3 Ways to Conquer an Aries Man

3 Ways to Conquer an Aries Man
3 Ways to Conquer an Aries Man

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If you want to conquer an Aries man (born between March 21 and April 19), you have to be bold, sophisticated and know how to do it. To catch his eye, you'll need to show your strengths and have the confidence to hook him. No wonder you have a crush on this man - he's confident, handsome, and definitely sexy. Use your magic from the very first glance and you will lay the foundation for a lasting relationship!


Method 1 of 3: Part 1: Get Him to Notice You

Get an Aries Man Step 1
Get an Aries Man Step 1

Step 1. Flirt

Let's start with the most important things. Aries is an impetuous, passionate and sensual sign. If your lustful, impulsive side is completely buried under a pile of inhibitions or insecurities, your Aries will quickly shift their gaze to the other side. So, start flirting and do it constantly - it's a primary source of fun and restatement for this sign of the zodiac. In his mind, that makes any situation hot!

Flirt with him in every respect: with your body, with your eyes and with your words. To make it even more fun, make it all subtle, with double entenders and puns. Aries man loves dealing with a smart woman who always manages to surprise him

Get an Aries Man Step 2
Get an Aries Man Step 2

Step 2. Use body language. Aries men are very in tune with their bodies and how others use theirs. To satisfy his need, use your body language to attract him to you. When you pass behind him, touch his back. He dishevels his hair at the nape of his neck. Tease his calf with your heel. He loves the challenge of not being able to think sensibly because of your stimuli!

That said, Aries men adore intellectual women. They are drawn to passion, novelty and excitement. If you manage to attract him on multiple levels (intellectually, sexually, etc.), he will be even more surprised and admired for you

Get an Aries Man Step 3
Get an Aries Man Step 3

Step 3. Dress in a feminine way

Most Aries men are attracted to rather feminine women. They want to be with a woman they can take care of, they need to feel that she is a classic damsel in distress. As crazy as it sounds to you, clothes can communicate this meaning. Dresses and skirts can remind him of your femininity and class!

Since the Aries man is very stimulated by the senses, it is also important to have a great smell. You will have to engage all of his senses. A soft skin to caress, an enveloping fragrance to smell, a feminine silhouette to admire, etc. for his mind to be captured by you 24/7

Get an Aries Man Step 4
Get an Aries Man Step 4

Step 4. Admire it

You need to know this: Aries man is quite into himself. He can be downright self-centered and egotistic. In order to conquer his head, you will have to play his own game. Grant him the admiration he thinks he deserves. He'll think you're showing your good taste!

This can be a quality that is a bit difficult to compromise with. Understand that it is only part of his personality and behavior. Some will find it fascinating, others unpleasant. If you find her interesting, he'll love you for it

Get an Aries Man Step 5
Get an Aries Man Step 5

Step 5. Be confident

The Aries man needs a strong character for his unlimited enthusiasm and grit to be supported. While you want to be with a damsel in distress, you also need a woman who is confident. It would seem a contradiction, but it is doable. Show him that you like yourself just the way you are and he won't be able to question that. Who could contradict a person who is really sure of his or her business?

Just because you're admiring it and acting flirtatious doesn't mean you can't prove your confidence! On the contrary, doing these things allows him to understand that you know what you are doing and that, at the same time, you feel comfortable entrusting yourself to someone who can take care of you

Get an Aries Man Step 6
Get an Aries Man Step 6

Step 6. Be awake

In addition to confidence, the Aries man loves intelligence in a woman. He wants someone he can play with on all levels. Aries are not a fan of boredom, in fact, they always need new incentives. He needs to be entertained. If you are awake, you can do it without problems!

Go ahead, tease your Aries! He'll love this attention, especially if you do it with shrewdness and a big smile. You don't just have to list what you know - add humor and dynamism to your words. In short, be yourself

Get an Aries Man Step 7
Get an Aries Man Step 7

Step 7. Remember it is a fire sign, as are Leo and Sagittarius

This means exactly what you imagine: it is enthusiastic, exaggerated and unstoppable. He is generally very confident, has high self-esteem, is sensual and incredibly creative. Here is the description of your Aries!

The downside is that he has a very strong personality and can be considered quite despotic. When a fire sign gets too hot to the touch, you may need to step back to avoid burning yourself. If you can handle the heat, stick around

Method 2 of 3: Part 2: Starting a Relationship

Get an Aries Man Step 8
Get an Aries Man Step 8

Step 1. Play the cat and mouse smart

Let your Aries man always think that it is necessary to chase you, that you are his lovely prey. This role suits him naturally and he loves to try his hand at simple old-fashioned hunting. So, don't facilitate your capture and enjoy the attention it gives you as it slowly rotates around you and draws you to itself. This is the best position you can take to conquer an Aries.

Take pleasure in knowing that you are actually dictating the moves while he, in reality, is not the one dominating at all. But don't be the rat that runs away and can never be found again: stay close. Let him think he is making progress to conquer you. If he doesn't see improvements to touch, he'll find another mouse to play with

Get an Aries Man Step 9
Get an Aries Man Step 9

Step 2. Start a debate with him

Aries loves women who know how to mentally challenge them. Don't be afraid to start an intellectual debate to stimulate his brain. He should be impressed by you as well as you are impressed by him!

