At least once in your life you will find yourself feeling something for someone and you will not be reciprocated. Find out how to accept it and move on.

Step 1. Write down anything you don't like about him
Admiring and desiring it will not help you feel better, it will make you more desperate because you want it, and it could lead you from infatuation to depression if it hasn't already happened. Making a list of the negatives will dampen your admiration for him.

Step 2. Make a list of hobbies, friends, family you hope to interact with in the future
In the end, all you have is yourself. You can't live your whole life hoping to have someone else and depending on them. Think about your career and remember: you don't need him to be a successful person, there will be others.

Step 3. Don't contact him
You would end up just wanting to be closer to him, and if he doesn't like you, you'll be even worse. Accept that this person does not reciprocate your feelings for any reason. There will always be someone who will.

Step 4. If you are on a social network, do not search for their profile

Step 5. Make a list of all the things you love about yourself
And don't write it right away! Ask friends and family how they would describe you and go from there. Like you, there is only you in the world and those who do not understand it are blind.

Step 6. Show how much better you are without him
If he doesn't like you as much as he likes you, he's the loser. You have to be superior because you are you. Show him what is missing. And 99.9% of the time, he'll be back.

Step 7. Keep busy
Whining in a dark room doesn't fix things. Go out and get some air, read a good book, spend time with friends. It's your life and you deserve a chance to live it. Don't let mean people ruin it for you. The more you stay active, the more you will understand that there is a whole world out there that does not revolve around a single individual.

Step 8. Delete his number
Delete his email. Throw it out of your life completely. It's tough, but it's the only way to get over it. Pain hurts when you are alone in the beginning, but imagine how you would be if you continued to live isolated and thinking about him. Give him a silent goodbye and your life will go on perfectly.

Step 9. Remember that there are many people in the world
Even if that one doesn't reciprocate your feelings, it doesn't mean that others won't. Don't rush love.
- Don't be rude to her. Be normal and pleasant, behave as if it doesn't tangle you, after all he is a person like many others.
- If this person goes to school with you, talk to them, but don't get attached to them and don't feel embarrassed. Act naturally, as if nothing had happened and you had really moved on.
- If you feel the sudden need to be close to this person, stop. If you want to talk to someone, do it with friends.
- This is not true love, remember when you find someone else.
- Talk to friends and family about your crush. Keeping yourself in the problem could make it worse. A shared problem is a half-solved problem.