Literally translated, "ulzzang" means "best face" in Korean, but the term has spread in pop culture to refer to a subtle South Korean style. Originally used to refer to the pale and milky appearance with big eyes, small lips and tall noses of Korean models, the status of "ulzzang" has become famous in the photo contests of Cyworld (a popular Asian social network), in where the voters selected the best style photos. If you want to try this style, you can learn the basics of how to treat eyes, hair and clothing to get your fresh new “ulzzang” style online. Proceed to Step 1 for more instructions.
Method 1 of 4: Part 1 of 4: Eyes and lips

Step 1. Try to get your parents to put you in round contact lenses
You don't have to have big natural eyes to give the illusion of ulzzang beauty. Round lenses make your eyes appear larger, even if you have smaller, normal-sized eyes.
Consult an ophthalmologist and ask your parents before wearing cosmetic lenses. They are not good for all types of eyes, especially if you have astigmatism or other vision problems. You can also learn how to give the illusion of bigger eyes by using makeup

Step 2. Apply a thin layer of eyeliner
Together with the contact lenses, a note of eyeliner will highlight the eye contour to make it stand out.

Step 3. Apply mascara to the tips of the lashes
You can also wear false lashes if you want, but make sure your lashes are not thick. The ulzzang style is famous for its use of natural shades in makeup, so lashes don't have to look heavy or lumpy.

Step 4. Use smooth eyeshadow and other natural looking makeup
It is better to spread white / gray eyeshadow along the eyelids to maintain a makeup suitable for most outfits. Use flesh-colored shades rather than more colorful ones.
For the lips, use natural shades that highlight and plump them without drastically changing their color. Shimmering shades are perfect for the ulzzang style. Your goal is to highlight and emphasize your personal beauty, making it natural and simple.
'Be the Asian Style "Ulzzang" Step 4Bullet1
Method 2 of 4: Part 2 of 4: Clothing

Step 1. Put on skinny jeans or pants
Generally, the ulzzang style is known for the use of skin-tight jeans of any color, by both males and females.
Find the right size and then get yourself various colors of a style that you like and that looks good on your body

Step 2. Get some vintage print t-shirts
T-shirts with unusual art prints, often not centered on the garment, are quite popular. These types of shirts are widely available in department stores.
Avoid prominent brand logos on t-shirts, and choose them with characters from animated series or other artistic designs. Many popular styles look handmade, screen printed and unique, with clever jokes or visual puns

Step 3. Wear shirts that are a few more sizes
The combination of tight jeans with loose knits is typical of the ulzzang style. V-necks are popular, as are right-sized shirts in bright colors or prints of the same genre as ulzzang shirts.

Step 4. Match clothes and accessories with those of your boyfriend or girlfriend
A unique aspect of online ulzzang culture is that it often gravitates around photos that reflect the style of a cute couple, usually dressed in some matching themed couple's clothing.
Dress in matching or complementary colors, rather than identical outfits. Ulzzang dresses are often sold in pairs. Wearing “I love my girlfriend” - “I love my boyfriend” t-shirts or matching heart-shaped necklaces together is common among ulzzang photos
Method 3 of 4: Part 3 of 4: The hairstyle
Step 1. Cut your hair in an ulzzang style
Generally, the cut is similar for males and females, with layers of hair and side bangs. Some shades are also common, but they shouldn't be too strong or particularly accentuated. Natural hair colors are more desirable than, say, manga-style blue.
Guys usually have medium length hair with side bangs, somewhat longer in front than back.
'Be the Asian Style "Ulzzang" Step 9Bullet1 -
Girls often have straight or side bangs with straight or slightly wavy hair. Typically, hair is dark brown or hazel, opposite to blonde hair.
'Be the Asian Style "Ulzzang" Step 9Bullet2

Step 2. Cut your hair to a slimming length
There is no universal hairstyle for beauty. Talk to your hair groomer and choose one that accentuates your natural beauty and features, emphasizing the contour and shape of your face. It is less important to have a particular cut than one that suits you.

Step 3. Take care of your hair
Ulzzang hair generally looks very healthy and sparkly, highlighting the natural beauty of your coloring. Use fortifying shampoo and conditioner, as well as frequent brushing to keep your hair healthy.
Be careful not to use too much heat on your hair, which can burn and get stressed and damaged. Let the natural oils in your hair do their job.
'Be the Asian Style "Ulzzang" Step 11Bullet1
Method 4 of 4: Part 4 of 4: Go online

Step 1. Get a camera phone
Ulzzangs don't have perfect traits, but they know how to dress well and use technology to make their photos as attractive as possible. Get a good camera phone and the right apps to make your photos as intense as possible.
"PicLab HD" costs only 1.79 euros and allows you to customize your filters and add writings. It is a way to take ulzzang photos with a professional look. “HandyPhoto” and “Frametastic” are also good budget options with similar functions.
'Be the Asian Style "Ulzzang" Step 12Bullet1 -
"Facetune" is a photo personalization app for mobile that allows you to correct imperfections and adjust the coloring of your photos. A lot of ulzzang photos are heavily processed, so you might want to consider this app if you don't have Photoshop.
'Be the Asian Style "Ulzzang" Step 12Bullet2

Step 2. Take lots of selfies
Developing an online presence that includes lots of cute selfies is an important element of ulzzang culture. Take pictures while you're out and about having fun or liven up a lazy evening by dressing up and doing a photo shoot.
Use clothing catalogs and fashion magazines for inspiration. The presence on the social networks of the ulzzang seems to have come out of an Eddie Bauer catalog. Schedule photo shoots with your partner during dating

Step 3. Enter an ulzzang photo contest
"Soompi", a famous Japanese and South Korean folk costume site, has a periodic ulzzang contest with a prestigious package up for grabs for the winners, including an audition and an interview with leading South Korean fashion magazines.
Many Asian celebrities have started by developing their ulzzang online presence and participating in this kind of contests. There's no harm in trying
- Create an online account to share your ulzzang photos and meet other ulzzangs.
- Try to learn to read and speak Korean.
- It would be handy to have Photoshop to edit your photos (although it is very expensive so it would be best to try and get it for free).
- Get cute hairstyles, with bows or clips.