However, do it very carefully. He likes to dominate. If you prove him wrong, he may feel his male role weakened and be unable to handle it. Make concessions. Show agreement in disagreement or tell him that he made valid statements that made you think. He really likes to argue, but he also likes to win

Get an Aries Man Step 10
Get an Aries Man Step 10

Step 3. Become an adventurer

There is no room for boredom in Aries life. As soon as he gets bored, he goes elsewhere to seek satisfaction and excitement. So, he wants new adventures from you! Suggest exotic dates and a little crazier than the typical dinner followed by a movie. Go to an amusement park or go hiking or suddenly go on a road trip. Add some pepper!

This is not good advice just for conquering an Aries, but for any situation. Have you ever heard of the experiment done on the suspension bridge in Capilano? It has been discovered that there is an erroneous attribution of the source of one's arousal; this means that, when the body gets aroused (be it from dizzying heights, a horror movie and so on), the person experiencing this sensation does not know why, and attributes it to the sensuality of his partner

Get an Aries Man Step 11
Get an Aries Man Step 11

Step 4. Accept it for better or for worse

Aries (and indeed fire signs in general) tends to have characteristics that others find off-putting. It can be selfish, jealous, unstable, childish and moody. When any of these aspects shine through, it's important to stay calm and not take it too personally. If he shows emotions to someone, it means that he cares about that person!

Either way, Aries is also full of great qualities (otherwise you wouldn't have been attracted to him from the first moment!). Aries are animated, self-confident, charismatic, intelligent, sensual creatures. Their less positive traits are more obvious because their personalities are very strong

Get an Aries Man Step 12
Get an Aries Man Step 12

Step 5. Keep him on his toes

The Aries loves the thrill of the chase so much that it can feel tough to keep it on your trail for more than an intense minute. But it's possible if done with a touch of style. Don't let him know your whole personality from the beginning. Leave little clues to find out more along the way and keep thinking the conquest isn't over!

Because of this, it is important to keep your essence in this relationship. Keep your hobbies, a world he doesn't belong to. This way, the Aries will feel there is more territory they need to conquer, a deeper understanding they may have of you. He doesn't want his partner to be an open book

Method 3 of 3: Part 3: Make It Last

Get an Aries Man Step 13
Get an Aries Man Step 13

Step 1. Be "spiteful" and impulsive

Remember that Aries hates being bored? Overcome this obstacle by behaving in a somewhat “naughty” and instinctive way. He is like that too, therefore, when you show him this side of you, he will understand it. Suggest a sudden escape and always new things. He will be surprised every day by your findings.

In addition to having impulsive sexual behavior, this adjective must also fit your lifestyle! Surprise gifts, surprise trips, last minute plan changes - Aries likes these things. Each day he will wonder what you have in store. And he can't wait to find out

Get an Aries Man Step 14
Get an Aries Man Step 14

Step 2. Note the details

When you make surprise romantic gestures for your man, let him know that you pay attention to what he says. He'll love to know that you remember that particular comment he made about Star Wars three months ago. This is admiration in the finest of forms! Little things mean a lot to him.

This boils down to the fact that Aries needs admiration and attention. Even if he seems confident, a man who never has to ask, this is not true. He still needs others, he eagerly seeks their approval and attention. These little demonstrations of your amazing observing skills will let him know that you are there and that you give him what he needs

Get an Aries Man Step 15
Get an Aries Man Step 15

Step 3. Don't get too sticky

Aries is a fire sign and needs to be let loose to find its true power. If you try to control it, it will explode. He craves his independence and cultivates it, so it's important not to be with him all the time. Let him do what he wants. Trust him.

Aries wants a partner who has the same spirit. When you start to hang around him all the time, you will put his lifestyle in crisis. Be confident in your relationship! It's the sexiest thing there is

Get an Aries Man Step 16
Get an Aries Man Step 16

Step 4. Be full of energy and enthusiasm

Aries is full of life and expects you to be too. Otherwise, how could you keep up with its vitality ?! He is always on the go, therefore, to be a papable partner, you will have to be tireless yourself. When you face life, do it with fervor! It's the only one you have, after all.

Don't be afraid to show your emotions. Aries appreciates stimuli and sensations. If something makes you happy, tell it and jump for joy! And, if your Aries shows you his affection, you absolutely must reciprocate with the reaction he expects

Get an Aries Man Step 17
Get an Aries Man Step 17

Step 5. Let me be your valiant knight

Ultimately, this man wants to take care of you and be the charming prince you've always dreamed of. He attaches great importance to this contribution, so let it be! He can be a real gentleman, which is lovely, as the cavalry is now dead. Let him keep her alive. Let me know you need him. This way, he will always feel indispensable.

Allow yourself to become vulnerable when you are with him. While he can be unpredictable, moody, and sometimes unbearably independent, letting him know that you can have some fragile moments will show him that he can do the same with you too. He will love to see your softer, more genuine side. And he'll love that you trust him enough to show it


  • Remember that Aries men have huge egos, so if you want to conquer one, you will have to flatter it! In a constant and direct way, to attract him to you, and then you will have to continue doing it forever if you want him to be with you. It's a good idea to give him a few casual compliments, but be careful not to overdo it, because he won't respond well to the typical fuss that turns to children and will much prefer a woman who can adapt to his shrewdness and intelligence.
  • Aries men are very competitive, so they often excel in sports.
