notice swelling in the painful area. The swelling is usually found on the surface of the thighs, abdomen, or groin.
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The swelling may or may not be painful; it is not uncommon for a hernia to be visible but not causing pain.
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Bulges that flatten when you put pressure on them require prompt medical attention; Bulges that don't flatten when you put pressure on them require immediate medical attention.
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You experience pain ranging from severe to light discomfort. A common symptom of a hernia is pain that occurs with exertion. If you experience pain during the following activities, you may be suffering from a hernia:
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Lifting of heavy objects.
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Coughing or sneezing.
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Intense training or effort.
Check for a Hernia Step 4Bullet7 - The pain gets worse at the end of the day. Pain from a hernia is often most severe at the end of the day, or after spending a lot of time on your feet.

Step 2. See a doctor to confirm the diagnosis
Some hernias can be "trapped" or "strangled", which means that the organ in question is not receiving blood or that intestinal flow is blocked. These hernias require immediate medical attention.
- Schedule a visit and meet your doctor. Make sure you tell him all of your symptoms.
- Get a physical exam. Your doctor will need to check to see if the area increases in size when you lift weights, bend over, or cough.
Step 3. Learn about risk factors for hernia
Why do hernias affect more than 5 million Americans? They can occur for many reasons. Here are some of the factors that put people at a higher risk of hernia:
Genetic predisposition: If one of your parents suffered from a hernia, you are more likely to suffer from it too.
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Age: As you age, the chances of a hernia increase.
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Pregnancy: During pregnancy, the mother's stomach stretches, increasing the chances of a hernia.
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Sudden Weight Loss: People who lose weight suddenly are at a greater risk of having a hernia.
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Obesity: Overweight people are more likely to suffer from a hernia than people of normal weight.
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Excessive coughing: Coughing causes a lot of pressure and a lot of stress on the abdomen, which can lead to a hernia.
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- See your doctor if you notice any of the symptoms described in this guide.
- You can prevent hernia in many ways. For example, you can use proper lifting techniques, lose weight (if you are overweight) or add more fiber and fluids to your diet to avoid constipation.
- The only cure for a hernia is surgery. Your doctor can perform traditional or laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic surgery involves less pain, smaller incisions, and has a shorter recovery period.
- If your hernia is small and causing no symptoms, your doctor may just monitor it to make sure it doesn't get worse.
- Men should see a doctor if they have difficulty urinating. This could be a symptom of a more serious medical problem such as an enlarged prostate.
- The hernia can become an emergency when the weakened area, or the hole, widens, begins to "strangle" the tissues, blocking the flow of blood. In these cases, immediate medical intervention is required.