Are you in a relationship or dating a girl you really like and feel comfortable with? Things are running smoothly in your head, so if she asks you for space, you probably feel perplexed. Or your relationship has been difficult lately and this has led her to distance herself. More space can sometimes bring a couple closer together, so learn to give it to your partner by communicating with her in a different way, enjoying your life and developing your relationship at the right time.
Method 1 of 3: Communicate with you in a different way

Step 1. Respect your request
Even if it is difficult for you, it is important to give her the space she asks for. Avoid constantly looking for her or asking her to see you. Give her a chance to miss you and try to enjoy time away from her.

Step 2. Define the concept of "space" in your relationship
After his request, you must try to understand what he means and what he expects of you. Maybe he is preparing for an exam and needs more time to study, or he feels like he is losing his identity in your relationship and wants more space permanently to have a chance to explore his interests. Find out how long you will have to change your way and see if you can feel comfortable in the new situation.
- Propose not to text during the day, but to hear from you on the phone after dinner;
- Ask how often he wants to see you in person.

Step 3. Make yourself heard from time to time
You're probably used to talking to your girlfriend often every day, and it's not easy to give up that kind of interaction. However, avoid looking for it more than once a day unless absolutely necessary. You can answer her phone calls and messages, but don't always be the one to contact her first.
Call a friend when you get the urge to hear from your girlfriend, go for a run, or get distracted in another way

Step 4. Leave social media for a while
If your girlfriend posts on these platforms often, consider deactivating your accounts for a period so you won't be tempted to write to her. If you prefer to continue using social media, you can stop following her if she needs space.
Also consider unfollowing his friends

Step 5. Use positive self-affirmations
You may feel sad about the changes in your romantic relationship. However, you can counteract negativity by speaking to yourself positively and constructively during this time. Don't lose your self-esteem just because your girlfriend needs space.
- You can repeat phrases like "I'm great", "Everything will be fine" and "I don't need to talk to her now";
- You can also call yourself by name when you repeat these mantras. You can say "John, everything will be fine" in the most difficult moments.
Method 2 of 3: Enjoy Life

Step 1. Spend time with friends and family
While you are probably feeling sad now that your girlfriend needs space, use these moments to have fun. There is no point in staying depressed on the sofa at home when there are a lot of people you could hang out with. Visit your family, hang out with friends and plan your future.
Don't talk to other girls at this stage. Even if you're giving your girlfriend more space, it doesn't mean you're in an open relationship now and if you disagree about dating other people, respect her and stick with it

Step 2. Focus on work
The distance that you are forced to respect gives you a lot of free time that you can use in your work. Consider starting new projects, working overtime, or helping a co-worker. This is a great way to use the freedom at your disposal constructively, improve your skills and advance your career.

Step 3. Plan your time
If you used to spend most of your days with your girlfriend, you probably have a lot of free time on your hands. Avoid staying indoors and doing nothing and engaging in fun activities, hobbies, or even TV shows and movies you've always wanted to see.
Consider asking her out at least once a week so that you don't lose sight of each other

Step 4. Take care of yourself
Don't forget to think about your body and mind during this time. Go to the gym with friends or run to the park. Get your hair cut and maybe revamp your wardrobe. Eat healthy and tidy up the environment you live in.

Step 5. Try new things
Maybe there are activities you wanted to try that your girlfriend didn't like. Whether it's the Indian restaurant that opened downtown or horseback riding, start exploring all your interests. Developing your passions outside your romantic relationship is healthy and allows you to improve the couple dynamics.
In the future, she may want to try those activities with you
Method 3 of 3: Develop Your Relationship

Step 1. Reflect on the relationship
Allowing space is not an effective strategy if the moments of separation are not used to reflect. Think about what may have caused your girlfriend to want a change and if you can prevent it from happening again in the future. If it wasn't you who caused her to be estranged, think about her life and what it could do to her. The need for space may have nothing to do with you, so don't take it personally.

Step 2. Resume contact more frequently at the right time
Once your girlfriend has had more free time or if she's looking for you more often, ask her if she still wants space. If he says no, start seeing yourself again. If, on the other hand, he still wants to keep his distance, respect his request while you can.
You might say, "I wanted to ask you if you still need space. It's okay if that's the case, but I wanted to know if that's okay with you before I started texting more often."

Step 3. Find a way to be happy together
Ask your girlfriend if the estrangement has helped her to clarify her ideas, if she liked it and if she would like to make it permanent. Tell her you've learned a lot too and confirm your commitment to the relationship if that's what you feel. Discuss ways to behave in the future to avoid being in the same situation and needing space again, or find ways to spend more time alone.
For example, maybe you accompanied her when she went to dinner or to the cinema with her friends. Ask her if she prefers to spend those moments alone with them

Step 4. End the relationship if applicable
After you have spent some time further apart, you may find that you are better apart. Even if it is a sad truth, you have to accept that it is better to continue on your way. End the relationship and wish your ex the best.