Do you have a crush on someone? Crushes affect the mind and heart in mysterious ways, and can make you act like a fool. There is nothing worse than making someone special turn away because they think you're weird! With a little self-control, you will be able to keep your feelings at bay, and maybe even start a relationship with this person!

Step 1. Keep Calm
If you were so excited that you could not behave normally, you most likely would not be able to follow all the steps in the guide.

Step 2. Know that it will take hard work to achieve the goal
Whatever goal you want to achieve (be it a kiss, a date etc etc), you cannot expect the other person to fall at your feet suddenly. And this is the first step: be aware that things are not going to happen any moment.

Step 3. Communicate with that person
You may be very embarrassed at first, but realize that if your crush thinks you're just trying to be friendly, they may want to talk to you. No matter how stupid you feel, it will still be up to you to try and strike up a conversation about whatever interests you may have in common. Don't start conversations about topics you don't know. (It may seem obvious, but think about it: If you don't follow football, don't bring it up! The other person will find it odd that she is the only one talking.) When you can talk to him / her without any problems, he / she too will get used to talking to you.

Step 4. Use body language, but don't overdo it
If you're talking to a guy, licking your lip should make him think about a kiss. Never overdo it, or he'll think there's something wrong, like you need lip balm urgently. Playing with your hair a little bit might be a good idea too, but don't overdo it either. That said, if you're a guy talking to a girl, always keep eye contact. Don't make it look like you're looking at her badly, but don't feel embarrassed looking at her either. Girls love guys who can make them feel a thrill with a look. Whether you are male or female, always smile. Sad people look like they don't want to be disturbed. Smile when your crush looks at you. Smile as you speak. It's not that you have to overdo it by always showing off your best 32-tooth smile, just a hint of a 'smile' will suffice.

Step 5. Sow clues
If you want to let her know that you like her (after you've talked for a few days and there will be some confidence between you), you don't necessarily have to invite her out if you don't feel ready to. When you have reached the necessary confidence, try to suggest something like: "Hey, this weekend me, Tizio, Caio and Sempronio are going to minigolf, would you like to come?" Don't ask him in the tone of someone who is worried that the answer is no, and from the answer you might be able to figure out whether or not that person cares. Plus, inviting her to a date with your other friends might put your crush more at ease. After a few of these outings, asking her for a real 'date' will be easier for you.

Step 6. Be original with your appointments
Take someone to a place you think they might like. If he likes basketball, look for tickets to a local basketball game. If he loves a certain restaurant and mentions it often, take him there.

Step 7. The worst thing that can happen is that I tell you no
If you only perceive negative feelings, clearly that person is not the right one for you. It's hard to get rejected, but it's best to know right away so you can move on to something else.

Step 8. If after a while you find that your feelings have faded and you prefer to remain friends, stop flirting
Treat that person to any friend. At that point, unless the other person has fallen in love with you, you will no longer have any problems.

Step 9. If you can't be that outgoing, just smile shyly when you meet your crush on the street
If you are a girl, smile and push your hair slightly away from your face. Be yourself, but try not to look too embarrassed.
- Don't be too clingy and don't hang around with her / him all the time. Remember that you also have friends! If you can't do without that person, ask them to hang out with your friends so you don't neglect anyone.
- Let things happen naturally. It is not by forcing things that you will be able to have a healthy relationship.
- Don't agree on everything, especially if you actually think differently. Guys like that you are a little different from them, it gives them an idea of who you really are. You certainly don't want to look like a fake person!
- Take the clock test! Quickly look at your watch, then direct your gaze to the other person. If he was watching you, since his eyes would automatically follow you, you would end up staring at each other. Good way to know if she likes you!
- Try to understand what happened if something goes wrong. If your crush saw you as a friend, but now they don't even talk to you anymore, start thinking about who's to blame.
- Once a pope dies, another is made. If your crush says no the first time, you can try again when you get to know each other better. Plus, if you've been rejected, there are hundreds of boys and girls out there who probably deserve you more.
- The easiest way to spend time with your crush is to get help from your friends. Despite this, don't tell your friends everything, and especially don't tell your best friend about your crush, especially if the object of your crush is a friend of his. Be yourself and play your cards. Sometimes you have to get involved and do everything yourself, but doing so will increase the chances of making that person yours.
- Remember, don't burst into tears if you are rejected. Just wait, if that person is your friend, behave normally, otherwise just stop flirting, and you will soon find true love!
- Always remember that you are beautiful!
- If you find a door completely closed and you feel terrible about it, realize that within a week you probably won't give a damn about that person. If he doesn't want to talk to you or doesn't want to go out with you, it's not worth spending your tears for such a person. The right person would never make you shed tears upon tears.
- Don't be obsessed with your crush, you would give the impression of someone who doesn't have a life. And don't always talk about her / him, you will just bore your friends.
- Be yourself. Don't lie about your achievements, items you own, or bands you like. If you love rock but it's a genre that your crush hates, avoid arguing that they don't like it. If you say, "I love Aerosmith" and your crush's response is, "Oh, I don't like them at all," you can reply with something like, "Okay, it doesn't bother me. Everyone has their own tastes. bands do you like?"
- Avoid bragging.
- Don't be too pushy. This is annoying.
- If the person you are interested in is rude to everyone but their friends, not a nice person, you should direct your attention to someone else.
- Just staring at your crush all the time is not going to make a damn thing happen, it will only make you look weird.
- If he / she has friends who always get into trouble or who are always rude, there is a good chance your crush is like that too.