You want to be one of those sociable, bright and charming people that everyone wants to get to know better! With a little work and dedication, you can become as desirable as they are without giving up being yourself!

Step 1. Observe
Note your own behavior and that of others.

Step 2. Listen
Instead of describing how awesome you are, ask questions. When you show interest in others, you tend to arouse curiosity about yourself.

Step 3. Make yourself more interesting
Do things differently, give your life a new boost! If you only ever greet the same people, talk to someone different.

Step 4. Keep it to yourself
If someone doesn't ask you something, keep the information to yourself. Unless it explicitly refers to something you would like to communicate.

Step 5. Lie down and relax
Don't pour all your attention on others. Excessive involvement could make you lose their interest.

Step 6. Be happy
People love to be around those who know how to give off happiness and who are able to distract them from their worries.

Step 7. Study hard and be successful
People love those who are naturally brilliant. Fools won't make much progress in life while you want to go far.

Step 8. Take some things seriously
When it comes to school or to excel in any field, be serious and committed. While you can let go from time to time and act more relaxed, never slack off! You will find that it is possible to have fun even when you take things seriously.

Step 9. Look for the clues
First of all, learn to understand who you can be witty with and who you can't be with. Avoid jokes that can annoy particular people and stick to the topics they care about.

Step 10. Be yourself
There are many who argue that this is the real secret of success, and they are right. People are attracted to those who are confident, do not show themselves weak and do not accept to change just to please others.

Step 11. Be charming
Charm is not synonymous with beauty, being charming means feeling good about yourself, accepting yourself and reducing your ego. Love yourself and others!
- Look people in the eye.
- You smile.
- Don't let people who don't like you influence your mood.
- Be willing to compromise and admit your faults.
- Hang out with people you respect and think are brilliant, with whom you can be yourself.
- Always treat others as you want to be treated yourself.
- Always follow your heart and do what you think is right.
- Be balanced in front of the opinions of others, do not constantly change your beliefs to adapt to others and try to please everyone. Many may find this to be irritating behavior.
- Dress and behave in a mature way. Be a gallant man or a feminine woman.
- Get informed, read and watch many films, it will be easier to have conversations related to different areas.
- Decorate, personalize and embellish your objects.
- Do not turn down offers from others, as in the case when an unpopular person finds the courage to ask you to dance.
- Avoid those who do not share your moral principles.
- Hang out with people like you who are good, trustworthy, happy and sunny.
- Keep your ego at bay.