How to Use Your Faith (with Pictures)

How to Use Your Faith (with Pictures)
How to Use Your Faith (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Have you ever thought about the ways in which a civilization is expressed - respect, love, hate, balance and interactions between people? We all use faith. Faith is the trust and certainty that what you believe is true is true. Learning to support solidarity and sharing with others allows any sane individual to live a purposeful life. This is the fundamental principle for accepting the idea of family, group, community, city and so on ad infinitum. Whether you consider yourself a deeply spiritual person or not, you need to have faith to move through life, to have fun, work and go to school. Learning to affirm and share faith with others will help you live a life full of faith.


Part 1 of 3: Affirm Your Faith

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Step 1. "Trust your instincts"

Orient yourself towards what you love, enjoying what you do, loving what you feel or hope to know. Express refined, elegant and articulate thoughts, live positively and inspire others along your quest to do what you hope will have a favorable (and encouraging) outcome. Do your best, overcoming fear (or hatred) and applying yourself to things greater than you hope for, depending on the circumstances.

  • Go parachute with confidence in whoever produced it for you.
  • Drive within the maximum permitted speed on the freeway, having faith that everyone else respects the rules, has skill and alertness, and stays within the lane with respect for life.
  • Eat with confidence in the restaurant you entered, relying on the cook and his common sense thanks to which he will cook healthy, fresh and safe food.
  • At least let yourself be rewarded for making first-rate (or "unsurpassable") projects by those on a level above yours.
  • Support a cause, applaud, encourage, accept the rules, respect the decisions of those who judge.
  • Accept to compete or collaborate, live in peace or fight together for a home, a school, a team, a pleasant workplace, follow a leader …
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Use Faith Step 1

Step 2. Realize that belief in a "possible" outcome in the present or in the future, beyond routine and banal attitudes, is something so valuable that a champion indisputably possesses

Champions are successful thanks to the fact that they have an unshakable faith in what is greater, thanks to the fact that they see the goals and realize them, believing and engaging more strongly than most others. Accept "the attitude of the champion" in yourself, accepting the gift of having a broader vision, making it available, if possible, for a cause or a good reason. This goes far beyond the limits of vague hope. It is something that remains in reality, but which at the same time exceeds the conceptual limits of everyday life. It is a deep feeling that gives people the sense that there is something greater than just logic. Let this blessing and this fortune take root in you and let the roots of this gift be your motivation.

  • If you don't believe (from a religious point of view), put faith among your possibilities: with the help of cooperation, goodwill and charity you can go beyond hatred and oppression in the world. Or, cultivate your faith in the arts, because literature, music, and creative expression can lift you to a higher and better frame of mind. Put your faith at the service of empirical study, science or philosophy to answer important questions about the existence of life and all things. Where do we come from? What does it mean to be alive? Look for these answers, having faith that you will find them.
  • If you are a deeply spiritual or devoted person, put your faith in the service of a higher power and dedicate your life to the worship of God, in which you believe. Faith comes from hearing and hearing comes from the word. How will you know the truth? Use your faith in the service of divine providence, the word to explain the world and the Spirit to guide and comfort you. Find a community of believers who share your passion for life, truth, hope, journey and love.
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Use Faith Step 3

Step 3. Have faith based on your foreground knowledge

Whatever your beliefs, it is important to have and increase faith in a lifelong learning path. Commit to building your faith in a belief system based on how much you know. Don't be an uninformed believer, because the message "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free" speaks of the priceless value of knowledge!

  • If you have a religious faith, commit to studying the basic texts of your belief. You are not a true Christian if you are content to listen to religious messages on the occasion of Easter or Christmas. All of this is not enough to live a faithful life. Open the sacred texts (such as the Bible or the Koran) and know the sources of your religion.
  • If you have faith in science or another non-religious belief system, question in a healthy (skeptical) way and stay open to other possibilities. A mind in the service of science can be just as closed as another if it is unable to perceive the right of others to live on the basis of a religious faith, because it considers it groundless.
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Step 4. Have faith in progress

Believe in your ability to achieve what you want or need, to go beyond your current condition, and to become the best person possible. Strive to be as self-reliant as possible, be a capable, self-sustaining person in this difficult world. Use your faith to connect, give yourself the best chance of success and faith in something. Set goals. Adapt and, if necessary, do so with a view to achieving your goals.

  • Having faith in a higher power does not exempt you and does not justify you if you do not care for the present. You are not a leaf twirling in the breeze of faith at the very thought that "God will provide" when you are unemployed and careless to find a job. Use your faith to support yourself, but not to relieve yourself of your responsibilities.
  • Having faith in people's progress and in the pursuit of humanity's inherent good means that you have to contribute. You cannot be satisfied with watching a sad documentary and "feeling bad" about the situation in third world countries. Do something about it now.
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Step 5. Show faith in your family and loved ones

If you can't trust the family, then who can you trust? Surround yourself with people you can rely on, who you can lean on in times of need - and try to do the same with others. A community of devoted believers is important, but a family in which people can rely on each other is absolutely essential to creating and sharing the "sense of oneness".

