You have finally decided to try skydiving. But in your mind there is a fear … what if the parachute does not open? This guide will show you what to do if this happens. This guide refers to modern equipment with square parachutes. Always ask a certified instructor questions if in doubt!

Step 1. When you open your parachute, it is best to count to 3
If after 3 seconds you do not see the parachute opening, or if you have not felt the braking due to the opening, a malfunction has probably occurred.

Step 2. Determine the type of malfunction
Is your parachute a sphere of cloth that will never open or do you notice a simple intertwining of the threads? Knowing what the problem is is the first part of the solution.

Step 3. Determine if the malfunction of your main parachute can be resolved
Braided cables are easy to fix, especially if you are still at a high altitude.

Step 4. If your primary parachute is hopeless, begin the procedure for opening the reserve one
Step 1 of the backup procedure: check your altitude! If you are below 300 meters, the whole procedure will take too long, so switch to opening the reserve parachute without cutting the main one.
Survive if Your Parachute Fails to Open Step 5 -
Find the release handle of the primary parachute. It is usually found to the right of your gear, at chest height.
Survive if Your Parachute Fails to Open Step 6 -
Grab the release handle of the main parachute.
Survive if Your Parachute Fails to Open Step 7 -
Find the reserve parachute opening handle. It is usually located to the left of your gear, at chest height.
Survive if Your Parachute Fails to Open Step 8 -
Grab the reserve parachute opening handle.
Survive if Your Parachute Fails to Open Step 9 -
Arch your body back, pulling your head into your neck.
Survive if Your Parachute Fails to Open Step 10 -
Pull the release handle of the main parachute. Pull it with all the strength you have.
Survive if Your Parachute Fails to Open Step 11 -
Pull the reserve parachute opening handle. Do this AFTER you have released the main parachute, as you will need to get rid of the malfunctioning parachute before opening the reserve one. Again, pull with all the strength you have.
Survive if Your Parachute Fails to Open Step 12 Advice
- ALWAYS ask a certified instructor if you have any questions about safety. Safety is the most important element of skydiving, and the fun comes second.
- After performing the reserve procedure, always consult a certified technician to have your reserve parachute put back in place and re-insert the main one.
- Have a technician check your reserve parachute from time to time, even if you haven't used it.
- Always check your equipment before a jump; ask an expert to help you in control.
- Mentally practice the fallback procedure as many times as you can. Try gestures when you get the chance. If you need to complete it in the air, you will have to do it in a few seconds, without having to think about the gestures to be performed.
- After the backup procedure, do not throw away the release handle and the opening handle. They are expensive, so put them somewhere in the suit.