As much as you like the idea of going to a rave and dancing the night away, it can be difficult to find out when and where they organize one in your area. Especially if you've never been to a rave before or don't know anyone within the rave scene. So… you have already found the perfect outfit, you have your favorite DJs, you have learned all the dance moves, but you have no idea where to go! It happens to countless ravers who want to get into the business, but once you're in it it becomes much easier, quieter. So … let's find a way to go wild to the rhythm of that "sick beat"!

Step 1. Check the App Store or Google Play
There are some great resources like RollRandom that will help you locate local raves and the people attending them.

Step 2. Search the internet
This can be an easy solution to your problem. There are bulletin boards and forums dedicated to the world of raves, where you can find information on upcoming events in your area. Take a look at the websites dedicated to the world of raves (forums, social networks and other sites of the kind). They can come in handy when looking for a nearby rave.

Step 3. Do a search for DJs
Try to find out if your city is one of the stops on your favorite DJ's music tour, and what the dates are. Check out his site, not to mention his Facebook or Myspace pages (most DJs have at least one). On these pages you will easily find the dates and locations of the events.

Step 4. Find some friends to go with
If you can get some friends who can't wait to attend one of these events, it'll be better than doing it all alone. Two heads are better than one.

Step 5. Ask around
If you know someone, or if you see someone you know attending raves, ask them. A good way to start would be to simply ask, "Hey, I hear you're the right person to ask about nearby raves," or, "Hey, I'm trying to find out when the next rave is around here: you know something?". Much of the initial information about raves is obtained by word of mouth. A chat is the ideal way to start.

Step 6. Collect flyers
Many raves are heavily advertised during the immediately preceding event. Once you have attended the first, it becomes all too easy to locate the next. In fact, by the end of the night you will find yourself in your pocket far more flyers than you expect.

Step 7. Take action
If you sit there contemplating the date without deciding to buy the ticket, you may be left with a dry mouth because the tickets have all been sold. Buy tickets as soon as possible, and make sure they are enough for all the friends you go with. Buying them in advance can also be very convenient, as tickets are getting more and more expensive as the date of the event approaches.

Step 8. Don't forget
It happens, when you buy tickets well in advance, that enthusiasm runs out quickly. If you stash your ticket at the bottom of a drawer, you risk forgetting it completely during the long months of waiting … Instead, put it in a conspicuous place, and if you are afraid of losing it and have to hide it somewhere, find a way to remind you. A photo on the refrigerator, or a countdown to the fateful day, will ensure that your emotion remains unchanged compared to the moment you discovered that your favorite DJ is coming to play in a club near you!
- Adopt the P. L. U. R. philosophy: "Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect" (peace, love, unity and respect).
- Remember to recharge your mobile.
- It is usually advisable to go to raves in the company of trusted friends: dancing is more fun with them, and you can help each other out in case of problems.
- Talk to people. In line to enter, or during a break at the bar, feel free to talk to the people around you. You communicate best in a quiet area where the music isn't too loud - sometimes it's almost impossible to hear someone yelling in your ears. In general, however, rave-goers are helpful, friendly, encouraging, and fun-loving people. Everyone goes there for fun, and meeting new people can make your experience even more exciting.
- Prepare in advance. It is not unusual to get lost in the crowd. Arrange a meeting point, exchange phone numbers, and make sure everyone remembers where the car is parked. Make sure at least one stays sober and is able to get everyone back home.
- Start putting your money away well in advance. Consider the price of the ticket, food, drinks and gadgets for sale on the spot.
- If you wait to buy glowsticks (fluorescent bars) or kandi (colored beaded bracelets) directly at the rave, you will probably pay a lot more for them. Try to see if you can find glowsticks in the local shop - sometimes you are lucky enough to find them by rummaging in the stalls. Kandi on the other hand are often handcrafted, and you can make them yourself - so they will make a lot more sense too.
- Respect the living space of other dancers. Don't wave like a madman - raves happen to be very tight. If you stay in your space, others will do the same. A push or a nudge is not a tragedy: try not to "knock down" all the neighbors on the track!
- There are rave-specific vitamins marketed by manufacturers that can be of great help to have fun without getting tired. They are food supplements that provide the right amount of the aforementioned vitamins in specific dosages for the days before, during and after the rave.
- Other useful elements are vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E and magnesium.
- Get as much rest as possible the day before the rave. But try not to sleep during the day, as it could make you drowsy and slow to move, risking ruining your evening.
- If they let you in with a bottle of water (unlikely), take advantage! You get very dehydrated at raves, and the best way to completely ruin the party is by heatstroke.
- Try to eat healthy before the rave. Get plenty of alpha-lipoic acid; protects against free radicals and detoxifies the liver while improving circulation.
- Park regularly. Too often it happens that people park on the street forbidden to avoid paying, only to find that the car has been removed. Those who do so risk being left in the cold, alone and without money, and having to desperately call someone to pick them up or lend them the money to get the car back.
- Have fun! Let the music guide your body, let go and open up to the world: don't be afraid to be the brightest firefly in a room full of dim lights that are too afraid of themselves to get carried away by the rhythm.
- Going to raves alone can be very dangerous. If no one knows who you are, you can become very vulnerable.
- Beware of glowsticks. They are great to look at, but it takes a thousand eyes, and they can become dangerous even for the person using them. Give your glowstick ample room for action in addition to its diameter, to avoid being hit or tangled: when you dance it happens to get messed up and hurt yourself.
- Drugs are a widespread presence in rave culture, and you should never leave your glass, especially if it doesn't have a lid, otherwise you risk waking up without remembering anything about what happened the night before.
- Stay away from the troublemakers. They can put you in a bad mood and ruin your evening, so try to rather join people who are just there to have fun and dance to great music.
- Going to raves is all about fun, and if you rely on your common sense it should be fine. Follow your instincts and, if you really feel the need to take drugs, keep a suspicious attitude towards those who offer them to you. Follow your belly and trust your instincts. Don't accept anything from guys who make your skin crawl or who don't take their eyes off you - it's not a good idea.