If you want to establish a romantic relationship with a girl but don't know where to start, in this article you will find some tips to help you break the ice.

Step 1. First, be friends
Try to control your libido and see the girl as a person and not as another conqueror. Your goal is to know she not his body.
- Team up with her for a science or history project. Be cooperative, work hard and listen to what he tells you, and friendship could blossom.
- Choose it to play on your team. At the end of the game, reassure her that you played well and that you enjoyed yourself.
- Make friends with one of her friends. It doesn't matter with whom, as long as you don't try shamelessly. This friendship will give you the opportunity to get to know her better.

Step 2. Say hello to her when you see her but don't overdo it or you will scare her

Step 3. Look for her gaze and give her a smile; it's the best way to let her know you like her without telling her
Look into her eyes and don't look away and then look at her lower back. If he catches your eye and smiles at you, then you have a chance. If, on the other hand, he looks at you with a frown as if to say "what are you looking at?", Take a step back. Also remember that if she is used to getting attention from guys, that look will come naturally because she doesn't know you, or because she has something in her shoe that is bothering her. Don't lose hope right away and try again.

Step 4. Introduce yourself
Don't be rushed, take your time and remember that you are building a friendship. If you are too aggressive you may scare her.
- Introduce yourself simply. You can say something like, "Hi my name is …. Nice to meet you." You don't need special effect phrases to hit her.
- If you are shy or awkward you can say something like: "I know this is embarrassing, but I get nervous in front of a nice girl. My name is…." It will melt if you tell it naturally.
- If you are more confident and want to add a pinch of spice to your presentation, try saying something like: "I hope you know how hard it is to find the courage to talk to the prettiest girl in school. My name is … How are you doing? ?"

Step 5. Start a conversation
Talk about the school, the weather, and then ask her about herself. Listen carefully to his answers! Don't talk too much about yourself, but keep your focus on her.
- Avoid talking about religion, politics, or other uncomfortable topics. Usually these arguments divide because they are particularly complex and controversial. If you are a believer and she is not, or if she is from a political camp and you are not, she could, based on this, decide not to date you, without considering the rest of your qualities. Talk about religion and politics later.
- Choose a topic that interests him. People like to talk about themselves, so she is likely to tell you about her hobbies and interests. If you let her talk about the things she likes, the conversation will flow naturally.
- Pay attention and remember what it tells you. Show interest in her person. It will help you think about the right gift to give or a joke to say to make her laugh.

Step 6. Compliment her on something she is good at or cares about rather than her physical appearance
She was born with that body while she earned the results she achieved; see for example if she is good at singing, drawing, or other. Be honest when you compliment her on something.
- That said, it still remains true that women put a lot of effort into looking beautiful, so if she's got a new haircut or a new bag it's nice to notice, especially if she's in good taste. The very fact that you notice something new or different about her shows that you pay attention, and she will appreciate it.
- Tell her what she wants to hear. If you think you are an athlete, an intellectual or someone who is good for society, then pay her compliments that make her feel intelligent or generous. That is, compliment the things she wants to be noticed for.

Step 7. Continue to show her attention, because it is a short meeting and it is your only chance to show her your feelings and flirt a little
- If you are with your friends, ask her if she wants to go out with you. If she is busy, ask her if she wants to join you later; it might be a good time to ask her for her phone number.
- Make physical contact. As you talk to her, gently touch her hand, arm, or shoulder, which are safe places to touch a girl, as long as you know each other though. If you know how to do it and he likes you, he will feel a shiver down your spine.
- Joke with her. If you're friends, tease her (making sure she knows you're kidding!) Or straddle her back. Don't do what is always in need of attention, but not what you are afraid of!

Step 8. Have patience
These things take time, but if you give her your full attention, she'll feel like you like her.
In the meantime, take advantage of every opportunity to ask her to dance, go to the beach, ride a bike, invite her to a party or just be with her and her friends, with whom you will need to have a good relationship

Step 9. Look for signs of mutual interest
Try to read body language. Does it approach you? Did he just brush your arm? Is it holding your gaze? Does he play with his hair, laugh, or smile? If she does, the odds are that she likes you and you hit her!

Step 10. Decide what your next move will be once you have followed all these steps
- You could ask her on a date if you're bold, and surprise her by arranging something nice.
- You could dare to give her a kiss, or if you want to dare even French kiss her. However, know that this move, if risky, could ruin the first date, so it would be more appropriate to wait to do it on the second date.
- Maybe you better know how to flirt before making the first move.
- Ask her out, because if you let a friend do it for you, she may not believe you really like her or be embarrassed.
- Don't use mundane phrases to approach her, as it may seem like she doesn't really care or that you have no imagination.
- Learn to recognize the signs. If a girl doesn't like you, that's part of life. If you bother her as a person, walk away and don't make it worse.
- Act with confidence and be yourself. Self-confidence is essential, personality a must.
- Don't be too intrusive, especially at the beginning, otherwise you will seem overwhelming. Also try not to be too in need of affection and attention.
- Expect the best but prepare for the worst. Don't be despondent but not overexcited either.
- If she tries to kiss you, be careful how you react to it, because you could give the impression that it was what you were waiting for.
- If a girl proves to you that she likes you (whether you like her or not) you should be careful when you talk to your friends about it, as they may make fun of her, which is not cool. Likewise, you don't want his friends to do it with you (both in front and behind) when you show interest in a girl.
- Do not brag about the development of the relationship with your friends, because if the rumor reaches her, you will seem immature. Girls don't like your friends to know that she kissed you or slept with you even though you're a nice guy. In fact, what makes you a beautiful person is that you keep what's going on between you to yourself.