Are you tired of getting hurt all the time? Or is it you who inadvertently hurt people and want to stop? Desperate times call for desperate measures. You won't have to follow all of these steps, just the ones that are useful for your situation.
Step 1. Turn off your emotions
If you still have emotions, try to hold them back.
Step 2. To isolate yourself you will need to remember that NOTHING can touch you and that nothing can hurt you
Nothing can please you and nobody can tell you what to do. You are emotionally invincible. When you have learned this concept, your emotions will be suppressed and will disappear. Remember that positive emotions are just as dangerous as negative ones.
Step 3. You don't have to avoid people completely, like they are the plague
If you go to school, it would still be impossible. Sit with people, but do nothing to interact with them unless absolutely necessary.
Step 4. Give short, closed answers
In internet conversations with friends you've met online, you can give longer answers and bend the rules slightly. Try to avoid talking to your school friends (if you still have some) and your family members on the internet.
Step 5. If you find yourself on the verge of breaking the rules when you don't want to, remember:
whoever laughs the most dies first.
Step 6. Smile only at special people, but do as little as possible
Step 7. Exit only when forced
If you really want to go somewhere, avoid interactions once you're there.
Step 8. If you go to university, take your timetable with you and learn the location of the classrooms so you don't have to depend on anyone
Step 9. When participating in a team sport, interact with your teammates only as necessary
Step 10. No hugs, not even with internet friends
Limit physical contact to a minimum.
Step 11. Teachers are paid to teach and not to talk to you
Listen to what they say and don't argue. Get busy and your grades will go up, despite the belief that the opposite is true.
Step 12. You can sing; do it whenever you want, but preferably in private
Step 13. Don't repeat anything
If you said something and your interlocutor wasn't listening, that's his problem. If you are asked to repeat something, change the subject or remain silent.
Step 14. Give vague answers to almost any question
Use short, dry answers that can mean a lot of things. If you are asked for a better answer, be silent or walk away. Show people that you don't want to open up more. Over time, it will get easier, because people won't expect much from you anymore.
Step 15. If you are invited somewhere, decline, but maybe introduce yourself anyway
This will help you stay on the sidelines and people won't wait for you. Absolutely avoid parties, unless there is a chance to retreat to a corner and not socialize.
Step 16. Don't show interest in anything
If you've dozed off your emotions, you shouldn't be curious anyway. Wait for someone to delve into the topic or, if it happens, don't dwell too much. It probably wasn't anything important.
Step 17. When other people are present, try not to look into the void and do nothing that would catch their attention
You could lead to undesirable social interactions.
- As childish as it may seem to you, make some imaginary friends, as this will help you not feel completely alone. You should mostly talk to them. They can't hurt you.
- In some cases, it is difficult to alienate your internet friends, because your connection can depend on the rejection that others show both you and them. Don't be too hard on them and maybe keep in touch.
- Don't give up on your friends completely. Your situation may be difficult to explain, but just say something to a friend to let everyone know. Don't be surprised if people ask you for explanations, but remember that you decide whether or not to give them.
- If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, they will deserve a clear explanation. You might also have some exceptions for them, such as a few smiles.
- It is not easy to go back after following this lifestyle. You will have annoyed and alienated your friendships, perhaps irreparably.
- These tips are not for everyone.
- This technique is very difficult if you are a loving and lively person, because people will understand that something is wrong and will ask you for an explanation.
- Adopting these guidelines can be a sign of depression. Consult a professional before deciding on the right behavior to have.