Aries men are energetic, impulsive and ambitious. A relationship with one of them can be passionate, fun and exciting. To develop a healthy relationship it is important to understand his personality, accept his adventurous side and learn to communicate with him.
Part 1 of 3: Learning to Know an Aries Man

Step 1. Do spontaneous activities together
Aries men are impulsive and love to do things without planning. This makes them feel young and alive. In a relationship with an Aries, it can happen that your dinner plans turn into a night of fun, dancing and exploration. Don't be surprised if he suggests something bizarre or unexpected.

Step 2. Expect him to be direct and honest with you
Aries men don't mince words. They aren't afraid to tell you what they think, even if it's not cute. Be prepared for this behavior so you don't get caught off guard. Remember not to take their tactlessness as a personal offense; it is simply their character. If he tells you something that hurts your feelings or offends you, don't be afraid to point it out directly and sincerely.

Step 3. Be prepared to defend yourself if he tries to control you
Those born under the sign of Aries are natural leaders and can be overbearing in some cases. There will be times when your Aries partner will try to control you or tell you what to do, but you don't have to let them! Aries men like strong, independent women who know how to assert themselves. Just avoid trying to control him yourself or you might make him run away.
For example, if you have a business planned but he tries to get you to do something else, don't be afraid to tell him no. You can answer: "If you don't want to join me, that's okay, but this is my plan."

Step 4. Understand that under the guise of macho he is a sensitive person
Despite the outgoing attitude and self-centered personality, Aries men actually have a sensitive and caring soul. Once their trust is gained, they will confide in you and give you the emotional support you need.
When you are alone with your Aries partner, tell him about your feelings and insecurities, as well as ask him questions about him. He'll feel more comfortable opening up to you if you show your vulnerability too
Part 2 of 3: Maintain a Happy Relationship

Step 1. Encourage him to travel and pursue his own interests
Aries men love their own freedom and independence, so they often dislike people who try to control or limit them. Make sure you leave room for your partner to do activities on their own and avoid being clingy or overly in need of attention. He will love you more if you let him free.
- If your Aries mate always says he is dying to go on a trip, support him and tell him he should go. Don't try to stop him or take it personally if he doesn't invite you.
- Try to balance your needs with hers. You have every right to ask him to decline invitations from friends from time to time so that you can spend an evening together; however, avoid doing it all the time or you may take it away from you.

Step 2. Make sure your relationship is not predictable and routine
Aries men get bored easily and despise routine a lot. Try to keep the relationship alive by giving him surprises or by trying something you've never done. It will stay with you longer if your relationship is fun and exciting.
- Surprise your partner with a weekend trip.
- Take him out for dinner or to the bar on weekdays instead of staying indoors.

Step 3. Stimulate him with friendly and passionate discussions
Aries men love to argue; for them it's like a sport. When you are together, introduce a topic that interests both of you, such as sports, cinema or music. Don't let the discussion turn into an argument; just exchange jokes in a friendly way.
- For example, if your Aries partner claims that the best movie ever is "Avatar", while for you it is "Titanic", passionately defend your position and allow them to do the same. He will greatly appreciate these friendly discussions.
- In the end, it doesn't matter who is right. Discussion is just for fun.

Step 4. Show bedroom safety
Aries men are confident in their sexuality and like people with the same attitude. In intimate moments, don't be afraid to let your hair down and feel sexy. If you are insecure and ashamed of your body, learn to love yourself as you are. Stop comparing yourself to other people and remember every day that you are beautiful. Exercising regularly can also make you more confident and feel more comfortable in the bedroom.
Experimenting with various postures or attires can be a fun way to pique your Aries mate's interest
Part 3 of 3: Dealing with Conflicts

Step 1. Defend your position when you fight
Aries men can be dominant and this makes it difficult to argue with them. However, it's important not to get your feet on your head, or you could develop resentment and frustration over time. During heated discussions, don't be afraid to have your say.
For example, if you are arguing and he ignores your opinion, you can say, "You don't listen to me right now. We'll talk again when you're willing to hear my reasons."

Step 2. Don't blame him for small mistakes
Aries men hate being blamed or being told they were wrong. Of course you should let him know when he makes a serious mistake that hurts or angers you, but when it comes to minor things, for example if he has left the milk out of the fridge that has gone bad, he has forgotten to close the door. home or he didn't call you when he said he would, you better point it out in a benevolent way.
For example, instead of getting angry that he didn't do the dishes, you can kindly tell him, "Hey, I washed the dishes. It's okay, but would you mind doing it next time?"

Step 3. Don't be afraid to talk about your needs and desires
Aries men are often self-centered and devote a lot of energy to their personal goals and interests. If you feel like your dreams and needs are taking a back seat in your relationship, talk to your partner about it. Those born under this sign love passionate and ambitious people. By telling him what you want, you will encourage him to support you. However, don't expect him to completely change his attitude or make a lot of sacrifices to ensure your success.