If you feel like the black sheep of the family or come from a poorly united family, try to correct it - or, failing that, join a more cohesive and loyal group elsewhere. Try spending more time in church, practice and share your faith with others, or find a secular community to share a common mission

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Step 6. Use doubt to reaffirm your faith

No person of faith is without doubt. When Einstein first observed quantum correlation - the phenomenon in which some particles are so deeply intertwined that they behave identically, even though they are spatially separated - he called it "spectral action at a distance," which shook his faith. in God and science, as well as his understanding of the world. But the power of this paradox ended up strengthening his belief in both. What we can observe might scare us, but we are faced with our world and our perception of reality, whether we want it or not.

Part 2 of 3: Sharing the Faith

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Step 1. Find a community of believers who think like you

It is much easier to use faith in a group of people who can help perfect it within an infallible system. As steel sharpens steel, so one person sharpens another. Find an association of believers near you, whether it's a church, a club, or another social group. Meet the people with whom you can practice your faith.

If you are having trouble finding a community that matches your beliefs in your area, consider connecting with people of your own faith over the internet. Blogs, message boards, YouTube groups and other religious congregations online are so widespread and effective that they form real communities. You will never feel alone

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Step 2. Make yours a faith-based family

If you have children, it can be difficult to educate them based on your faith. Do you want them to grow the way you grew up? Do you want them to grow up with your own beliefs or will you let them forge their own belief system the way they want? Creating an environment in which faith can flourish is an important thing in any family of believers. How you choose to do so is entirely up to you, based on your confessional creed, but it is vital to make faith a part of your reality and your family life.

  • If you are a believer, you could take your children to church and raise them according to your belief. Even if you are not that much of a believer, having them live the reality of a community of believers without prejudice can be a powerful and moving experience for you and for them. Let them see and appreciate how various people choose to express their faith and worship of God.
  • If you are a non-believer, it is important to share your beliefs with your children from an early age, but not to force them. Let them move within a wide range of different beliefs, faiths and ways of interpreting the world. Let them find their expression of faith.
  • As they grow up, try to respect their belief system and their belief in something. It may be different from yours, and even at odds, if you accept that it is. If you are a staunch atheist, what will you do if your child intends to get confirmed? If you are a very devoted person, what will you do if your child refuses to believe in your religion or expression?
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Step 3. Encourage friendships between believers

Don't fight and ask yourself questions. Establish strong bonds and lasting relationships with people who share your faith and pursuit. Faith-based friendships and romantic relationships will help you and the other person grow together in faith and teach you to support each other. If you have doubts, spending time with friends who have more solid certainties can help you turn doubt into a stronger belief and live a life based on faith.

Faith-based friendships don't have to revolve solely around one thing. You don't have to lock yourself in theological or scientific conversations with friends, nor do you have to constantly argue with those who have other scientific or religious beliefs. From time to time, even go for a run

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Step 4. Be generous

Open the door of your faith to let others freely take and offer you what they want. Faith works in mysterious ways in motivating actions and people. You will never know unless you communicate your thoughts by getting involved in things. While devotion can make some people approachable and kindhearted, it can make others arrogant, hinder confrontation, arrogant, and lead to uncompromising action. If you think that your representation of the world is the only one that is right, it can be difficult to listen and share thoughts and beliefs with someone who has another way of understanding faith. Do your best to share your concept of faith and spread the good news (gospel) carefully, observing respect for freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.

  • Make an effort to be together with people who believe and experience very different things from yours. Join other types of groups - such as a football club, a card club, a neighborhood club - and build faith-serving relationships with people who may believe and behave differently from yours.
  • Memorizing inspirational religious quotes and talking trivia can be a good thing from time to time, but make sure you follow a "tight regime" of faith. Faith is greater than any impressive quote, greater than any slogan. There is no priority lane to develop a deep faith in what you believe and to live a life centered on faith. Be generous and humble, but don't show pride, don't brag, and don't mortify others. Mortify yourself, be meek but also firm and determined.
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Step 5. Consider volunteering or missionary work

Whatever your beliefs, it is important to use your faith to reciprocate, both within your own community and in those that need help.

  • In religious communities, missionary journeys are often made up of groups of young people and represent a great contribution to the service of the community by some Churches. During missionary trips, groups of believers spread the word and usually do volunteer activities that are useful to the community, such as teaching, building houses and churches or doing other important work.
  • Non-profit secular organizations, such as the Peace Corps, the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders, usually do not discriminate and focus more on the humanitarian side of volunteering and less on "spreading the word." If your goal is to help, volunteering at a non-governmental non-profit organization can be a valuable way to do it.

