This article will explain how you should behave if there is a guy who follows you everywhere and thinks you are madly in love with him. Let's face it: you don't like him at all. For heaven's sake, he's a nice guy, but how do you make him know you're not interested at all? This article is definitely for you.

Step 1. Talk to him
Go to him when he's alone and make sure his friends aren't around. If they are there, he will feel even worse. Once alone, explain to him that you think he is a really great person and mention any other positive qualities you think he has. Don't use words like "kind" or "sweet"; Everyone knows very well that "sweet and kind" guys always end up being the last wheel of the wagon, so even the guys who really are would take it as an insult. Explain that you only care as a friend and that you are not trying to hurt his feelings. Talking to him will help him understand how things actually are. Unless you really think so, don't give him false hope by telling him that your feelings for him may change in the future.

Step 2. Be nice, but don't flirt with him
If you have known each other for a while and he is trying to become more than just a friend to you, be very nice to him but avoid flirting with him at all costs. If you were to do that, you'd have a lot of trouble.
- If he doesn't like you, but he thinks you're madly in love with him, relax. Tell him (via the internet, perhaps) that your crush on him has been gone for some time and that it wasn't serious. If he doesn't believe you, then he'll be acting stupid and you're just wasting your time with an idiot.
- If you can't get him to stop harassing you, just ignore him. Avoid him, look away and stay away from him as much as you can. After a couple of days of doing this, if he tries to talk to you again, answer him, but just to make it clear that you're not interested in him at all. If he no longer tries to talk to you and gives up, it means that you may have gone too far. Go talk to him and try to make him realize that you are not interested in partnering with him.
- If you want to avoid a scene, be honest and go straight to the point by explaining that you don't like him. Communicating effectively will help you resolve the issue quickly without having to go around it.

Step 3. Don't feel guilty
What you feel is more than normal. If you ever feel guilty after talking to him, he may notice. Neither of you has done anything wrong and you have no reason to feel bad about it.

Step 4. Don't be with him often
A guy who likes you will look for clues that show him that you reciprocate his feelings for you. As the old saying goes: "People see what they want to see." In other words, if you seek him out or hang out frequently, he may think you are doing it because you are interested, in which case you should start all over again.

Step 5. Avoid having "ambiguous" behavior with him
Don't hug him, don't dance alone with him, don't go look at the starry sky with him, etc. The only type of physical contact that should exist between you is to shake hands or give you high five. You don't have to give him false hope.
- Don't flirt with him. If you have told him that you are not attracted to him and then flirt, he will get confused signals and will feel lost or disappointed.
- Talk to him when it happens. Be friendly and don't dig up the past.
- Be nice to him, especially if he likes you. Don't flirt, but don't act like a fool. Just treat him like any other friend.
- Ask your friends for help to help you tell them that you are not interested. Don't do things you shouldn't, though.
- Don't ignore it. This will only make him feel worse.
- He may pretend he never liked you after you reject him. This is normal and quite understandable, don't take it.
- If he does go after you or harass you and refuses to believe that he doesn't like you, try to avoid him altogether, not just for a couple of days.
- If you start flirting with him, he will basically think you like him and this is the last thing in the world you want.
- Speak authoritatively and clearly when you tell the guy you don't care. At first he might take it badly, but ultimately he will appreciate that you were honest.
- Do your best to show yourself happy away from him.
- Don't be cruel or rude to him. You would tear him apart by acting this way.
- Flirt with some of his friends.