What is Faith? We've all asked ourselves this question at least once. In the Book of Hebrews 11: 1 we find: "Faith is the foundation of the things that are hoped for and the proof of those that are not seen." Jesus speaks of the wonders that Faith can do in Matthew 17:20: "And Jesus answered them: Because of your little faith. Truly I tell you: if you have faith equal to a mustard seed, you will be able to say to this mountain: move from here to there, and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you. " Faith is a gift from God and to have Faith you must be in relationship with Jesus Christ. Just believe that He is really listening to you and then you have the Faith. It's that easy! Faith is a very important thing since everything that was done in the Bible was done by Faith. We have to look for it every day and night as it is so fundamental. The following article indicates only a few tips that will help you understand something more about how to have Faith. God loves you.

Step 1. Establish a personal relationship with God
God can do many things to strengthen your Faith in his Grace, but if you really want to attain the glory of Faith in God you must know him personally and you must desire to follow him to the end. Pray and grow with God and over time your Faith will grow as you will know Jesus Christ more and more.

Step 2. Seek Faith through God
The Bible clearly states in John 14:13: "and whatever you ask in my name, I will do; that the Father may be glorified in the Son." If you turn to God and ask him with all your heart to have the Faith, He will never deny it to you.

Step 3. Be patient and strong
As human beings we tend to desire things according to our times. But it is difficult for this to happen, we must have patience and wait for God's times to be blessed. Don't be discouraged and don't give up. While you wait you must always continue to pray to the Lord and you must remain focused on Him. As you wait firmly that God will give you the Faith you have asked for, you will begin to notice that that is Faith: believe!
- Open up to God for anything! Do not hide from Him as He knows all that is, has been and will be.
- Attend devoted circles as much as possible, including online.
- Remember that The Lord Your God will never reject you. Try with all your strength to always act according to His teachings and pay attention to the Salvation of the Lord.
- Remember to always turn to God for questions and never to men. Although this article was written by a man and not by God, the Holy Spirit has pervaded the hand of the writer. However, remember that the writer is a man, like everyone can make mistakes and will never be as close to you as God. So always turn to the Lord for any question, ask Him what Faith is since this article is just a small suggestion.
- Always do your best and God will give you Faith.
- Never be discouraged for any reason. God will always forgive you no matter how many times you go wrong. A testimony: "For at least a year I sinned against God even though I went to church … fornication, drugs and I was addicted to earthly things. I put people before God but a year later God gave me grace and forgave me by changing me completely."
- Never give up.
- Know that once you follow Jesus, He will make you happy, prepare yourself for the Joy that is there for you. God bless you.