Part 3 of 3: Finding Faith in Relation to Various Religions

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Step 1. Consider discovering a variety of faiths and belief systems if you wish

If you are struggling with a change in (or want to find) faith in something or are trying to give a name to what you feel but are having difficulty expressing it, it can be inspiring and exhilarating to join a group or congregation. The confirmation of higher power in an organized environment offers many people satisfaction, relief and strength. If you think you can be one of them, but you have not been educated in a religious context, by spending some time studying various confessions and religions, learning about their religious structure and finding the one that convinces you, you can give yourself the opportunity to make a good choice.

If you grew up in a church but feel dissatisfied, you may be going through a crisis. Are you using the doubt or perplexities you feel to reshape your beliefs? Or to find your faith elsewhere? Each person answers these questions on their own, but discovering new alternatives is a smart way to find answers. If you are dissatisfied with one community, try another. If your religion asks you more conceptual questions and torments than answers, start researching your belief or another. Have faith that you will find (and receive) the right answer

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Step 2. Study Buddhism

Buddhists have faith in the noble eightfold path, which is a method of living in moderation to end human suffering by eliminating pressing desires. Faith in Buddhism comes from the Pali word saddha, which refers to a sense of belief. The saddha is often described as "conviction and determination to achieve one's goals and cultivate a sense of joy". To learn more about Buddhism read the following articles:

  • How to Become a Buddhist
  • How to Recite a Buddhist Prayer
  • How to Practice Tibetan Buddhism
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Step 3. Study Christianity

Christians believe in one God, creator of the heavens and the earth, who manifested himself on earth in the person of Jesus Christ, who died for the sins of men. Christians believe that submitting to God's will and having faith in Christ is an essential part of saving the soul from eternal damnation. Christ told a parable about faith: "The one sown in the good earth is he who hears the word and understands it; this one bears fruit and produces now the hundred, now the sixty, now the thirty" (Matthew 13:23). more about Christianity read the following articles:

  • How to Accept Jesus as Savior
  • How to Seek the Presence of Jesus Christ in Your Life
  • How to Correctly Confess (for Christians)
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Step 4. Study Islam

Muslims believe that there is only one true God, called Allah, and that Muhammad was his prophet. Faith in Islam is called iman which involves submission to Allah, obeying, believing, proclaiming and behaving according to his will. Believers do daily prayers and rituals to nourish their faith. Read the following articles to learn more about Islam:

  • How to Pray in Islam
  • How to do ablution (in Islam)
  • How to Find the Qibla for Prayer
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Step 5. Study Judaism

Jews believe in the God of the Old Testament, called the Torah, where they recognize the value of faith and belief established by Abraham. Abraham believed in God's messages, which seemed impossible, but he obeyed them without question. This unshakable sense of faith in God is at the heart of Judaism. To learn more about the Jewish religion read the following articles:

  • How to convert to Judaism
  • How to celebrate the Jewish Passover
  • How to be Jewish
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Step 6. Study the universalist faith

Universalist Unitarians have no written creed to adhere to. Many of them don't believe in any God, while many do. But because it is a tolerant religion, they do not judge people of other religious beliefs. Many Universalist Unitarians celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah, while others celebrate neither, which allows you to explore the religious world in a tolerant environment.


  • When someone is sad, angry or scared it can be the best time to teach them faith in the love of God and his continued presence, such as during a storm rising on the lake, causing the boat to overturn, or as with those who threaten to harming a suspected or guilty neighbor.
  • Use the right times to teach, such as when children are in unusual situations or when they are of the right age to learn and put to good use what they learn. When events press on them, bringing out feelings of fear, greed, anger, euphoria, awe or wonder, you can accompany them in faith, showing them how events and God are at work and how they can learn in those situations.
  • Use joy and lighthearted events as opportunities to teach. People learn more while having fun. Share the fun of faith! Do not avoid and do not shake off this idea. Love for anything is not earned by absorbing anger and resentment. Who has never accused the great masters of being too harsh or boring?
  • Don't look for evidence that gives you absolute proof of your beliefs. This kind of proof is useless. God always leaves enough room for us to exercise our faith, but we expect to prove truly verifiable things, if we are qualified to do so, and the result should lead to the definition of some ideas and decisions based on the knowledge we have gained.
  • Whatever you call on in the name of the Lord, believe it will be given to you and yours.
  • It is surprising and surprisingly real that there are events and ideas that we forget almost immediately, while we remember others for a lifetime. To strengthen the power of knowledge and faith, we can meditate on truth and faith. Review, explain, teach, and use what you know multiple times over time.
  • Faith is not constant, but it can expand or shrink and cause people to learn more, as it blooms, withers and falls. So we can grow in faith and grace and open up, or we can relax, wait and stagnate, rot …
  • Be sure to admire the faith together with family and friends in the sunrise and sunset of each day, when you go to the zoo and when you observe the complex wonders of life, such as that of plants or the human body.
  • In fact, see if water turns into wine during a wedding, as Christ did. And if you find the money to pay taxes in the mouth of a fish: have fun and rejoice like never before (as did his disciples)! So, make faith a pleasant learning process through parables.
