This guide will reveal how to win the heart of a smart girl. It was written and designed specifically for teenagers who want to try to decipher the complicated mechanisms of the female mind. This is a precious opportunity to learn about those secrets that generally a girl does not confide to anyone. But don't forget that not all people have the same tastes, so if the girl you like has already made her choice, nothing will change her mind, you just have to respect her decision. In any case, these tips will increase your chances of success.

Step 1. While it might seem obvious, BE CLEAN AND TIGHT
Is simple. An intelligent girl may not be attracted only by physical appearance, but personal hygiene is an essential condition. So don't be scruffy and show her that you go out of your way to heal yourself. Brush your teeth, floss and mouthwash, take a shower, wash your hair! If even Hollywood actors aren't attractive when they have greasy hair, you probably won't. Wear clean clothes, there is nothing better than a laundry-scented t-shirt, but if you always wear the same one for more than a day you won't be sexy AT ALL. If you are not clean you will look scruffy and are unlikely to impress. *** Another tip: Wearing perfume will not only show that you want to take care of yourself, but will spread a fragrance that will remain etched in the girl's mind. Remember that smell is the oldest weapon of seduction. But try not to overdo it with particularly strong perfumes, buy fresh and pleasant fragrances, and DO NOT abuse them). ***

Step 2. Be nice
You can tease her a little in a friendly way, a few jokes will facilitate the creation of a bond between you. But remember that girls, especially teenagers, are generally a little unsure of themselves, indeed, some are particularly so. So be gentle because even the most confident girl will hide some insecurity. Be careful what you say and don't say anything that might bother her.
Step 3. Convince yourself that you are at his height
If you are reading this article it is because maybe, inside you, sometimes you think you don't deserve that girl and that you are not good enough for her. Shake off these thoughts because that's not the case at all. If you think you are not up to it, you will end up convincing yourself that this is the case.
Remove these misconceptions and focus on the exact opposite. For example, every time you see it, or imagine it, think within yourself “I am at its height, I deserve it”
Step 4. Think in the plural
Remember that she is not the only bright girl in this world, there are many others just as cute and intelligent. If you practice "thinking in the plural" you will not only be successful in winning that girl but in many other aspects of life. Do not limit yourself to the possible options.

Step 5. Don't use bad words in your colloquial language and don't always repeat "I swear"
The girl may be offended or demoralized if your way of expressing yourself is a bit vulgar.

Step 6. Look for physical contact
Don't seek erotic contact, or he'll get scared. Touching her arm while you are talking, or to get her attention, is the perfect way to make her understand that you consider her "more than a friend". And that's what you want her to understand, right? *** Extra tip: Hug her. A hug will make you appear tender, sensitive, and a person who cares for others. All these qualities are highly valued by girls. You might surprise her by hugging her from behind while talking to someone, or hugging her when you greet her, or while she is telling you a personal story (something sad or particularly emotional). This gesture will drive her crazy for you. ***

Step 7. Being a knight is never out of style
Pay attention to the little things, leave the door open for someone behind you, always be polite. A girl appreciates these qualities in a boy, if you have them you will always make a good impression.

Step 8. The road to a girl's heart is through compliments
Seriously. If there is something you like about that girl, whether it is a physical characteristic or her character, let her know. Honest and spontaneous compliments will make her feel special, as long as you are convinced of what you say. A girl can easily recognize someone who is lying. So do not overdo it or rather than make a good impression you will give the idea of being an idiot or a nice guy. If you see him staring at you oddly after the fifth compliment he received in three minutes, you may have exaggerated.

Step 9. Don't be nice
If you do, the girl you woo may have doubts about your true intentions.

Step 10. Be a gentleman
Not to be confused with the term "knight". Being a gentleman means being polite and attentive to everyone, especially his friends and parents. You will give the impression of being a polite and kind person, and the girl will love these qualities.

Step 11. Be a little protective
But not too much, especially if you aren't dating yet. If you are still in the "Courtship Phase" try not to overdo it. Defend her if someone teases or hurts her, stay on her side, try to lightly touch her head when she is close to you, in a sense of protection. Be a hero, it's sexy.

Step 12. Stable close by
It is a silent way to make that girl, and also the people around her, understand that you are interested in her. Proximity makes the difference.

Step 13. Be yourself
Girls love self-confident guys. So start believing the compliments your mom gives you. *** One more tip: Treat your mother, and all the women in your life, with the utmost respect. Do the same with your siblings, with children and even with animals. Even the girl you like will notice and appreciate it. ***

Step 14. Be trustworthy
Keep his secrets, share his emotions and never talk to your friends about his flaws, just list his strengths. Even if things don't work out between you in the future, never tell anyone what she has confided in you. This way you will also appear to be a reliable person in the eyes of other girls. Girls often gossip, so don't give them a way to spread anything negative about you.
- Let her know that you like her and treat her a little better than how you treat other girls. * Making her feel special is the quickest way to get her.
- Never tell her that her friends are stupid, ugly, goose or boring.
- Read novels. The most suitable is perhaps "Pride and Prejudice", Mr Darcy could suggest the right phrases to conquer a girl. Look for some good inspiration, because mundane "tow" expressions rarely work.
- Avoid jokes, or sexual double entenders, they won't be particularly popular unless you have perfect timing.
- Be polite and eloquent. Girls love smart guys.
- Have brilliant, intellectual conversations. It is always a good idea. As mentioned, make her your heroine, make her feel like she is living in a Jane Austen novel!
- Smile or wink at her, make her feel special.
- KEEP ITS SECRETS! There is no more important thing to remember.
- Be spontaneous, don't say things you don't think.
- Maintain your friendships. It will also be important to make conquests, because 1) The girl will understand that you are a sociable person and able to establish lasting relationships 2) The girl will know that you have friends with whom to carry on typically male activities, such as watching the game, so don't she'll have to keep you company if she doesn't like it (unless she's a sports fan).
- Show everyone how nice you are.
- Don't be too overwhelming or you will look deranged.
- If you reveal his confidences you will lose his trust forever and will quickly jump to the top of the blacklist. This could backfire on you, because if he reveals it to other girls then no one will want to go out with you anymore.
- Phrases from "trailer" discounted? Not even!
- If you wear perfume DO NOT overdo it. Sure, the girl won't forget you, but it might not be a pleasant memory in her mind.
- Don't start hugging her if you're not in the "Friends Phase" yet. If you're not yet confident, or she hasn't revealed anything particularly cheerful or sad to you, a hug might seem out of place.
- Don't think about her all the time, live your life, pursue your interests and meet your friends.
- Touch it but in the most innocent way possible. If your intentions are different, almost any girl will run away.
- Don't stay too long in the "Friends Phase" or your intentions may not be clear. Let her know almost immediately that she is something more to you.