Anyone aspiring to become a singer should know that simply getting on stage and singing will not keep the audience interested in the performance. Here are some tips to help you improve your stage presence.

Step 1. Love the song you are singing
If you don't put your heart and soul into it you will be fake and in bad taste. Even if it's a cover, try to interpret the lyrics as best they can.

Step 2. Be smiling
Even the "emo" types have to prove that they are having a good time: being sad doesn't appeal to the audience. This doesn't mean you don't have to switch interpretations between songs, just you don't have to be serious all the time.

Step 3. Move on stage
Do not stay fixed in one place: even small movements attract the eye of the public. Take examples from famous singers like Axl Rose, Freddy Mercury, Morrissey, David Lee Roth, Bruce Dickinson, Michael Jackson, Bono, Hayley Williams, and Robert Plant. Search for your favorite artists on Youtube and see how they move on stage.

Step 4. Copy the moves of the great performers
Nobody will accuse you if you take a cue from some famous singer. Axl Rose has a great stage presence recognized by all fans and critics. Don't take a cue from just one person and don't copy the whole movement. Take what you like best and customize it. Over time you will feel confident making your moves on stage.

Step 5. Accompany the emotions with the right facial expressions
Don't make any movements that could negatively affect your vocal performance! You can take a cue from Geoff Tate to sing correctly and express emotions at best.

Step 6. Don't try to get attention
Sometimes you have to leave room for the other members of the band as well, otherwise you will be seen as self-centered. Think David Lee Roth! While it's nice to be the center of attention, you need to know when to back off.

Step 7. Talk to the audience
The audience will pay attention if you let them participate. Freddie Mercury used to sing a verse and let the audience finish singing it. Ask the audience non-obvious questions, not like 'how's it going tonight?', In short, try to involve them based on your musical style as well.

Step 8. If you also play an instrument while singing, such as a guitar or bass, and cannot move around the stage, use your facial expressions, arms and hands to get the audience to follow you
Try to cheer on the spectators, and they will follow you. Other examples: James Hetfield (Metallica), Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day), Geddy Lee (Rush), Matt Bellamy (Muse). If you sing and play drums, a great example is Aaron Gillespie (Underoath).
- Do not overdo it. Experience will help you create your own style.
- During rehearsals, pretend to perform in front of the audience - this will mentally prepare you for the actual performance.
- Connect with viewers, tell them personal stories or talk about your songs and your band.
- Always thank the audience! It's thanks to them that you got on that stage.
- Make a lineup of songs and practice to increase your confidence on stage. You can customize some words of the text by linking them to hand gestures or you can have the audience sing some verses.
- Let go. After trying and trying you will be sure of yourself, and the best thing is to let things go by themselves. It will all be fine
- Avoid the stereotypes of rock and roll, such as asking the audience how the night is going or yelling at the audience something like: 'all together come on!'
- Make eye contact with your band members and the audience.
- Dance! Or better yet, create your own way of dancing. When Michael Jackson first did the Moonwalk, the audience was stunned.
- Go to acting class if you can't really express your emotions..
- Keep some water on hand so you don't get dehydrated and avoid fainting
- Do not overdo the movements, remember that you are a singer first of all, and taking the right note and being in tune is the most important thing.
- Don't complain! unless it's something really important, forget it. Don't speak ill of other band members, songs or locations. You'll get in trouble and look petty.
- Try not to abuse drugs
- Remember to warm up your voice before taking the stage.