How to make sure your dog doesn't sleep in your bed

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How to make sure your dog doesn't sleep in your bed
How to make sure your dog doesn't sleep in your bed

It may not seem like a big deal to let your dog snuggle up with you before bed, but letting him sleep in your bed can often lead to other behavioral problems. They can include disobedience, tantrums, and too much possessiveness. In fact, letting the dog sleep in your bed can question your authority and give the pet the impression that he is in charge.


Part 1 of 3: Establishing the Dog's "Sleeping" Zone

Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 1
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 1

Step 1. See how the dog sleeps

This will help you find him a bed that is comfortable. Pay particular attention to his body language when he sleeps.

  • If your dog likes to stretch out when sleeping, choose a comfortable rectangular mat.
  • If your dog likes to curl up, a circle bed or oval bed is ideal.
  • Older or arthritic dogs may be more comfortable on memory foam mattresses.
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 2
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 2

Step 2. Purchase a dog bed at your local pet store

When you buy dog beds, you really get what you pay for. Cheap beds break easily and will only last a few months. The better the quality of the bed, the longer it will last. When choosing a bed, you should consider how the dog sleeps and the age of the dog, as well as your budget. There are many types of beds available, including:.

  • Orthopedic Beds: These beds are long mattresses that offer orthopedic support. They are better suited to older dogs and offer better padding. They are also spacious, so if your dog likes to stretch out when he sleeps, they can be a good solution.
  • Donut Beds: These beds are pillow-like with a raised side making it look like a donut. They are great for dogs who like to curl up when they sleep.
  • Pillow Beds: These are simple beds made with a large pillow and are suitable for dogs who like to stretch out when they sleep.
  • Heated Beds: If you live in a cold region or have a small or old dog who suffers from the cold, a heated bed is a good option to keep him warm.
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 3
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 3

Step 3. Place the bed in a comfortable spot, such as the living room or bedroom

Even if you want to encourage the dog not to stay in your bed and sleep in his, you should make sure his sleeping area is a comfortable place that is familiar to the animal.

The bed should be in an area of room temperature and not near drafts or open doors. Look for a spot in the shade or in the dark

Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 4
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 4

Step 4. Place the dog's favorite toys near the bed

This will make the bed more attractive. You could also put a shirt with your scent on it to encourage the dog to lie down there.

Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 5
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 5

Step 5. If the dog is a puppy, prepare a bed for him in a kennel or box

It is very important to establish your dog's sleeping area early, so that he is not tempted to sit on your bed. Line the kennel or box with newspapers in case nighttime accidents occur. Create an elevated area at the back of the sleeping area, for example with a pillow, so that the dog sleeps in a clean area of the kennel.

Part 2 of 3: Training the Dog to Stay in His Bed

Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 6
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 6

Step 1. Take your dog for a long walk before bed

This should tire him and make him have less energy to disobey you when he has to go to sleep.

Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 7
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 7

Step 2. Keep your dog on a leash and take him to his bed

You can also show him a reward to encourage him to move. This way you will train him to connect the bed with a positive reward. Never take your dog in weight to put him in bed, or he will associate the bed with a negative experience.

Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 8
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 8

Step 3. Order the dog to "go to bed"

Express your command clearly. Give him a reward when he gets in the bed.

  • Every time he gets up and out of bed, say "No" and calmly bring him back to his place. Then, repeat the order "go to bed". Spend more time between the order and the reward when she lies down in bed.
  • Eventually your dog will understand the order and will receive a reward if he stays in bed.
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 9
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 9

Step 4. Ignore the dog's moans during the night

He may have sad eyes when you go to sleep, or orally express his disagreement with the new bed by moaning or moaning at night. Avoid giving in to these complaints or you will only reinforce his behavior and prevent him from getting used to his bed.

  • Yelling at the dog when he moans will only make him moan louder. If the complaints continue after ignoring them for several minutes, ask the dog if he wants to go outside. If he reacts and seems excited, take him out. Make the trip worthwhile, a time to relieve yourself, not an opportunity to play.
  • If you don't think your dog needs to go to the toilet and is complaining about his new bed, keep ignoring him. Don't try to punish him or you will only reinforce his behavior. Punishing him would give him attention.
  • Be prepared for worsening complaints before the dog stops whining. But if you can ignore it, you will help him get used to the bed in the long run.
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 10
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 10

Step 5. Correct the dog's behavior if he jumps into your bed

This is an important step in setting boundaries for your dog and reinforcing the importance of sleeping in his bed.

If your dog jumps in bed, tell him "Go to bed". If the dog does not move, grab him and put him on the ground or gently push him out of bed saying "No"

Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 11
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 11

Step 6. Use positive reinforcement to correct the dog's behavior

Many dog owners use a spray water bottle to punish unwanted dog behaviors, including sleeping on the bed or other furniture. But positive reinforcement, where you reward your dog for good behaviors instead of punishing him for bad ones, can also be a valuable training method.

Praise the dog if he goes to bed without your order or if he lies down in the kennel after your command. This will help him associate sleeping with rewards and praise, not punishment or negative feelings

Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 12
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 12

Step 7. Practice inviting the dog to his bed

Never allow the dog to enter the room or sneak into the bed uninvited. This would make him believe that he is the one who decides when to go to sleep. Make sure he only acts on your order, so when you wake up he will have to wait patiently for your order before leaving the kennel.

Part 3 of 3: Understanding the Benefits of Keeping Your Dog Out of Bed

Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 13
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 13

Step 1. Establish your dominion over the dog by keeping him out of your bed

One of the ways that dogs determine hierarchies is by physical height. The highest-ranking animal ranks higher than its subordinates. Therefore, if you allow your dog to sleep next to you in the bed, he may think he is of equal or higher rank than yours.

Maintaining your position of authority over the dog is important, because if you don't establish your leadership, the dog may disobey you or throw a tantrum. If your dog realizes that you have no control over him, he may feel empowered to misbehave

Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 14
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 14

Step 2. Keep other pets happy and safe

If you have more than one pet in your home, such as another dog or cat, keeping the dog out of bed will also set an example for other pets. Creating separate beds for all animals will allow you to sleep peacefully without fear of turning around and crushing a furry friend.

Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 15
Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed Step 15

Step 3. Eliminate the risk of contracting a disease

If your dog plays, tramples or eats feces (his own or another animal's) he could transmit bacteria or parasites such as salmonella or heartworms. Almost all dogs step on dirty objects, so the likelihood of the dog carrying bacteria on all the sheets is high.
